Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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*Liff pops in singing along to the Fray*

OMG - I LOVE THEM!!! Their songs are uber cool! "She Is" is purrrdy!

Anyhow, how are we all today? HAPPY SANDLE DAY!!!!!!


You're all depressing me with miserable school stories! My school ended may 20th and I go back on august 23rd
I can't believe I'm about to say this, but school's over for me, but I'm going back next year to work there! Ahhh! Hahaha, it would be so cool cos i'm coming back as a teacher! lol :lol:

Sandle rocks! Where's Del?? HUNIIIIII! :lol:

OOh, Naz hun, have fun in JB! KL is my hometown...i've actually never been to JB. Wait...scratch that. I have :D Loooooong time ago!

*carts out trays of chocolate cake* Enjoy!
Liff, nice to see you! And yes, I love all The Fray songs, one of my favorites is "Heaven forbid". "Heaven forbid you end up alone and you don't know why. Hold on tight, wait for tomorrow, you'll be alright..." Sandle song for me!
Thx for the chocolate cake, I've already had half a bar of chocolate, I'm addicted to chocolate!^^ I love my daily drugs which are Sandle, the horses, chocolate and music! :D
*catch a piece* chocolate cake , my fav . I am sleepy ... is late ... 11 pm here . A teacher ? Sounds great to me ! Good luck K. Liff ! Btw , I just became a rookie ! over 200 posts 1 hurray !
SaraStar said:
Hello my dears! I missed you all. School's crazy. I really need posivity cookies to keep faith; I'm pretty stressed. Tomorrow I have my exam Greek. :eek: I'm scared. Think of me! It'll help me. :p

Hes, so far I love your pick of SPOTDs! The Bully For You scene is one of my all-time favorite scenes. It's just too cute how Greg turns around, says that and then walks away, leaving Sara. And her smile. Ahh. I love it.
I missed that post before, so I just want to say I have definitely been thinking of you, Eva and I've been hoping school doesn't get too bad for you. Also, seeing all the other posts (mixed emotions) about school I'll say I'm sorry for those who are suffering in school (Pau, Eva, Naz, and even Carrie); you all deserve special positivity cookies in the shape of Greg and Sara! For those who are actually having a good time... well you're lucky (but no special cookies for you! :p You'll have to settle for the regular positivity cookies. :lol:)

And thanks for the nice word on my pics. A page back there was talk about the hug in Who Shot Sherlock, but I think I'll present the original hug between our two. :)

Sandle Pic of the Day
(From Dead Ringer)


So Liff came back and he brought cake (bribery!) I would've rescued him if he was being held captive by another thread... even though I'm mainly a protector of girls. So if any girl here is ever held captive by another thread, send for me and I'll come to your rescue!

~Hidden under dim embers of the hearth, I patiently sit and lurk. Guardian the soft fires of sandle, self-appointed keeper of the friendship between Sara and Greg, I am the patron saint of sandle girls (particularly here), whom I've grown fond of and will defend them from the ship bashers and anti-sandle trolls.~

I just need to find some theme music! :D (Not The Fray, please. ;))
Thanks for the pic, Hestia, it's so cute! Look at the way she smiles - she doesn't want to let go of him...

Before I go to bed, I'll give you a

Fluffy thought of the Day which is also a teaser for my next one-shot ;) (but please don't get impatient, I may need some more days to finish it...)

Sara’s sensuous lips were smiling at him, and she squeezed his hand.
“Look at the sky”, she said and pointed upwards with her right hand. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
There were millions of stars pinned at the black velvet sky, shining down at them and erasing the lights of Las Vegas from their own little world. The air was cold and crystal-clear. The wind softly caressed their bodies and formed a melody in their minds.
He bent forward and kissed her tenderly.
“It’s just as beautiful as you.”

