Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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Hestia said:
^ I'd love to read that fic Skell. :D I haven't read sandle fics in the longest time and that scene has really stirred the inner sandle in me. And I hope you'll be posting often. ;) We need some newbies here, full of excitement to bring back some of the older members! We're in for a dry spell people, but we can always talk about past episodes and favorite scenes.

I actually finished my intro part to it... but I'm too new on to post it yet. D:
And I'm all for talking about older Sandle moments. Oh they're so cute! :3
Make sure to post a link when you're ready, Skell. ;) And if we're gonna start talking about older moments, let's do this right:
Time to post a Sandle Pic of the Moment (SPotM) to get the sandley juices flowing! :D

Sandle Pic of the Moment
(from Organ Grider)


An oldie but a goodie. The almost kiss! Why Greg? Why did you have to turn? So close... yet so far.

(With that, I'll retire to bed. *yawn* But when I wake up I hope to see a few new posts. Wish me sandley dreams everyone!
That has got to be - GOT to be - the cutest picture of the two, and one of their best scenes. I love that scene.
But really, why did he turn away? Bashful Greg… aw, it’s all right. We still love you. And Sara does too. :3

GAH it’s such a cute scene. :3
Well, when I’m allowed to post stories, I’ll post up the link for sure. I might be able to have a couple chapters done by then. ;D

G'night Hestia ! :D
I agree that Greg is pissed with Grissom. If Sara were Greg's, he would go after her. I think he blames Grissom for her leaving.
I agree with dirtylabrat if sara is with greg..he will stop her definitely...but well.. when i saw the clips of the whole gsr thingy...i felt heart broken...i think greg's heart break into pieces...

we should be positive always and we cannot give up. As a sandle shipper, we need to stand strong no mater what. We need to show other shippers that we are strong...We will support Greg no matter what...Rite Guys?! :D

well we have the SSCB...maybe sara's not leaving after all...maybe she's in Greg appartment all along...who knows? :devil:

I hope that Sara will come back in one of the eppi..So that greg will be happy and he will, flirt with her or do something more :devil: hehe

I really hope that when Sara came in the lab, the first guy she meet is Greg...or last. Because, when she meet him last, they will have plenty time to work..If you know what i mean :devil: :devil:

GOD!! I miss you guys...after reading all these post, i feel positive again...I feel happy(a little bit) and im happy to see new members...and my bestie Pau-Wow is here!!!!! miss you so much girl!!! Hes i miss you so much!!

I want to give all of you a hug...*Hugs everybody*

lets dance around the blue hawaiian like before!! *dances around the blue hawaiian fountain... :D
I agree with y'all, Greg is definitely pissed. And come on, who else should he blame? Grssom should make Sara come back - and then Greg would get one more chance! And this time he wouldn't turn his head when she's so close to him! ;)
Thanks a lot for the article, I wish the producers had listened to Eric Szmanda. *sighs*
Hes, sorry for making you sad. But somehow I can't think of any happy Sandle stuff right now :(
Hestia said:
So, yeah. Jealous Greg. Continuity. Thank you writers! :cool: And I came over here to have some positivity cookies and calm down. Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels so impassioned. Everyone seemed to forget about our dear Sara except for Greg (and Grissom).

As for sidlewannabee's question: I refuse to let this ship die. As long as I'm a CSI fan, I am a sandle fan. This ship thread shall continue, even if I'm the only one who posts. Sure I'm sad, but the Thanksgiving episode gave me hope. Just like Greg still carries a torch for Sara, however dim it may have become, so shall I carry a torch for this ship. Because in the end, hope is something we give ourselves. This ship was founded on it. This ship has crushed and revived it time and again, this ship is far from over.

Sandle is the ship of hope. That is all. (I think I need to change my sig.)

Safe to say my passion for sandle has been renewed. I may have new ships and new fandoms, but my original CSI ship (sort of) and this thread will always have a special place in my heart.

Sandle group hug!

*hugs Hestia* Thank you so much for this very uplifting post! I needed that. Because of that, and all the other lovely posts and the fact that this thread is alive again, I'm finally feeling Sandly again. My, I missed it! The Ship of Hope. That sounds so beautiful. We definitely gotta make that the title of our new thread, don't you guys agree? We gotta show the other shippers that we won't give up on Sandle. They're the best CSI ship and someday everyone will realize that. ;)

Kat, really sad poem, but I loved it. Especially the end; even though it's sad, it expresses hope. She'll come back for him!

And wow, so Greg was pissed in the last episode? Too bad they didn't show exactly why, but I guess it's obvious why. I mean, if my best friend and crush for the past 8 years was all of a sudden leaving, I'd be pissed and sad too!

