Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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OMG! *Stares at the impossibly long conversation that has taken place while I was gone* Geez people!:eek:

I miss Sabser and Carrie. And hollie and Hestia and araSgerG and csimonkey and PintsizeGenius and CathStokes and CSI_Fray.

Huhuhuhu. Where is everybody?? We miss you guys. Come back!

Here I am! Tired, in a bad mood, but still making time for Sandle. In my state of bad mood I'd like to add that hair dye boxes lie. Especially to me.

Well, let me get right to welcoming Aleh and LabratLove to the Sandle forum. *Hands out cupcakes and Blue Hawaiian* and, OH MY GOSH LIFF IS BACK! *Runs and tackles Liff* We missed ya buddy! Hey Aleh I'm in US of A too! Right now its one in the morning. *yawns* Oh, and Kat, my friend is in Germany right now! He used to live there, ever heard of the Jacobi's? Well I'm dead tired so I need to remember what else I need to say. Ah, yes. Naz and Pau! *Puts on stern mom face* Throwing maggots? What were you thinking?! You clean up those poor insects and put them in Grissom's bed right now missys!:lol: Cuz, God knows nothing or of course no one else is in it. hahahaha I'm mean:devil:.

Well, me and my bad mood/bad hair dye experience/flu/tiredness will now leave the thread. *Climbs down but pops back up and takes some cake then leaves*:lol:

[Oh, and Aleh, I loved your SPDOTD! Pretty good for the first time!]]
Good Morning guys!! My sweet and beautiful Sandle Buddies! And Yay, Carrie!! You're back!! I just discovered that Asians love Sandle. Naz, Liff who I just discovered is Malaysian and Me, Im from the Philippines. :)

Pau, hope you don't get into trouble! See you tomorrow!
Thanks Kat. And I didn't get into trouble. It was the most perfect timing ever. Ever!! :D After I posted my last post. I heard my mom get out of bed. I turned off the pc immediately and went to bed. I was laughing under my sheets. Hihi! :)

Which reminds me, I brought everyone some ice cream cake - not for throwing, for eating *looks at Pau, Naz, and liff*
Oh Hestia. Im not throwing good cake anymore. I throw spoiled, not edible ones. Im a good girl now. :) *dances around the Blue Hawaiian funtain*

Might be it, I've never watched this episode. Actually I've missed like thousands of episodes and I really need to catch up
Oh me too. :( I might be a fan of CSI for 3 years now but I missed a lot. Like Lady H.. But I was able to catch up. :D

Does Greg like not even like Sara anymore? Cos it seems like theyre losing their spark!! :(:(
Its reallly sadening to think about but still!
Welcome LabratLove! Love the pen name! :) Greg LOVES Sara still. Just lke what Naz said. And of course the spark is still there. :) *shares some cookies and Blue Hawaiian*

Because newbies are poppng in and out of here, I want to sing the cheer, Del made. Oh yeah!! Del!! Where are you?? We miss you!! Come back!! :(

We jump... for Sandle!
We cheer... for Sandle!
We hug... for Sandle!
Sara and Greg have the best chemistry!
Ev'ry thing between them is so easy!
C'mon, don't try to deny it!
They are the PERFECT FIT!
Go... Sandle!
Del honey? Where are you? Where is Del???? I mish you dear!
Hey, Liff I'm here! Yes, I'll take Empress Delia anyday!
Thanks King Liff! :lol:

How's everyone today? *Hands everyone Sandle cookies, Sandle candies & yummy chocolate cake baked with SANDLE LOVE!*
Del!! *runs to Del and gives her a big hug* :D We miss you!! Great. You're here. :) And I'll just call you Enchantress Delia. Tehee! I told you before that your name remind me of a witch. A good witch. Tehee! :D This is so cool. I just noticed that everytime I say that I miss someone, she/he pops in here. I should do that a lot. :D

I forgot. I had a Sandle dream last night. I'll post it later if I remember some parts of it. :D

Hi Aleh! You're still here. :eek: Wow!! That's good! :) Oh the fic. Im gonna read it. And just call me Pau. :)
sorry Car *put her hands behind her back and look down* I promise not to do it again...i think :devil: :devil:

haha Empress Delia :lol: and i can become the soldier...*take out my bazooka and salute to King Liff and Empress Delia

well...i really hope that the next season will be a sandle loving season...filled with sandle love... :D :D hmm...what kind of sandle topic we wanna talk abt...dirty ones or nice one?? :lol: :lol: jk jk
Hey, csiALEH! I'm sorry I forgot to welcome you honey!

Yay! I can be Enchantress Delia too! I'm a WITCH! :) *Hugs Pau and hands her cakey.*

Naz: As the Empress, I give you... KNIGHTHOOD!
Knight Naz? I personally love the ring of it myself!

Can't wait for your dream Pau! Oh and can we call you Queen Pau or Princess Pau?
. Ah, yes. Naz and Pau! *Puts on stern mom face* Throwing maggots? What were you thinking?!
Sorry Car. :( But I only threw once then stopped because it's just plain disgusting. It's Naz's fault. *puts blame on her*

Thanks for the hug, Del. :) *hugs* And Princess sounds good to me. :)
Sorry Car. But I only threw once then stopped because it's just plain disgusting. It's Naz's fault. *puts blame on here*

HEY!!! *blast the bazooka at her*

well Knight Naz ok then...but juz to remind you ppl...eventhough im a a woman :D

hmm...sandle what other name we could think of?? erm..Grera :lol: :lol: the name is funny i'll stick to sandle then :p
Hestia: The poll is not done by me! I just saw it there! ;) Your avatar's adorable however!

Naz: Oops, I know you're a girl... but I didn't take that into consideration. :lol: Ummm, since Pau took Princess, why don't you take Queen?
Queen Naz?

Princess Pau: You're welcome for the hug! Hugs are the best!
kissmesweet said:
Hestia: The poll is not done by me! I just saw it there! ;) Your avatar's adorable however!

Naz: Oops, I know you're a girl... but I didn't take that into consideration. :lol: Ummm, since Pau took Princess, why don't you take Queen?
Queen Naz?

Princess Pau: You're welcome for the hug! Hugs are the best!

I feel a mite left out...
^^ Oh honey, sorry! DEFINITELY!
*Hugs Aleh!

I love your signature by the way; Leggo My Greggo is the cutest line ever! Gotta love Nicky for that!
Oh yeah!! Hey you should read my Sandle story..I am excited about it and want to share the Sandle love with all Sandlers =)
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