Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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SandleDL said:
Hestia, I so love this pic! You're right, maybe things would be different now if he just had said Yes... I like the way she looks at him, it's a cute scene!
greg_sara_love said:
h...the scene...i really hate the scene (the only sandle scene i hated) well...when i first saw the eppi..the moment i heard n saw sara askin him out, i really squeal and shout.... but then when greg didnt say yes... i was like whats the matter with you??? then my mom n my brother tell me this....

"There's no hope....he dont love her anymore, so dont waste your time hoping that they will be together"
Wow, I didn't expect such different reactions. I'm glad my SPOTD sparked such a reaction from you all, (particularly Naz! :lol:) Just picked these two comments, because I can understand where both come from. It's a lovely scene and I chose it because of how Sara looks at him in the background, but then I understand the near-frustration if you dwell on this; after all, it's one of those what if scenes (what if he said yes? What if she asked him again after shift?) Oh well.

And I'm glad you all liked the pic, I feel proud as an understudy!

Congrats on Pau becoming a pathologist and I see Del's avatar changed (awww... I liked the Jorja licking avatar. ;)) But the current one is nice too. Very blue and pretty.

As for the "just a hug" theory, you know my stance on it! come on... just a hug? She asked him out earlier, they were both grinning, this wasn't the first time they hugged... I'll go with Kat about the bedroom thing. :D
I love horses ... I even tried to ride one (it didn't work , but I still love them) . Beautiful song ... I am going to get the movie (I think !) . I had a wonderful day in the places I was with Stephen and I think it was one of the prettiest days of my life .
Congrats to C.Pau for becoming a pathologist !
Hello my dears! I missed you all. School's crazy. I really need posivity cookies to keep faith; I'm pretty stressed. Tomorrow I have my exam Greek. :eek: I'm scared. Think of me! It'll help me. :p

Hes, so far I love your pick of SPOTDs! The Bully For You scene is one of my all-time favorite scenes. It's just too cute how Greg turns around, says that and then walks away, leaving Sara. And her smile. Ahh. I love it.
I wrote a new one shot . From Sara's pov - who's the true love of her life ?
The one and only love of my heart
I sit on the hard floor of my room . Is cold – I feel that way . After today , everything seems to have no meaning for me . I mean , I hate my life , is way too complicated , is just so horrible to be like me . To never know who your heart belongs to . To never find your place in one world , to have always to choose between two people . I don’t know what I am going to do . After all that I see , I really have to choose between them and it’s so hard . If I choose one , I’ll break the other’s heart . And I don’t want anyone to hate me . I see Greg looking at me when I stay with Griss ; I see Gil looking at me when I’m whit Greg . They are the two men that loves me . I love them both , maybe the same , but I really can’t choose one of them .
Griss is the one that inspires me safety , a loving heart . He’s a wonderful man , more amazing than anyone you can think of . He makes me feel loved , safe in his arms . Things I always missed as a child . Safety and love . Affection . I know he cares about me . I care about him too … I love him , but I don’t know if I love him like a lover or like the father I never had beside me .
Greg , he’s special . He makes me laugh , he makes me feel younger when I’m with him . He is the most adorable man I’ve ever met . So different from Gil … totally opposed to him . That’s why I love him too … because he is the only person that can make my tears turn into smile every time he looks at me . He just … I thought he was just weird and crazy , but after noticing him better , I saw that he kept himself like that just to draw people’s attention . That’s why I feel so good with him , he’s natural and happy all the time .
This is the biggest dilemma of my life . There are two guys that love me and I don’t know who’s better for me ? What should I choose ? Safety or happiness ? The young man or the older one ?
I close my eyes and try to think ; now I am in a relationship with Grissom , but when I see that look on Greg’s face my heart is breaking , my soul is hurting . I can’t stand seeing him like that . Since I announced all the lab I am with Gil , he never talks to me . He never jokes around me . He treats me like his colleague and nothing more . He just looks at me with his eyes like he is going to cry and say nothing … nothing at all . But his eyes tells me so much … the pain , the sufferance . He loves me , he told that to me several times before . But so did Griss . If I’d choose to break up , he’ll be sad … he’ll cry day and night and make me sad as well . And , if I would ever be with Greg , he’ll; feel hurt and betrayed … but Greg , doesn’t he deserve to be a little happy ?
I am only one person … and I cannot split in two . I just can’t and I am not able to see my heart’s wishes . I don’t know what she wants . I feel like crying every time I see Greg sad and his caring heart so full of hate . I blame myself for doing that to him . It’s my fault this things are happening . Only mine . Destroying the lives of two sweet caring men .
I have to think better what I want from my life … I remember Greg telling me that I make my own faith , that I hate to think more at me than to think at the others … . He was right .
I need to look at my feelings first . To see deep in my heart the true feelings that I have in there for each one of these wonderful men …
Because , if there is only one true love , then why I think I love two persons ? I need time to think and realize the real thing .
Do I love Grissom – or do I just think he’s my friend ?
Or Greg – he’s the love of my life or just a brother ?
There are the questions I have to find answers to .
Very good! :clap: Love it Dani! Especially because you pointed out Sara's dilemma, it's not right to think that she doesn't feel anything for Gil just because we don't want her to, she is in a relationship with him for a reason. He's got something she needs. But Greg's got that, too - she has to find out who gives her the really important things. And, believe it or not, I'm not having dirty thoughts right now... ;)
The poem ... it's pretty , it'a Sandle poem , so it's pretty ! I'm crying , I think ... it impresses me so much ... may I copy it in my computer , please ?

