Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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greg_sara_love said:
i think the whole sara under the car thingy is all grissom's fault.... he rubbed his hands to her arms during the shift.... greg wont do that...he will do something more than that after shift.. :devil: :devil:
Hehe I love your dirrty mind! I bet it wasn't her arm Greg rubbed after shift, somewhere in the lab, in Grissom's office or in the SUV... :devil:
Hope you get better soon Naz! Have some Sandle drugs and you'll be fine in no time!
Hey guys! OMG, i get to watch HP on wednesday!!! Can't wait for that :D

And I just watched Die Hard 4.0, definately something Greg would totally love. Hahaha, I can see him dragging Sara along to watch it with him :p
LOL I'm gonna watch Die Hard soon I guess, sounds like loads of action, just what I need right now! ;) About HP: I didn't see the last one actually, maybe I should do that before. But the reviews I read so far weren't so good. The problem is that I make my own images while reading, and I hate it when it's different in the film.
But I like the idea of Sara and Greg watching movies together, he'd be like "Wow, seen that? Man that was a stunt, damn that's cool!" and Sara rolls her eyes like "Omg when will he take his eyes off this stupid old man in that lousy shirt and pay attention to the really important thing - me?!" And just when she absolutely doesn't expect it at all, he leans over and kisses her...

I'm not sure - have we already had one? However, this is my personal
Sandle Pic of the Day


(from Crowsfeet)

He's got this "Wow, have I ever told you you're hot?" look ;) and I love his sun glasses! :D
Kat hun I love that pic! Crows Feet is just the most absolutely the best episode EVER cos there's SANDLE AND CATNIP!!!

Rawr. :devil:

He has the whole cool dude pose goin, "Hey, I'm Greg. What's your name?" :lol:

Haha, Sara would just slap him on the head! "Pay attention pretty boy!!"

Ahh....such love. It's utter sap!
Yeah that episode's really cool! :D
Well guys, I hate so say it but it's leaving time again. :( See ya on Friday, I'll be back with lots of Sandle stuff!
*hugs everyone*
loove the pic...hunnie... the sunglass reminds me of him in this movie, 'little athens' :D my ankle is not doin good...but i am so damn stubborn to run again.... :lol:

right now i am pissed. i have no justice :D in sch, my friends ignore me and went with the other girls. i am pissed right now. i cant express my anger :mad: :mad:

right now i need positivity cookies and some sandle love... :D i really hope that sandle will be canon....i would want to see them least a kiss... :devil: :devil:

oh man...i am pissed right now... :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad:
Hello everyone! :D Whoah! :eek: The pic is smokin'. ;) Really good choice. :D Don't those two just look adorable. :)

Will miss you, Kat. Bring us a lot of goodies. :D And lucky you, Liff, I'll watch HP on Friday night. :D Can't wait.

Oh dear, Naz. :D Hope you feel better soon. Funny thing is I feel the same way. Really. Since yesterday. :( I feel awful too because this friends keeps leaving me behind. And always dragging my best friend with her. :mad:

*thinks of Sandle* I feel better. :) *gives Naz a warm Sandly hug* Hope you feel better soon :)
aww...thanks sweetie Pau thats really sweet of you...*hugs back* yeah....when i started thinking of sandle, i will always smile.

Sandle can really make us smile and laugh...cuzz of greg...hes the funny type and sara need that kind of guy to change her life. cuzz she's boring :rolleyes: she really need him.... thats why the writers made her character like that and greg's character like that they will fit with each other... :D

they both are like a missing jigsaw puzzle. they need each other to complete the love... :D and btw... i will really miss you hunnie Kat :D see you soon....
Well said, Naz. :D Yeah, definitely. :) Greg is everything Sara's not. They're a perfect match because each is the other's half. [Hope you get what I mean :)] It would be just boring if they are exactly the same. :) Right? ;) See.. They're a match made in heaven. :)
haha...thanks sweetie Pau and i get your meaning...yep...they really the match made in heaven. The love each other but they dont know yet. Fate that brought them together. you know when fate brought them together, no one let me repeat, NO ONE can separate them....*CoughEvenGrissomCough* :devil:

ouh yah..i have a poem for all of you.. :D

Sandle Poem Of The Day

There are many clouds, but the sun is you
There are many women, but the best is you
To forget me is up to you
To forget you I will never, ever do

hehe..i have nothin to do...but that poem is from my friend to give it to her boyfriend :D
Oh my word you guys!! We're on #12!!! Blue Hawaaian for everyone!! I know I'm a little late but us shippers can always stand for a little more Sandle Lovin'.
Hey guys! Can anyone see Greg dressing up as Harry to go to a Harry Potter premier??

:eek: OMG cos i can totally see it and he's going to drag Sara along, making her roll her eyes at him the entire night! :lol:

Ahh...i drive myself silly sometimes :p
Nice poem! Short but so true!
Naz, sorry to hear that you're feeling bad. Have some positivity cookies!
Ah a kiss would be soooooo wonderful! Maybe when they find Sara and she's back in the lab, Greg won't be able to suppress his feelings and his relief and he'll kiss her on the cheek (a real kiss wouldn't be realistic I'm afraid...) while everyone else is watching! And Grissom will be like "WTF?!" and Sara - she'll give him the typical Sara smile. And who knows what will happen later..?
Everything's fine here in Münster, I've already made a walli and a banner *lol* now I have to get back to work, although there's not much to do anyway. See you! *big hugs to everyone*
Hahaaa. I can totally see Greg dressed as Harry. And Sara as Hermione... now that I come to think of it, she is a little like Hermione. Hermione is obsessed with her school work, and Sara with her CSI work. Haha.

I watched 'Nesting Dolls' today; I so love that episode (even though the person Sara told her story to wasn't the person it should've been...). It's so cute when Greg is concerned about Sara's suspension and wants to help her. 'Sara has always had my back!' Aww. :D
Hello hello! :D

That poem is sweet, Naz. :D Really adorable. Two thumbs up! Whoot! :D I should call you, Sweetie Naz. ;)

Greg as Harry? I can totally see it. :D And Sara as Hermione? Oh yeah!! I might not ship Harry and Hermione but it's totally cute to see Sara and Greg dresssed as them! :D All this Potter talk makes me more excited. Im gonna see it on Friday. Bellatrix, here I come. [I adore her. *dont hate me*] :D

Can't wait for your goodies, Kat. :) And I like that idea. :) And Sara might like tell Greg to say a little longer after everyone will leave. She wants Greg to be with her until she falls asleep. :D

Leapin' Lizards is on tonight! Can't wait, Ive ehard it's an awesome epi. Are there any Sandle though? :)
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