Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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^^I cracked and read the spoiler only that one though. Only because of the words, so cute. I am in desperate need of cuteyful Sandle moments. :D And sandersidle, *drops dead but comes back to life after a minute* that is just so cuuuuuuuuuute!!! I am screaming on top of my lungs here. It's just so sweet, adorable, cute, awesome, loveable and any other Sandly adjective I can think of! Oh. *sigh* :D :)

*goes back to her normal self* Okay. I'm calm. *deep breath*

Hello, randomshipper21!! Welcome to our humble ship and kingdom ;), Sandle! *shares Blue Hawaiian and positivity cookies*

Can somebody brief me on Sandleish secrets or something?
Well, we've got loads of secrets and codes here. Definitely Sandle ones. :) One of the greatest secrets here is the SSCBs - Secret Sandle Commercial Break. ;) There are those scenes that have too much Sandlygoodness that they take them out of the show and it happens during the break. For example, when Sara visited Greg in the hospital in Fannysmackin. Did you see that scene in the show? No, right? Well, that was in the SSCB. And so are Sara and Greg's dates in Organ Grinder and Who Shot Sherlock. Too see the SSCB, you need a lot of Sandle-love and imagination. ;) :D I hope you get what I mean though. If not, then maybe someone else can explain it more clearly to yeh. ;)

We also have our famous novel/book, a best-selling one I might add. ;) It's called, The Tale of Princess Grissom and Ballerina Hank: Losing Lady Sara to Greggo the Brave. Well that title says it all. ;) But Grissom was originally a flower girl but he just looks like a princess in the flower girl outfit. :lol: :p Chapter 1 is the Sandle Kingdom - we're royalty here ;) :p. Just to make everything clearer I'll look for the page where we piled all the stories we came up with and post the link. :D

We also have the Best - of the Day Sandle stuff that I don't see anymore. :( Here are some that I remember: Guys, if I left out any just add them in. :) [Note: These are not acronyms, obviously. :p]
Sandle Pic of the Day, Sandle Proposal Dialogue of the Day, Dirty Thought of the Day, Fluffy Thought of the Day, Sandle Family Dialogue of the Day, Sandle Quote of the Day, Sandle Photo Story, Sandle Poem of the Day and there's so much more I forgot some.

Well, that's all I can say right now. :) :D I'll add some more when I remember some other Sandly stuff. ;)
Once again I have returned after a horrible absence :(
I would just like to say:
*squeals* awwwwwwwwww I was literally jumping up in down when they were talking! :D

..And then she went to Grissom. Laaame. :rolleyes:

Also I liked the whole Grissom/Greg scene with the attic, I bet Greg was wishing Grissom was allergic to bees :devil: hehe

Oh and in the previous episode I have to point out the Nick and Greg talk about Sara and Grissom He's all 'Yea i knew.' pshh :rolleyes: I thought it was cute that Nicl thought Sara would tell Greg, that shows they really are closer than the others. :)
I likey the sandle momentsss
I really need to set time to get to this forum more often, I miss you guys sooo. :(
Oh, Carrie, I am so happy to see you! *hugs* :D I missed you so much. :D

Well, too bad for me because S8 hasn't been shown here yet. I'm still stuck with reruns... unSanddly epis. :( Glad to know there are good Sandle moments in S*. Can't wait. :D :)

And randomshipper, that tale I was talking about in my earlier post... Well, here you go! My Sandle-bestie, Jessie (come back, hun! I miss you lots!) and I made the dialogue but everyone in the thread came up with the whole idea. :D Presenting: The Tale of Princess Grissom and Ballerina Hank: Losing Lady Sara to Greggo the BraveAnd here's the cover: Cover

STORY: Grissom is the flower girl in Sara and Greg's wedding. He got lost in the desert and has no idea where to go and what to do.

Grissom: *Wandering around the desert aimlessly while holding Roachy the cockroach in his right hand* I guess it's just you and me now, pal...
Roachy: *Jumps off Grissom's hand and scurries off.*
Grissom: *Sighs and continues trying to figure out of way of getting out of the desert and out of the pink, girly dress.*

Grissom: *starts to wander around the desert until he is able to spot someone and runs toward him* Help! I need help! Can you please- You??
(Hank is sitting on a rock dresses in a tutu)
Grissom: You look like a 5 year old girl..
Hank: Looks who's talking..

Grissom: *Leans on Hanks shoulder crying his eyes out.* ...And then, I found out that they...they took a s-shower together!
Hank: *Who also is crying and getting his tutu all wet* There, there...It'll be okay. Why don't you try and get your mind off her.
Grissom: *Sniffs* I mind is rather heavy...
Hank: No, I mean...Oh never mind. Right now, we need to find someone to help us.
Grissom: Will they put us in a warm room with cocoa and a nice nurse?
Hank: Yes, dear Grissom, they will. Now, let's go.
*Grissom and Hank walk for a few minutes and suddenly-*
Hank: Look Grissom! There's a car!
Grissom: Car Ahoy!
*Ballerina Hank and Princess Grissom run up to the car, but as they get closer, Grissom stops and his jaw drops*
Grissom: You?!? What...what on earth are you doing?
Ecklie: *Dressed as Elvis* I'm the King, baby. Thank you very much!

