Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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^ LOL. That's a good one. :lol:

Okay, since I'm very busy this entire week I hand over my SPOTD duties to Hestia, so you guys won't miss out on the Sandle loving pics while school keeps dragging me away from this thread. :) She's my official understudy! ;)

You know you're a Sandle fan when you completely let go of the storyline of the episode whenever Greg and Sara are in a scene and only have attention to the way they look at each other.
OMG!! :eek: I need to catch up. Too many new posts. :(

Hey guys! :) Classes will start in Wendesday and I'm guessing you guys are gonna see less and less of me here. :( *tear* But I'll try my best to be a good shipper. :D

Read the quotes, And I love them all. :) Very good choices guys. I meant, your highness-es. Hehehe! :) And it's great to know how you guys started shipping this wondeful ship! :)

And Jessie (sorry I forgot your title. *shame on me*), you're right it was Ziva David. :) I liked her evn though we never met. :)

And C. Kat. Love the SPDOTD. :) Very good.. Keep writing because I love your works. And the poems too. :D

I tried to explain to my 7 year old cousin that Sandle was the most adorable thing on earth, then I gave him a test.
Me: Ok, whats the coolest thing on earth?
Him: Snakes!
Me: You're not listening to me at all are you?
Him: Oh, uh..yea, something about sandals, did you get new ones?
Very cute!! :lol: I tried to teach my cousin to say Sandle but he kept on throwing his toys at me. I guess I kind of desrve that because I always make him cry. :devil:

I'm thrilled I helped in bringing about other shippers, like Pau! And I too would like Ziva_David to stop by and perhaps Silhouette. I miss them.
And thanks for turning me into a shipper. :D I forgot to add Silhouette. :eek: I like her too. (She's a girl, right?) And I love your siggy, E. Hestia. :D
Hey , C.Pau , nice to have you back ! You didn't miss that much ... we'll be sad :( because you'll not talk to us as much ... but you'll finish school someday and then we'll have enough time ! :)
i dont like E.Hestia's siggy........

I love them :lol: :lol: they are so cute...sandle is so cute and hehe i remember the times when i taught my niece how to say sandle... :D :D well...even babies love them.... :D
Thanks for caring. *hugs* I hate school. :( Well, not really. Tehee! :D

Congratulations! M. Danielle. *hugs* :D I am so happy because I just became an aunt 3 hours ago. And I debated with my other aunt to name her grandbaby, Sandleia. ;) She said "what kind of a name is that?" I said, "only the best name ever. It's like taken from the best ship ever". :p And she said stared at me. Poor thing, doesn't even have a clue. Hahahaha! :lol:
aww....Pau congrats hunny!!!!! and I hope they named the baby you've become an aunt.... :lol: :lol: im sure sara n greg love it...and when sara gave birth...we all became aunt n uncle as we're a family :D sandle family
I want to give my brother a middle name ... and mom agreed . What should I choose , Greg or Eric ? Can you guys help me ?
Thanks. :D I am so psyched but they named her, Francella Qim. I like it but Sandleia is better. :p Tehee! I'd love to be an aunt of Greg and Sara's kids. oh.. I'll love them. I know we all will. :)

And I'll choose, Greg or Eric. Oh, I don't know. I can't choose. Hehehe! :D Hmmm... Kyle? Tehee! :)
Congrats , it's wonderful to have a new baby in the family ! Now I am at the hospital ... I live one block away and i took my laptop with me . Paul smiled to me ( kind of , he just opened those little angel eyes and looked at me ! he's adorable !
That's so sweet. :D I am so happy for you, M. Danniella. And thanks. :) I know he'll grow as a happy kid and a good shipper. ;) As for our baby, she'll be a good shipper. I just know it because if it's my turn to look after her, instead of a book, I'll read her bedtime Sandle fanfics. Tehee! :D I am in great need of a SFDOTD. :)
He will . My mom decided : Paul Eric . I think it's so sweet ! I'll call him Eric ! Hurray , my sweet little brother ! He will learn what Sandle is ... and I'll take care that his first words will be about Sandle ! hehe . And reading Sandle fanfics : of course . I am going to go now to his room and take him in my arms ... I can't wait !
I am so happy for you. :) Go in that room and cherish the moment, hunny. :) And the name is so cute. :) Very adorable. I'll call my niece, Little Sara because I also suggested Sara and they just ignored me. :mad:

This is so cute, M. Dannielle. I'll be happy talking about how we are raising our babies and making them grow as strong and loyal Sandle shippers. :D

Sandle-babies rules!! I just have to say that. Tehee! :D
they do not just rules...they rocks!!! :lol: i juz hope that sandle will rule the whole season of CSI!!! dont ya realise smth?? each and every season in csi....there must be a powerfull sandle moments like in season 2,3,4,5,6 and 7

i think the TPTB is tellin us smth...and the smth will make us smile,squeal, laugh, jump around or roll over... :lol:
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