Good night! :)
The "fluffy thought of the day" is wonderful , C.Kat !
Part2/3 of The one and only love of my heart
The final decision

I was sitting today and looking at them both … I made them hate each other and I didn’t even notice . Why am I so dumb , it was obvious . Yesterday , from an reason unknown by the others , Greg was sad , very sad and he even yelled at Nick , at his best friend . Unknown reason … I feel it so hard to breathe , is like my lung doesn’t want to take air … that I am not allowed to breathe . And it hurts . Too much … is like my body is revolting . I want to cry , I feel guilty , I feel so bad … everything is hating me . I even hate myself for what I’ve done .
Today I try to reach Greg , to talk to him … but he’s avoiding me , like he did all the week . He refuses to go on cases with me . He doesn’t look into my eyes anymore . We don’t talk often and when we do it , we talk only about the cases . He has become a ghost . Is like he’s not eating anymore , he’s not sleeping anymore .
One day I saw him walking out of the locker room crying . Not really crying , but his eyes were red . He said it was an allergy , but I didn’t believe him . He says he loves me like a friend and I don’t buy that either . He … cares for me more than that , is easy to see it in his eyes . I feel his pain inside and it’s ripping me apart . It’s horrible … I see he turns his eyes when he sees me and Gil together . When he has a case together with Gil he fight to hold back the tears … he just wants to finish quicker and leave the room .
I think he started smoking again . He told me he only smokes when he’s sad or stressed . Now he’s both . And … he drinks a lot of alcohol . He’s killing himself because of me . Me . Sara Sidle , the persons that destroys all the persons she met . I mess all their lives . I destroy their will . I am like a virus .
Greg is the person that helped me any time I needed help , that calmed me any time I was mad . He was the only light in the darkness of the job and made me shine like a star . The Star of Las Vegas world , how he called me . I know he meant … his Star . I am thinking that I was so wrong when I thought he cared for me in any way but like a lover … his feelings were more deep , more powerful than I believed .
I just stay there and look at the ceiling . Is like I hope he is going to tell me what should I do … because I have no idea at all . The room is silent … the TV is turned on , nut I am not paying attention . It does not help with the choice . But , let say I am breaking up with Gil … what is Greg going to say ? That I … never loved Gil , and I will never love him ? That I am a bad woman ? I am , I know it . And Gil … if I will be with Greg he will not feel good … but my heart is telling me that I shouldn’t think , I should just act . To close my eyes and open my heart , and see who is there , who is really there . Who really is the one and true love of my heart ? I want to see this … to understand .
Gil … I know him for a long time . He is the one that helped me became a criminalist , that showed me that I can do whatever I want .
But Greg … yeah , Greg . He so sweet . He loves me , he is himself around me . Tears are streaming down my face when I think the pain I provoked in that loveable heart of his . I remember all the times he made life seem so easy to me … with him I feel like flying . And my heart here is going crazy only at the thought of him . I have butterflies in my stomach any time he touches me . I smile when he smiles . I am sad when he is sad . This has to mean something , am I right ? If I don’t love him , why do I think at him all the time ?
Yeah , I understood that I love him so much that it hurts … the pain I feel is because I don’t have the guts to tell him . I feel powerless , my mouth can speak sometimes when he’s with me . I just because I can’t say a word . I stop listening to my mind , she’s lying . My heart is telling me so … my instinct in telling me the same thing .
I LOVE GREG . It took me to much to realize . Way too much pain for those words . But I love him … this is the final decision . I never realized it before … silly me . But he is the one that really captured my heart … the last thing I have to do is tell him … and hope that I didn’t misunderstood somehow his feelings for me .
I love Greg … I love Greg … I love Greg … the words are echoing into my mind . They will until tonight … I feel like a teenager that’s in love for the first time . I have five more hours to wipe away the tears , to smile and think what I am going to say to him .
Oh , I forgot … I have to tell Gil we have to break up . It would be sad but … I want Gil to understand that I’m not in love with him . That he’s only a friend , a good friend for me … that I don’t share his feelings . I know he’ll be sad , I know he’ll cry . But I just can’t be with him …. This would kill them both . He’ll find a nice girl after all . He’s a good guy . But he’s just not the man .
I found the love of my life in Greg . I can’t wait to see the reactions tonight .
*runs to the thread and hugs everyone*

:eek: I missed a lot. I feel like a newbie. *shy* :lol:

Hello guys! :D I just woke up from a nap. What a tiring day this day was. Whew! And.. Yay! I have a break for 2 days... weekend! *party* I'm so excited because we'll be going to my niece's house. :)