Hello my dears . Now I'm back for good .
I missed my Sandle ... our Sandle so much . In the meantime I watched some Sandlish eps on DVD and thought about something new to write , but my fairy didn't help .
I've come with a new [/u]Sandle Rewritten scene [/u]
that I hope you'll enjoy .

from Swap Meet

GREG: Hot shoes.

SARA: You think these are sexy, huh?

(Greg shrugs.)

SARA: Did you know that shoes like these put degenerative stress on the hip
joints, throw off the curve of the spine, and the tilt to the pelvis, over time,
women get headaches, sore backs, shortened calf muscles and bunions, of course.

(Sara stands up.)

GREG: I take it back. (whispering into her ear) I like you without shoes like this ... actually I like you without anything on you ...

SARA (whispers): Greg !!! you little perv !!! (yells) what , do you like to see me naked ?
Everyone turns to look at them .
GRISSOM : What did you say ?
GREG : Nothing , just talking about the case .
Then takes Sara by the hand and leads her next to the dumpster .
GREG : I told you not to say things like that in front of Grissom . You may give him a heart attack , you know ?
Oh Dani that scene is great!!! Love it!

Ah I've read the spoilers... guess I should really find the time to watch the episodes... sounds great.

Oh and welcome randomshipper, hope you have fun here! This is by far the best place to be for all Sandle-fans! :)
*gasp* Weren't Sandle absolutely A-M-A-Z-I-N-G when Sara asked Greg "Missed me yet?" and he said "More and more everyday."

It showed us that he still loved her & will always no matter what! :D
When did that happen ? can you tell me ? it sounds so funny ... and hot and everything . What episode ?
Hey guys! I've just returned from Rome. I'm dead tired, but it was amazing. I missed all of you though!

So I'm reading something about an "Missed me yet?" scene. What is it? I'm so excited. So season eight will have Sandle moments. Great to hear. :D
Yes we got ourselves a shippy scene! (A bit late in commenting but I am pretty busy at the moment) It was so adorable and we all know Greg meant it. He misses her more everyday. Awwww! I'm in a hurry at the moment, but I shall come back to "Awww" a bit more and read over what I've missed. It may have ben a small moment, but it was great. :)

P.S: The preview! Wow... :eek: I just hope Sara isn't impulsive like Warrick. (<-- Hope this isn't spoilery)
So, point for Sandle!
The 'Missed me yet?' thing was to put this?...Lacking in the amount of Sandle that we most desperately need upon the arrival of this rumour that threatens to take the Dle out of our Sandle. And I don't like just SAND! It gets in your shoes and your pants and it's hard to walk on. And like real sand the Sand of our ship can't stand up to the weight of the world on his own. He needs his Dle and goshdarn it he will keep his Dle! And there's nothin' that any cockroach lovin' bug man can do about it!
...But other than that I'm beginning to appreciate Grissom's humor and witty takes on things...but about being with Sara, me likey not so much.
araSgerG said:
So, point for Sandle!
The 'Missed me yet?' thing was to put this?...Lacking in the amount of Sandle that we most desperately need upon the arrival of this rumour that threatens to take the Dle out of our Sandle. And I don't like just SAND! It gets in your shoes and your pants and it's hard to walk on. And like real sand the Sand of our ship can't stand up to the weight of the world on his own. He needs his Dle and goshdarn it he will keep his Dle! And there's nothin' that any cockroach lovin' bug man can do about it!
...But other than that I'm beginning to appreciate Grissom's humor and witty takes on things...but about being with Sara, me likey not so much.
lmfao! Well, about that rumor... erm... wait I don't know what one you're talking about. :lol:
The one about Sara leaving or the one about Sara and Grissom getting married? -_- Or both? I read in an artical they're breaking up, and promos tend to be misleading. So maybe the pleasantly surpized look she gave Grissom wasn't actually about the perposal. Maybe she'll say no? Hopefully?
Yay! :D There's lotf os posties. :) Nice to see you my Sandle buddies! :) *hugs Del, Hes, Dani, araSgerG, sandersidle and Eva* It's been awhile since I gave you guys a hug! :)

And yay! A Sandle scene... a pretty sweet one too. :) I still haven't read the spoilers. I couldn't believe I survived this long. :)

I'll cross my fingers for more juicy Sandles in the upcoming epis! :)
The first one.

But hey a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. At least this one is in the right direction. So we just gotta keep Sandle-Faith :)

Which is defined as the strongest thing known to mankind. End of story. :D
ouh..ic... love the spoilers, Hiee!!! miss you guys really much!! :D lovely post you all got there...hehe
Wow! I really hope that Sara will say no (If Grissom wannna propose to her)...if she says yes, i will faint. Poor Greg :(..but hey look at the bright side :Dman...There's still a little hope for Greg. And yeah i heard that Grissom breaking up with her..Yahoo!!

Oh my God, in the latest episode! Greg bounced in and was all excited to work with Sara! :)THAT SCENE MADE MY DAY! Well technically, he wanted to learn about Sam's hotel-but we all know that he wants to work with SARA! Loved their smiles and little smirks!

So cute!

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