Sure! *Blushes* I'm glad you all liked it!

Dannielle!, I loved both of those stories *Wipes eyes* Poor Greg, poor Sara! I think I can help Sara decide *Pulls out sword and heads to Grissom's house*:devil: I mean really, if your in love with someone, why call them by their last name? They say it so much I keep thinking that Grissom's his first name! :rolleyes:

C. Kat, I loved your poem! They're always so beautiful! We have got to be the only ship with really good poems and stories! Even though they're sad... :(

*Joins the hug discussion* Ok, if it was 'just a hug' why do it twice? Hmmm? They like eachotherrrrrr *grins like a little kid* :D

Speaking of dirtyness *Totally ignores the fact no one was speaking of that :p* Where has King Liff been?! I think he's been taken hostage by the other ships!:eek: We must fight to retrieve our king! *Pulls out sword, then realizes she's a Baroness and is suppose to be kind* Uhh... Maybe I can negotiate... :)THEN YOU GUYS BATTLE! :devil:
Maybe we should head to the D/L thread to get our king back! Bet he's there! I might try to exchange him for a D/L poem *lol* You know, action speaks louder than words, but the pen is mightier than the sword! ^^ *looks at Carrie* put the sword away baroness! on the other hand: I need to go to bed now, and someone has to find him so maybe you could use the sword after all... glad you liked my poem btw. :)

Hehe I watched "Stalker" today, I loved the scene when Greg's reading the mag with P!nk on the cover. "You know you're hot!" Bet he says this to Sara every time they're alone doing... erm, playing chess. Or stuff. :devil:
Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for so long. It's been...a horrible week to say the least. Ahh, personal problems so I can't even blame school for it since I'm out of school!

LoL. So I've come back to bask in some sandle love in hopes that it improves my mood

Oh, and I havent been taken hostage :devil: No one take ME hostage! (I've been MIA pretty much everywhere lately) mwahahaha. I have my army - no ones takes me hostage.

Although everyone already knows this, but THE FRAY IS ABSOLUTELY ROCKING! Ahh...everytime I listen to them I think of my sailing ships. That's Sandle and D/L of course! :lol:

Sandle is sooooo lurve ;)

Ok, if it was 'just a hug' why do it twice?
Of course they liiiiiike each other. They hugged and realised that they couldn't get enough of it! The rest we shall leave to our imaginations as to what else they cant get enough of :devil: Who KNOWS what they do in their own time!

Oh yes, my sandle fic. Err...unfortunately it got hit together with all my other fics with writer's block. gak. So that's taking a while to recover from! Coupled with my...other problems of late, I'm not sure how alive I will be in the next few weeks. *sigh*

I need cake, cookies, blue hawaiian, a lot of hugs and love from my fellow sandle shippers please! *pleading look*

Save me! (oh so dramatic - i can so be a drama king)
King Liff, Countess Kat is coming to save you! *lol* Good to have you back, thought you'd got lost with the D/L shippers. Yes, The Fray rock and their music is sandlish and DLicious. Which might be the reason why I used their songs both for Sandle and D/L vids ;)
Damn I really gotta go. Good night everyone! *hugs y'all*
Bet he says this to Sara every time they're alone doing... erm, playing chess. Or stuff.

Of course...because you know Greg was captain of his chess team...I wonder if he's captain when him and chess...:devil:

KING LIFF! You have returned! *Tackles Liff in a hug* And of course, you are the King you must get your every wish.:lol:
*Hands you cake, cookies, and blue hawaiian* :D
aaaahhh!!!!!! my dearest King Liff has come back...yay!!! *drew sword to salute him* here take some blue hawaiian, positivity cookies and delicious cake...

*feed him with all the delicious food. Give him sandle loving apple* Hey!! we sandle shippers need to have fibers too..(to prevent constipation) :lol: :lol:

haha E.Hestia different ppl have different thoughts... :D :D

speaking of The Fray...last time.. my teacher played 'How to save a life' on the radio. He said that its to refresh our minds while we're doing our class work. When i headr the song....i jumped frm my seat and shout "Woohoo!!! Sandle song!!!!" All the ppl looked at me and i quitely continue my work.... :eek: :eek: embarrased :eek:

BTW!!!King Liff!!! tomorow i will be visiting ur country...Malaysia!!!! Johor Baru...cant wait...but i'll miss you guys..*sniff...sniff...* :(
yup...its real...but Singapore does not sell it... :( :( i really wanna try blue hawaiian.... :( but its ok...i think... seriously guys i hope that they will be together in season 8..... :D if they're not..i'll sing 'dont break dont break my heart and i wont break your heart shaped glases..." :lol:

Do you know that the episode name 'Organ Grinder' they took that name from Marilyn Manson's song title 'Organ Grinder'
hehe....and the episode name 'What's eating Gilbert Grissom'
They took it frm Johnny Depp's movie called 'What's eating Gilbert Grapes' hehe...

i will not be shocked if one of the episode in season 8 name Sandle :lol:
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