Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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That's the spirit K. Naz. Be positive. :) Hooray!! We are being positive.

I think TPTB is just playing with our minds. I really hope they have something in stored for us, Sandle shippers. And hopefully, they'll show it in Season 8. :D *crosses fingers*

I just remembered this. My sis and I watched CSi last night and it was Fallen Idols. Even though it was a GSR ending I really laughed at what my sis did. Sara said, "Do you trust me?" and held up that thing she'll use to shave Gris' beard. And my sis did this reenactment that after Sara said that, she immediately stabbed Grissom. :lol: Sorry, for killing Gris :( but it was really funny when my sis did that reenactment. Plus, the facial expression. :lol: It was so funny. :lol:
lol...haha...stab griss eh?? :lol: :lol: i can imagine sara stab sure there will be 'haiyah!!!' kinda sound.. :lol: :lol: hmm actually, i wanna ask you this..y are we hated GSR so much but not snickers :lol: well GSR kinda make me shudders... :lol:

cut the crap and lets talk sandle... :D could sumwan start the conversation...HEY!! i know wat to do...

how bout we play this game 'what comes next' the rules are simple....the first person will start the conversation and the others will
Greg: Im bored...lets do smth fun...

then maybe C.Pau will continue...

if its complicating lets juz 4get it.. :lol:
I don't really hate GSR. I just hate but not really hate it. I thought my feel toward it is kind of my feel toward Snickers but the whole GSR thing that the show is rubbing it to our faces kind of made me hate it. I love Gris and not just with Sara. And Snickers, I like it. I ship them but Sandle remains as the cutest and sweetest and my OTP. :p ;)

Hey I found a list in the previous page. I wanna join..

You know you're a Sandle fan when everytime you see Sara and Greg glance at each other you roll on the floor squeeling because it's too romantic for you to handle. (I do that... a lot! ;)) I'll think of more after I grab something to eat. :D

Okay, K. Naz. :) Ummm... *sits on thinking chair*
Greg: im bored...lets do smth fun...
Sara: Sure. I'm with you on that one. *grabs Greg's hand and leads him into the janitor's closet*

Well, that was predictable. ;) :lol:
haha...i think i'll continue...

Greg:Im bored, lets do something fun..
Sara:Sure. I'm with you on that one. *grabs Greg's hand and leads him into the janitor's closet*
Greg: Erm...actually i wanna play playstation at the breakroom...

haha...well erm...but looks like the TPTB focusing on GSR and make all the character dissappear...they cannot be like that... we need sandle but not that much....juz get them together and we're happy... :lol:
Oh playstation! :) That reminds me of my PS that I have to give away. *tear* :(

Yup. If Sandle goes canon, it will really change the world... in a wonderful way! :D ;)
Good idea!

Greg:Im bored, lets do something fun..
Sara:Sure. I'm with you on that one. *grabs Greg's hand and leads him into the janitor's closet*
Greg: Erm...actually i wanna play playstation at the breakroom...
Sara: Ok, so you wanna play games? Well, I'll beat you as always, and I want to get my prize! :devil:

Danielle, congratulations! Must be an incredible feeling seeing this little child and knowing it's part of your family!

It's a great day, I had school but our teacher was busy with some examinations in other classes so he told us to stay till 11.45 and then go home. Well, you can imagine that we didn't wait that long but left at 11.15! :)
oh my...howcome?? well...hmm..lets give the others a chance to continue the story shall we C.Pau :D and yah i do agree with will be blasting good.. we will have a big celebration here if theres sandle at the end... :D :D
Hello C. Kat. :D I am so happy I bump into you today. :D And love the continuation. :D And nice to hear that you're having a great day. :)

Well, K. Naz it was a long story. A long, sad story. :( *tear* I miss you my PS. I'll always love you. *cries*

*sniff* Yay! A celebration. Of course, there'll be one. A big and wonderful celebration. *throws confetti* There'lll be Flying Spoiled Cake, Blue Hawaiian Funtain, positivity cookies and... bacon! Well, i love bacon. :D
aww...i know how it feels hunny..*gives positivity cookies*
and yeah...if that happen...i will throw lots and lots of spoiled cake and dance around the funtain... :lol: i should save my energy to do that...later... :D
Thanks for the cookies, K. Naz. It's great that you're doing your duty as a Good Knight. Tehee! :D

Any SFDOTD? I feel very "Family-ish" right now. :) With the baby and everything.. Tehee! :D
haha...n y dont you take out your brain and provide us with SFDOTD.. :lol: im sure yours are good... hehe...i hope some ppl will continue the story..its getting interesting... :D
I'll try. :) And thanks for the encouragement, K. Naz. :D I just got a call from the hospital. My niece, is such a healthy baby and very beautiful. Hope I could see her tomorrow. I am so happy! :D

And K. Naz, I love your location. :)

I'm actually working on a Sandle WeeMee. Hope you guys will like, what I can come up with. :D
hehe...i really love ur weemee and guess what i put ur weemee as a background in friendster..sandle is so hot than ever...should i continue the story?? sorry but i cant help it :lol:

Greg:Im bored, lets do something fun..
Sara:Sure. I'm with you on that one. *grabs Greg's hand and leads him into the janitor's closet*
Greg: Erm...actually i wanna play playstation at the breakroom...
Sara: Ok, so you wanna play games? Well, I'll beat you as always, and I want to get my prize!
Greg: Hey! dont say it loudly...but today i'll win and i will choose a prize :devil:
Hahaha! :lol: Love the continuation. ;)

Oh, K. Naz, girl. Not a wallie but a WeeMee. :) It's a sort of an avatar like an online paper doll. I don't really know how to explain it.. But here's my Sandle WeeMees.

Greg WeeMee
Sara WeeMee

I've really tried my best to make the WeeMee's look like Sara and Greg. :) Hope you guys like what I made. And they're on a case that occured in a disco. And while everyone's ready to leave, the two misteriously, disappeared. ;) And if you notice, Sara's top, it's the same one (i think), that's she's wearing when she said, "She could really kiss Greg right now". ;)

Because some of you guys might be wondering what I might look like, here's my WeeMee. Pau WeeMee (I know that Im frowning. It's only because classes will start on Wednesday. But I have my laptop with me. ;) But laptops aren't allowed in school. Oh, tartar sauce! :( :mad:)

:) Tehee! :D K. Naz, thanks that you made my wallie as a lay.out in your friendster. I am so happy! *hugs K. Naz*
OPPS!!!!im sorry...i am confused that meewee and wallie? what am i thinking...well love ur meewee hunny and dont mention it... i really love ur wallie...well i guess im high with sandle drugs...i want more i want more!!! :lol: :lol:

OPPS!!! its a weemee NOT meewee...i guess i am high... :lol: :lol:
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