Guys, thanks for the "congratulations" on me being a Pathologist. :) *hugs* So, today, we had this activity where we should write the intials of a friend we just met over the summer. And I thought of you guys. ;) So, I wrote in my paper, SB, Sandle-buddies! Tehee! :)

Or will she? You'll just have to wait and see.
Oh CJ. I am so excited. :D

M. Dannielle, I love your stories. :D *hugs* You're very talented. Write more! I am printing them... :D

Naz + Pau: Thanks! I love the avatar too! It's from 'Monster In a Box' where they worked together
You're welcome. :) I just love that scene. Greg is such a gentleman. :)

Oh, Del and Eva.. *hugs* I hate school. Now, we're learning College Algebra. And I'm not even in College yet. :mad: Argh! My school has a really high standard in teaching. Sometimes, it's too high that my school work suck the life out of me. :( Huhuhuhu! I want some cookes. *tear*

I love the FTOTD, C. Kat. :D So sweet! ;) And the SPOTD, E. Hestia, very cute! I can watch that scene over and over and over again. :)
Hey , C.Pau , you are back ! *hurray for C.Pau* ! I woke up from an afternoon nap ! To your niece's houyse ? you gonna see the little girl ? Wonderful !
Hello M. Dannielle. :D When I posted that, I just woke up from a nap too. ;) Yep. I'm gonna go see my niece, little Sara ;) yesterday. So.. How's Eric??

And now for some Sandleness, I just read a fic by Witchgirl and it's so sad (I cried!) because Greg has cancer but Sara was there for him. I don't know if guys have read that already. I'll post the link if I dig it up. I'm still crying.. *sniff* :( :)
Pau: I'm transfering actually to a geek school. :lol: Anyway, I am a geek actually. At the school I am in now, I actually get one of the best reports in class. Heheh, I'm such a geek (and an angel!). *blushes*
Hahah... Here are the cookies! *Hands Pau cookies!*

Liff: OH HERE I AM! Hello! How've you been?

Oh God, Sandle is by FAR my favorite thread! People are so nice! Cuteyful people and cuteyful ship! WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD! :) (Doing it the cuteyful way of course!)

Kat: Cute moment! I love it!

Okay... um here goes!
Sandle Quotes of the Day
I love you, is that okay?--Natasha Bedingfield, "These Words"
I thought that these song words were perfect as they describe the shyness of Sandle... but no matter how shy they can be, they SHOW THEIR FEELINGS and its clear: THEY'RE IN LOVE!
Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's
called falling in love, because you don't force
yourself to fall, you just fall. - Unknown

So beautiful! It really highlights the easyness and the spontaneity of their love! They never expected to fall... but they did!
Oh, E. Del. :lol: Thanks for the cookies. Geek? Hehehe! :) Well, I actually consider myself a nerd. :lol: My sis always say my grades are unreachable. :rolleyes: But I don't study that much. Tehee! :)

Oh God, Sandle is by FAR my favorite thread! People are so nice! Cuteyful people and cuteyful ship! WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD! (Doing it the cuteyful way of course!)
*raises hand excitedly* Me too. Everytime I log in, this is the first thread I visit. :D I am addicted to this thread. And I love it.. :)
Happy now …