The SPOTM is lovely! That scene is so cuteyful. Of course it sucks that he turned away, but I anyway love that. It shows how bashful and cute Greg is! Aww. :D
greg_sara_love said:
As a sandle shipper, we need to stand strong no mater what. We need to show other shippers that we are strong...We will support Greg no matter what...Rite Guys?! :D

well we have the SSCB...maybe sara's not leaving after all...maybe she's in Greg appartment all along...who knows? :devil:

… I really hope that when Sara came in the lab, the first guy she meet is Greg...or last. Because, when she meet him last, they will have plenty time to work..If you know what i mean :devil: :devil:

I totally agree with you, greg_sara_love ! We have to stay strong-willed and be patient. Sara isn’t going to come back for a while; however, when she does come back, we can only hope for the best. I heard that the majority of the writers are GSR fans…

What does “SSCB” stand for, by the way? :3
Hey Skell, the abbreviation "SSCBs" is an invention made by us Sandle shipper and stands for Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks. You know, sometimes there are episodes in which there are just no Sandle scenes - that sucks, doesn't it? But we realized that there are Sandle scenes after all, they're just too hot to be shown on the show and at that time of the day (because CSI isn't M-rated^^). So these scenes happen during the commercial breaks, and Sara and Greg love and enjoy them to the fullest :devil:

Okay guys, I'll go to bed now, it's 3.19am over here and I've just come back from the disco, thought I'd drop in and see what's going on here :) Good night!
Thanks SandleDL for the fill in! That's real cute... SSCB, huh? Haha... that's awesome.

Thanks again, and goodnight to you! :3 Hope the disco was enjoyable.
SaraStar said:
*hugs Hestia* Thank you so much for this very uplifting post! I needed that. Because of that, and all the other lovely posts and the fact that this thread is alive again, I'm finally feeling Sandly again. My, I missed it! The Ship of Hope. That sounds so beautiful. We definitely gotta make that the title of our new thread, don't you guys agree? We gotta show the other shippers that we won't give up on Sandle. They're the best CSI ship and someday everyone will realize that. ;)

Kat, really sad poem, but I loved it. Especially the end; even though it's sad, it expresses hope. She'll come back for him!

And wow, so Greg was pissed in the last episode? Too bad they didn't show exactly why, but I guess it's obvious why. I mean, if my best friend and crush for the past 8 years was all of a sudden leaving, I'd be pissed and sad too!

The SPOTM is lovely! That scene is so cuteyful. Of course it sucks that he turned away, but I anyway love that. It shows how bashful and cute Greg is! Aww. :D
You're most welcome, hun! And I'm so glad you put that "Sandle, The Ship of Hope" line in your signature. :D I wonder how many other sandle shippers will have some variant of this line. ;)

It would make a great thread title. And we need hope for the next one. (Unlucky 13! :eek:)

Heh, good ole' SSCB. I remember how messermonroe and later on, Kat (a girl of many writing talents) came and gave us the dirty thought of the day. :lol: And someone else would give the fluffy thought of the day. I miss that!

Oh, and it's okay that you can't think of anything overall fluffy right now, Kat. :) We just need to get into the midset, slowly but surely.

Naz has the right attitude (as always! :D)

greg_sara_love said:
we should be positive always and we cannot give up. As a sandle shipper, we need to stand strong no mater what. We need to show other shippers that we are strong...We will support Greg no matter what...Rite Guys?! :D

well we have the SSCB...maybe sara's not leaving after all...maybe she's in Greg appartment all along...who knows? :devil:

I hope that Sara will come back in one of the eppi..So that greg will be happy and he will, flirt with her or do something more :devil: hehe

I really hope that when Sara came in the lab, the first guy she meet is Greg...or last. Because, when she meet him last, they will have plenty time to work..If you know what i mean :devil: :devil:

GOD!! I miss you guys...after reading all these post, i feel positive again...I feel happy(a little bit) and im happy to see new members...and my bestie Pau-Wow is here!!!!! miss you so much girl!!! Hes i miss you so much!!

I want to give all of you a hug...*Hugs everybody*

lets dance around the blue hawaiian like before!! *dances around the blue hawaiian fountain... :D
Dancing in the Blue Hawaiian fountain!
Whoever installed it, extra posiivity cookies for you!
You know what would be great? If every Sandle shipper had that "Sandle - the Ship of Hope" in the sig, would be sign at least. I think I'll make a banner with it if Hestia doesn't mind. It definitely should be the title of the new thread? 13th already? Well, I love that number :D
I'll try to think of some Sandle fluff, I'll be around later ;)

(Edited for undoing bold letters in half of the post^^)
Yeah that's a great idea, that every Sandle shipper uses that line in their signature. And then we'll also make it the title of our next thread! Everyone needs to see that we're not giving up. :D I'm gonna make some banners with that text too!

To get the Sandlish feelings started again:

Perhaps we could start up some sort of writing competition for the Christmas holidays? I thought maybe we could all write a letter from Greg to Sara, or from Sara to Greg. You can make up yourself what's in it, besides the holiday greetings. Just to get positive again; Sara is gone, but she still writes to him (or he to her)!
I changed my signature. I think the song is fitting, too. :) To Greg, Sara does shine brighter then anyone else.

I can't wait for the next thread now, with the Hope title.
YES! That's the sandle spirit!
Sandle shippers uniting, sharing banners of hope! I'll be looking forward to the banners you all make; Kat, you know I don't mind, you're an writing/artistic genius! :D And Eva, that writing challenge sounds just like the kick in the backside we need to get back to maximum sandle-tastic fluff level. I'm feeling really good about this!
(I might make a banner myself.)
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