Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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Agreed with Delia (hi Del! :)) We got some great scenes with Greggo in full KKBB-mode. His adorable knowledge about mobsters and all that definitely made Sara smile even when she acted like she was annoyed (who can stay annoyed at him when he's all bubbly like that?)

They worked a case together and the scenes were great. I just wished Sara learned something from Warrick...

Why did she have to accept Grissom's proposal? She should have heeded that bee's warning. I mean, first of all, the proposal wasn't particularly romantic (in a bee suit? While at a bee farm... place? Really bug man? That's the best you could do? Well, at least the suits kept them from locking lips – literally! :eek:) He said the bee wouldn't hurt her and it did! It stung her! Foreshadowing of him hurting her! Or... I'm just overreacting. Yeah, probably the second one.
But not even that got me too down. The sandle scenes were like the much needed spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. (If I sound snarky or bitter, I don't mean to be. I just sort of recovered from another blow taken to one of my ships in another fandom. Thursday was not a good day for my ships. Ugly Betty and CSI writers sure know how to be cruel: cute moments here and there to raise my hopes, then the crushing blow! :p)
Hestia[/b] said.]I think you have a point. I never thought of it that way. :eek: But I'm so confused because there were spoilers from Austello that they were going to break up and now they're getting married!? But I made up a senario. :p Grissom and Sara are getting married and Grissom says he does and then Sara can't. And she runs outside of the church or wherever they are and Greg is out there because he couldn't bare to see them get married (lol) and he doesn't understand why she's out there and she tells him it's because she loves him so she couldn't do it. That'd make my life. :lol:

Yeah the Sandle scenes were so cute. I was squeeing because she gave him her look that she only gives him when he asked to help her. Aw!
Hestia: Hope you get better! :(

I think that the engagement will be called off sooner or later. *whistles innocently.* I mean, we all know by now that Jorja is leaving.

Spoilers say that Sara will return... and I hope that's not because of some unwanted pregnancy. :( And if it is! IT BETTER BE GREG'S BABY! :lol: :D
Well, after that last episode the only thing that comes to mind are the immortal words of Sheldon Plankton: "Well, this stinks."
I'm worried and there's this killer knot in my stomach, but even should the very worst happen, we'll always have fanfiction.
:lol: The engagement is arrrrrgh. :( *screams*

Hell Sandle will begin a steeeamy hot affair and then she'll cancel the engagement! :lol:

*Hey, a girl can dream!*

im so angry when i watch the clip :mad: u realise, when sara wif grissom, theres problem...when sara's with greg...shes happy and laughing...i think there will be hope for greg...*praying*
Howdy guys, just thought I'd pop in and say, even though somethings may not be looking up, we KNOW that Sara and Greg are MEANT TO BE!!
Hey guys! Haven't been in here for so long. I haven't been in a Sandlish mood lately, with the recent happenings on CSI. But, I don't think we should give up! We are the positive shippers after all. I'm definitely gonna write a fic soon, just to give you (and myself) some Sandle love, now that CSI is lacking it.

*hugs everyone* I missed you!
*Hugs everyone! Please, guys! You know that we are ALWAYS in the mood for Sandle!*

Welcome back! Missed you all and YES, Liffy: we are MEANT TO BE! *Hugs!*
Sorry I haven't been here for a quite a while. :) I'm kind of in the same mood as Eva... not so Sandlish. But don't worry guys I'll stay positive about Sandle. :)
*eats positive cookies* School is a bummer so I have to be away for a while. :( Keep spreading Sandle love! I have turnes my 3 friends into CSI watchers not for long they'll be Sandle shippers!!! :D

Ciao! :)
Hey guys,

Please keep in mind that all posts must contain at least three full lines of on topic discussion. Off topic discussion should be kept to a minimum and it should never overshadow the on topic discussion.

I thought for sure we were going to get some good Sandle moment. The one that we got just sort of depressed me. I don't know why. Sara just looked so sad and Greg looked like he felt absolutely helpless. Like he wanted to help her so bad, but didn't quite know how.

Sorry 1CSIMfan. We'll do our best to stay on topic.

Hey everyone. It's been a while since I was here, hasn't it? At least I'm not the only one who feels her sandle-positivity wavering a bit. New fandoms are part of it, though the fact that I keep missing the beginning of most CSI episodes because of my class schedule hasn't helped. I did manage to catch the last 35 minutes of the most recent "Halloween" episode which was really cool.

It's weird how I was so excited about the Greg/Sara moment we got when it first aired but now I'm getting what Michelle is. Kind of depressed... I don't think we need spoilers for Sara's "confession". For those who don't know, she confided in Greg that she was feeling like what they do isn't enough. Kind of hopeless because crime rates keep increasing. It sure does set the stage for Sara's likely departure.
As a Sara-shipper, primarily sandle-shipper, this is kind of disheartening. Bittersweet moment with the two in the locker room.

I hope none of you mind a spoiler pic! Just one. The others will be links. The newly dubbed: SPOTM.

[/b]Sandle Pic of the Moment[/b]
(from The Chick Chop Flick Shop)


I missed doing these. Maybe this will spark some activity in this thread.
Some more pics for those who'd like to see them: Sara is pondering something. Greg is willing to listen.
And to lighten things up: Because Smiles Don't Lie.

I think I feel a bit better. :) (credit goes to the wonderful Beyond Imagination)
That scene was great, like an oasis in the desert of anti-Sandle, the scene was relief. It was sorta like, "Hey, have you gave up on Sandle yet? 'Cause it's over....NOT!"
Like just when you give up hope on some Sandle happening before Sara's gone BOOM! there it is.
...Now, where was that Sandle-love when Bugman-in-a-Beesuit gave Sara the least romantic proposal ever, hmm?
Oh I feel so bad for not having posted here for such a long time. I haven't even watched the new season so far... but I love that pic, it's really cute and there's something in the way he looks at her that tells me he hasn't given up yet.

Sandle Quote of the Day

Be a dreamer. If you don't know how to dream, you're dead.– Jim Valvano

I think that fits Greg, because despite everything he's gone through, he hasn't lost the ability to dream and hope - and that is why he'll never give up on Sara.
(Hm, stupid argumentation, huh? Whatever...)
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