I told them … I told them . Everything that was in my heart at the time .
First I had to speak to Grissom . I wasn’t sure at one moment if what I was doing was right . But I knew I had to do it , because my heart was telling it . I started to tell him about how our relationship is never going to work , that I don’t think I love … I told him the truth . He listened to me and understood everything . There was only one thing I never told him … that I was leaving him to be with Greg . I mean , I thought that even if it wasn’t for Greg I wouldn’t have continued the relationship . I mean , I saw that my feelings for Gil weren’t love feelings at all . It would have hurt as both and destroy our lives . After I finished I just looked into his eyes and waited for him to tell me something . Something normal . But he did that
“Oh , Sara , please don’t leave me , please , Sara I love you !” he yelled to me “what did I do wrong , please tell me , I wanna correct the mistake so wee can be together again , please , Sara ! “ . He was crying . I hate grown men crying . And he was such a child . I had to answer to him somehow .”Gil , it’s’s not you fault at all , you understand ? It’s not … but I told you the truth , I don’t love you … not like a lover , I don’t see in you the person that I’m going to spend my life with … you did nothing wrong , please , I had to say this , it would have killed us both , this relationship … couldn’t work… please don’t hate me” I whispered a. “Sara , wait , Sara !” but I ran and left him alone in his office . He just stood there and didn’t even look at me .
I leaned on the door of the DNA lab . And I cried like never before . Because I made Gil cry . Because … it was better for him not to be with me anymore. I left him staring at me and think about my last-minute decision .
Greg saw me and approached . “Sara ! Sara , tell me why are you crying ? Are you okay ?” he just kneeled and hugged me . “I’m fine” I said wiping away the tears “it’s nothing ” He smiled . Oh , God , his smile . Melting my heart . “And I am the most idiot of all the men in the world Oh yeah … now tell me what happened ? Did Griss tell you something ? Did someone hurt you ?” He was so worried about me , his smile was now a frightened look . “No , no one hurt me . I’m just sad … and tired “ I didn’t have the guts to tell him right away “I really want to go home and I don’t feel good … can you give me a lift ?” I asked him . I really needed to be alone with him just to tell him that . “I don’t know …”he looked into my eyes and reralized that I wanted to talk to him ”Sure , wait a sec ” he grabbed his coat and his keys “shifts are over anyway ” . He helped me climb in his car and put the seatbelt on . I was shivering and an electrical shock went through me when he touched me . I knew what that was . I smiled and he started the engine . I was crying when he saw me the first time and now I was smiling . Something happened to me , but I couldn’t stop smiling . When we arrived at my home I realized we haven’t talked at all in the car , so I invited him in for a drink . He accepted . It was perfect . Now I could tell him what happened. “So why were you crying ?” hew asked me taking the glass of juice that I offered to him . “Well … I had to take a decision for the rest of my life” I answered with ambiguity , giving him more answers than questions . “What decision ?” “Yesterday I have been thinking about my life … and I decided to break up with Gil . That relationship wasn’t working at all ” . He looked curious at me , it was like “What the hell ?” . “And … I’m sorry , I don’t know what to say , really … but why ?” he smiled a little “Look I know is none of my business , but if you can tell me …” . “Well , I thought about what did I do in my life … and I saw that I wasn’t in love with him . Not with him , but …” I stopped , what if it wasn’t the right moment ? “But with who ? Come on , Sara , tell me !” his eyes were pleading . I was in so much trouble … was that the right moment to tell him ? I had to tell him I took a deep breath and looked into his big pretty eyes . “You” He looked at in amazement “what me … ?” he was pretty dazed actually … I smiled inside “You asked me who I love , didn’t you ?” I answered to him . He nodded “The answer is you ,Greg , I Love You ! ” I said and watched his reaction . “What ?” he asked “I Love You ” I repeated to him “Then , I love you too !” he hugged me tightly at his chest . I started crying , the emotions overtook me , but then I saw there were tears in his eyes as well “you’re amazing ,you know that ?” I told him , pulling him closer for another hug . “That’s why I love you so” I told him .
I know I made him feel hurt , feel useless and more than that ; but he was truly amazing , because my awful personality didn’t change his feelings . Now I don’t care what everybody is going to say , I am just sitting here , on the couch ,looking at the window . He is sleeping in my lap . My sweet lover … God knows how much he suffered for me . Too much … I see his smile his sweet smile . After all the pain he’d endure … I kiss him on the forehead and I continue watching him .

Next morning , after a night of watching him , I reach to touch his face . He opens his eyes and lifts on his feet . I love him so much … I still stay here and I wonder what happened last night … I remember talking about our lives and then he fell asleep in my lap . He was the sweetest .
Now he gives me a hand and I lift from the couch as well . But he has other thoughts … he pulls me forceful and he catches me in his arms . Thread , he approaches his mouth from mine and I feel his breath against my lips … is amazing , is one of the things I dreamed of . Then he kisses me … so sweet . Our first kiss . It was the most beautiful thing in the world . We have to get ready for work … I change my clothes in a hurry and we leave to his house , to change his as well . After he makes a shower , we climb in his car and drive to the station . The people are going to talk about us , I’m sure . But I don’t care as long as he’s with me . I did the thing I wished to do for ages and I don’t regret it . He doesn’t either . Now , the love is keeping us together and there is nothing that can break us apart .
We are happy now …

The third part of the story
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