Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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Good afternoon everyone!! :) *waves*

Im so behind.. :( That's sad for me, need a lot of catching up to do and also a good thing, because the thread is on fire!! Wohoo! :D

Love the SQOTD C. Kat. And so true!! :) I just love the way you choose you the SQOTD. :)

And love the dream, B. Carrie. :) So cute!! :lol: I want to dream of Cap. Jack. :( :p

And hello CJ. So, you're Court Jester now?? :)

And I love the photos, M. Dannielle. :) I am still loving your name. ;) *turns green of envy* --> :D
Im so behind.. That's sad for me, need a lot of catching up to do and also a good thing

you're not the only one C.Pau and how i wish to be sara and greg's daughter....*daydreamin*

i looove the photos M.Dannielle hmm...your name remind me of sumwan... :D :D

looks like we have lots of sandle creativity here.... :D
Hello K. Naz! :) Oh yes! Me too. Because I can't have Greg, I'll just be his daughter. Hahahaha! :lol: Pretty crazy, huh? But I really love Greg. ;) I'll love him more if he's with Sara though.

So guys, do you want to continue that.. Tale In Sandle Kingdom? :)
Page 14! Wow!
Carrie your dream was awesome! Jack Sparrow and Greg together, what more could a girl ask for? *lol*
CJ, welcome back! (ok I haven't met you before so I might just say Hi and Nice to meet you ;))
Danielle, those pics are cute! They look so good together, and Jorja looks very beautiful in this dress, and Eric... well, it's Eric, he's always hot!^^

I didn't feel good yesterday, I had a terrible headache and felt and looked like crap till the evening, then it got better *lol* So today I'll be here more often, of course you'll get a SQOTD later and I might write something, too. But now I have to go to my horse, the weather's awesome I need to seize the day!^^
Sorry to hear about that, C. Kat but it's nice to know you're doing well today. :) Can't wait for the SQOTD and for whatever it is you're going to write about. :D :)

*off to read a CSI fic*
Oh yeah, we ARE on page 14. Wow!! :D *puts on swami hat and dances around the funtain* I miss dancing with a swami hat. :D

I started shipping Sandle on March 27, 2007. :D That's right. :D I was searching something in the web until I stumbled in the site. The Sandle thread caught my attention, Greg being my fave character and I like Sara. So, I started reading thread #9 from first page until the page 21 (i think). While reading the thread, I really liked the shippers and I could remember, Hestia, Del, Eva, jue, hui, CSIangel (i think), araSgerG, hollie, CJ and I forgot the pen name but I think she invented the Welcome song. :D I really love all the Sandle love some of you guys were showing until I just found my self falling in love with the two. And I became a shipper! So, you guys made me a Sandle shipper without you guys having a clue. *hugs* Thanks for making me a shipper you guys. (Well, some of you. :D)

*Sandle group hug*
I've always liked Sandle, but i've only started shipping it seriously for a few months. My heart will always belong to SNickers (they were my first ship and will always be my CSI LV OTP), but Sandle's growing on me every time i come in here!
*hugs back* I love the Sandle because is so unique , I mean , it has this thing that just makes you addicted , a flavour that when you taste it , you want more of it . I wantched many CSI eps with this GregSara thing going on and I really enjoyed them ... my favs Sandle eps until now are : Chasing the Bus("you did great ") , Fannymackin , Primum non Nocere(I really really love the scene between them two , with the skates very funny) , Dead Ringer(when they hug each other in the beggining), Who Shot Sherlock (those guys so love to hug each other), Kiss Kiss bye-bye ,
and Bodies in Motion (Sara :"Grissom woulde be proud" Greg :"Grissom would have taste it in purpose") .
When did I start shipping? Guess it was at the beginning of the year, when I got my new pc and a flatrate and I watched youtube a lot and found a Sandle vid. I immediately fell in love with Greg *lol* and I couldn't imagine Sara and Grissom being together, and she and Greg made such a cute couple - and I was addicted!
As promised:

Sandle Quote of the Day

A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities.
(William Arthur Ward)

No need to say anything else...
If friends were flowers I would not pick you! I'll let you grow in the garden & cultivate you with love and care so I can keep you as a friend 4ever!!

GOD is so wise that he never created FRIENDS with pricetags, Because..... if He did, I can't afford a precious FRIEND like YOU!!!

Without humor, life sucks. Without Love, Life seems hopeless. But without a friend like you, life is nearly impossible.
Memories last forever,/ they simply never die,/ true friends stay together /- they NEVER say good-bye

I believe in Angels,
the ones that Heaven sends.
Each day I tell those Angels,
you are my best of friends.

Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive friends. And a garden full of memories … of many good things.
Friends are like stars... you don't see them all the time, but you know they're there!

I was looking through my computer and I found those quotes about friendship ; I colected them from a site but I can't remember the name .
OMG!!! i better catch up...first of all...i love all of your it...just love it :lol: :lol: and secondly....i love sandle in the first episode...i mean its obvious they are the best couple ever...and i remembered what i said...I know that they will be together sometime

i think they put The good,The bad and the dominatrix eppi b4 living doll for a purpose....cuzz Sara's jealous of grissom and during living doll...they both did not have a 'romantic' moment.....i think GSR is gonna end and i hope its gonna end....and sandle will we said, there's always sunshine after the storm and the sara under the car is the storm and sandle + GSR breakup is the sunshine :lol: :D :D

*Dont kill me modie*
*Hugs C. Pau and everyone else!* Wow, page 14, how great :D ! Beware other shippers, we're catching up :devil:

I forgot the pen name but I think she invented the Welcome song

Oh, you mean Kate, don't you! Her pen name is Ziva David. Hey, if anyone spots her, direct her to this thread :lol: We miss her! :D

Oooh, lots and lots of lovely quotes today from C. Kat and M. Dannielle! Can I put one forward? Please?

Love, like a river, will cut a new path whenever it meets an obstacle. - Crystal Middlemas

In my point of view, that means that whatever trials Greg and Sara have to go through - Greg in Fannysmackin, Sara...right now! - their love for each other will help them overcome whatever is in their way! :D

I started shipping Sandle about a year and a half ago now, I think. Funny, I hated CSI at first, since my young, strange mind thought it was disgusting. I hated Sara and thought Greg was dumb and weird. And then I started watching CSI videos on Youtube and those Sandle videos were adorable. But, just in case I found a ship I liked better (no chance :D ) I explored all the ships to do with Sara, aka. Sandle, Snickers, Swarrick and...GSR. But none of them compared to Sandle.

Sandle is just pure magic. :D

Teehee, I sound all soppy... :lol:
kissmesweet said:
C. Kat honey: you're right... :eek: WE'RE ON PAGE 14!


Question: when did you guys start shipping Sandle?

Hmm, when did I start shipping Sandle? I dunno, I suppose I've always kind of liked the two of them together ever since they first interacted. I think the "You smell like death" scene cemented it for me though. :cool: It was an interesting scene, with Greggo's line about a real man not caring then Sara's look over her shoulder.
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