Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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YouandMe1105 said:
I think the "You smell like death" scene cemented it for me though. :cool: It was an interesting scene, with Greggo's line about a real man not caring then Sara's look over her shoulder.
What episode is that from? I'm looking desperately for this scene cause I love it!
Btw I've posted a new part of my story! Just in case you might want to have a look at it ;)
I;m glad you liked the quotes , guys . To celebrate Sandle , other quotes :
True friends are those who are there for you unconditionally. Never do they question, but always offer support no matter what the circumstances are. Best Friends are the people worth living for.

Side by side or miles apart, dear friends are always close to the heart.

Life without friendship is like the sky without sun.

Friendship is a single soul living in two bodies.

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.

There is no distance too far between best friends, for friendship gives wings to the heart.
Ans amazing words about love you've got there , Sabser . Really sweet ! And C.Kat , you found the best of love quotes *runs to find one herself*
Once again I missed so much! And I will miss a lot this week too. I have my five exams this week... I've been studying all weekend. :rolleyes: I hate weeks like these. I need Sandle to cheer me up. Positivity cookies are good against stress. ;)

Anyway, welcome to all the new members entering! Sandle keeps dragging new people in. And look here, we're at page 14 already! :eek: :D

I miss all of you! I cannot wait til school is over and I can come by here very often. I promise there will SPOTDs again then! For now take care everyone. <3
Eva, miss you, too, hope your exams will be fine! Have some Blue Hawaiian and cookies!

What about a

Sandle Proposal Dialogue of the Day?

It's already dark outside, and Sara and Greg are in the breakroom when Nick comes in.

Nick: Hey, we've got a dead girl in a swimming pool. Could you just go there and take this case, Warrick and Cath are busy and I need to help Grissom and Brass...
Sara: Oh come on Nick, is that really necessary?
Nick gives her a sharp look.
Sara (sighs): Okay.
Greg: We'll just hurry up and be back soon!
Nick leaves the room, Greg giving him the victory sign behind Sara's back.

Soon, Greg and Sara arrive at the scene, an impressing house with a big garden.

Greg: The housekeeper found the body, she's been brought to hospital because of the shock. It's only us now. (kisses Sara on the cheek)
Sara (smiles): Hope we'll be finished soon, I've got plans for the night!
Greg (grins): So do I, honey. So do I...
The go to the swimming pool, it's completely dark except for Greg's flashlight. Suddenly he turns it off and walks on in the dark.
Sara: Hey Greg, what the hell... (looks at the pool) Where is our victim? She... oh!
Slowly Sara approaches the pool on which there are like thousands of lit tea lights. It's silent except for the soft noise of the water.
Sara (amazed): Greg, this is beautiful.
Greg: Just like you.
Sara blushes, her face barely visible in the dim light.
Greg (takes her hand): Sara, you know I fell in love with you the very moment I saw you for the first time. You've always been my light when everything was dark, you were my eyes when I was blind, you picked me up when I was down and gave me faith because you had faith in me. It took some time, but every hour of waiting was worth it, it's been made up by each second I could spend with you. You are the one who gives me a reason to live, and I don't want to live my life without you. (he kneels down) Sara Sidle, do you want to marry me?
Sara (wipes tear away and smiles): I do.
Greg gets up and she pulls him close towards her, kissing him lovingly. The scenery is lit up only by the candles, their bodies are only silhouettes. Slowly the picture of the kissing people fades out. *The End*

EDITed to say good night! (And to say that I'm working on a new vid... ;)) See you tomorrow!
SandleDL said:
YouandMe1105 said:
I think the "You smell like death" scene cemented it for me though. :cool: It was an interesting scene, with Greggo's line about a real man not caring then Sara's look over her shoulder.
What episode is that from? I'm looking desperately for this scene cause I love it!
Btw I've posted a new part of my story! Just in case you might want to have a look at it ;)

Can't remember exactly what episode but I'm pretty sure it was in season 3. That was when Sara had her relationship with Hank. :mad: He wasn't good enough for her anyways, not being able to handle the smell. :cool:
Jorja looks very beautiful in this dress, and Eric... well, it's Eric, he's always hot!

Haha, amen to that! :lol:

ahh C. Kat, i could just INVISION that in my mind, it was soo beautiful! :D *awws at the Sandle Fluff*

I tried to explain to my 7 year old cousin that Sandle was the most adorable thing on earth, then I gave him a test.
Me: Ok, whats the coolest thing on earth?
Him: Snakes!
Me: You're not listening to me at all are you?
Him: Oh, uh..yea, something about sandals, did you get new ones?

Yeah, 7 year old boys=One track minds. :rolleyes: Ah well, I'm slowly coaxing my sister into Sandle, she doesn't like to watch CSI because she hates the autopsy scenes. :lol:
KAT: you ALWAYS do an amazing job with those adorable proposals... but this time: YOU OUTDID YOURSELF! That was amazing and the speech Greg gave her about her always being there for him and lighting his path--that TOTALLY SUMS UP OUR SHIP!

Oh by the way, thanks everyone who answered me question about when did you guys start shipping Sandle!
I started since... SEASON 1! :eek: That's a long love!
HAHA :lol: that's funny! Well, he'll learn it, I'm sure you'll be a good Sandle (not sandal!) teacher!

Do you remember that scene (starts to whisper because doesn't want to spread negativity) when Sara asked Grissom to pin her down? (raises voice) I'd love to see such a scene with Greg! His hands on her wrists, and for a second they don't move at all, and they can see the love in each other's eyes... Then Greg slowly comes closer, and their lips are only inches apart... hihi and then Grissom comes in. "What is that?" And Sara and Greg are like "More than you could ever imagine!"

And with these nice thoughts I'll leave again and have breakfast... :cool:
^^ That pin-me-down scene made me want to throw up, :lol:, but I'm sure that Sandl does their OWN pin-me-down all the time. I bet Sara's the one who pins him down too! Oh, Greg likes it rough. :devil:
I'm thrilled I helped in bringing about other shippers, like Pau! And I too would like Ziva_David to stop by and perhaps Silhouette. I miss them.

I think the "You smell like death" scene cemented it for me though. :cool: It was an interesting scene, with Greggo's line about a real man not caring then Sara's look over her shoulder.
The episode that YaM (I think he may have been called that once or twice) is referring to is the episode Bully For You, season 2, episode 4. :D
I remember back when I didn't remember one CSI episode from another (to an extent, I still don't sometimes) but now I pretty much know most of the episodes that have fairly major Greg/Sara scenes. You know you're a sandle fan when you recognize an episode by a little sandle-ish description. :)

The episode where Grissom has Sara pinned is Invisible Evidence, by the way. (That one didn't come to me as quickly because Greg was barely in this episode.) :p
The episode that YaM (I think he may have been called that once or twice) is referring to is the episode Bully For You, season 2, episode 4.
Adorable! :) I love that...
Oh yes... you know you're a Sandle fan if you recognize an epiosde with the sandle-ish description! :)

Can we have a list?

You know you're a Sandle fan when you mouth the words: "I came for you, Greg." when Sara says it in 'Fannysmackin'.
You know you're a Sandle fan when you giggle and chuckle as soon as someone says "Sandle", just because you know the secret meaning behind it!
You know you're a Sandle fun when you dream about them all the night and next morning you are upset it was just a dream
Hmmm... this "you know you're a sandle fan" thing is catching on. I've invented a new thing? Just what we need! :lol:
But I must say this: You know you're a sandle fan when the main reason you start shipping a Miami ship is because they remind you so much of sandle! :D (points to current banner)
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