Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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I would love a episode with that name ... it would probably be my favorite . I knew about Organ Grinder ... but about What's eating Gilbert Grissom I didn't ... thanks for sharing the informations .

(Now I got the excitement out of my system!)
HEY, GUYS! How's everyone?

Oh and I can hear them--Sandle--:eek:--They're in the supply closet alright! Going at it! :devil: darlin C.Del lovely that you're here...hunny...i love ur avatar hunny...that is what i call gentleman....

haha they're in the closet eh... :D :lol: and they dont want to come out :D
*waves* Hi guys! I have to make a quick post. Sorry, I can't read your previous posts. I just don't have the time. :( But tomorrow, our dismissal is early so expect me to be here. :D

Just dropping by to say hello! :D Nice that you guys are still going strong. I miss being here. *tear* School is still sucking the life out of me. And this is my only post today. :(

I just want to say that a teacher of mine watches CSI but she doesn't have any ships. But she think Sandle is cute. Woo! :D And I hope you guys continue the Tale of SAndle Kingdom. And Eva, you're not the only one who is miserable because of school. I'm here. :) Let's cry together. *cries*

*walks out from the thread leaving behind edible confetti*

Keep Spreading Sandle-love guys! Love you all.. ;) And I'll read your posts tomorrow. :D

PS. E. Del, love your avatar. ;)
Naz + Pau: Thanks! I love the avatar too! It's from 'Monster In a Box' where they worked together! :D

Pau + Eva: I hate school. It is hell. I've just got my reports and it was great, but I was completely ignored today because this stupid bitch told everyone things that weren't true... :( Now the whole class hates me.
Oh well, school isn't my life. :D
Wor k sucked today, too... Honestly, on days like this I just want to get out of the lab and scream in frustration and go home! How's it possible that Greg's always in a good mood? Wait, I know - it's because he knows that sara is near, and that she'll find ways to cheer him up! .evil:

Pau, Del, big hugs to you because your days were just as bad as mine!

Sandle Quote of the Day

Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
(Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy-Rabnutin)

Greg's love grows even stronger the longer Sara is away from him...
EEE! You're all depressing me with miserable school stories! My school ended may 20th and I go back on august 23rd. I'm scared now :(

K. Naz, I love when they slide subtle Marilyn Manson things in CSI! Like the one time Greg was dancing around with a glove on his hand to 'The Fight Song' did you know Eric Szmanda was in one of Marilyn Mansons music videos? :confused:

Hark! What is that I hear? Something from the storage closet...Well, I'd rather not investigate that. :lol: Let's let Greg and Sara do that. :devil:
Girls , I am happy now and I wanna share the happiness with you *throws them pices of her happiness* . I had a beautiful day , because mom had to go out and I stayed and took care of my little Eric with Stephen ... wonderful day . I know , Car , it is the vid (s)Aint . I didn't like it !
Hey, my afternoon was very good, too! Tomorrow I'll be able to ride again, and I helped with the young horses again - I think I just fell in love with a girl! *lol* this little mare is really cute!
Tonight's episodes here will be "Snakes" and "Nesting Dolls". Are there any good Sandle or at least Greg scenes? Well I know the end of Nesting Dolls - how I wish Greg would have been there to hold her hand...
Hey everyone! I miss you all! Well tomorrow everything's over. I have two tests left - Latin and history. Cross your fingers for me, I'll need it. ;) But after that, the school year is almost over, which means a lot of free time which I can spend here. I'll come here more often! :D Cannot wait for it. I love this thread.

Aw Pau, school sucks indeed. *hugs tight* We'll make it through. Just think of your favorite Sandle moment when things are hard. :)

Oh and I agree with you guys; The Fray are amazing! I'm gonna see them live in November; I cannot wait for it! :D And thanks to them we have such a cool title for our Sandle thread. I love this song, now even more than before!
I love the fray , the song how to save aq life made me cry ... I'm sad because I live far away from you ... think posaitive , school is wonderful , we make friends , I so love school ! And I think school made me a CSI fan ... long story . So I adore school , because you know , I wanna finish biochemistry thanks to Eric's character . Greg made me understand that I must do what I want in life .
I know it sounds stupid and far to grown-up, but school really is important! I've realized that.

Is it right to watch a film about Sophie Scholl's last days and write simultanously? Sophie was a German resistance fighter, she and her brother Hans wrote leaflets against Hitler and the Nazi regime, they got caught and were sentenced to death. She was only 21, just like me. Hard to imagine... makes be thoughtful.

I need to iron my clothes.

I've decided that I won't watch CSI today. I'll rather watch some Sandle vids later! ;)
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