Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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greg_sara_love said:
me a queen???? no i think i'll stick to the knight... :D love you fanfic....hope you'll continue :D
Is the second part alright to you?? Anything you wanna see in the story??
its great sandly...please post the next chap soon :D hmm...wheres Princess Pau Empress Del and King Liff??[/b]Knight Naz[/b] miss you all hehe

lets talk sandle shall we?? :D :D
I'm here Knight Naz! Tehee! These nicknames are so cute you guys!! :D Hmmm... can anyone make like a "Royalty" sort of line or motto for Sandle. I wanna make a wallie because I have the perfect brush. :D

Good night Aleh! :D I slept at 1:00 am last night. Well, not really last night. Tehee! :D And I wasn't caught. Haha! :lol: Hope you have some Sandle dreams and I'll read your fic later. It's just that I'm quite busy now. It's my turn to take care of gramps. ;)

Thanks for the welcome, ma'am!
Ma'am?? Hehehe! I just have to quote that because I really find it cute. :D And hugs to you, Princess Aleh. Yup. Can I have Contessa instead of Princess?? :)
Good morning everybody!

LabratLove, welcome to the thread! Just keep one thing in mind - Greg and Sara still love each other! They just can't show them on TV together because that would be M-rated stuff they do. :devil: Therefore they do it during the commercial breaks, wich we call Secret Sandle Commercial Breaks or simply SSCBs! :D Well, have fun!

Alexis, I'll read your ff after breakfast ok? Of course you'll get reviews!

So we've become royal, huh? What will I be? Countess Kat? (I love alliterations!)

Ok, new day, new

Sandle Quote of the Day

We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person.
(W. Somerset Maugham)


from Big Shots - I love it how she defends him!

Both Sara and Greg have changed a lot not only in the last year/ season but from season 1 to season 7, especially Greg imho. He's not the fun guy anymore - but Sara still loves him unconditionally!
Love love the pic, Countess Kat :D And the quote is perfect. :) And I think Greg is still the fun guy, he just show it in... well, SSCB in Grissom's office. :devil: Where they have fun! :devil:
yah...they play PlayStation in grissom's office :devil: and they love it so much... :D i love the quote countess Kat a knight, i should...*Blast spoiled cake at everybody[/b] :devil: im a pure evil...but im here to protect you frm all that GSR harm substances....

I would love to see Sara caress his cheek or hold his hands or what..OOO i have a splendid idea...i should write a ff abt a victim that is Greg's mother...yes... :D
Yeah they definitely have fun! Lots of fun! He makes Sara scream with *cough* laughter *cough* :devil:
Well and it only shows that Greg has grown up, and Sara needs a man! Not a boy! And not some old man with a strange affection for bugs... ;)

EDIT: Wow I've been promoted!! Blue Hawaiian and Sandle champagne (like the one Sara offered Greg at his promotion) for all!!
congratulation...*blast bazooka that filled with blue hawaiian at countess Kat* hehe..i hvnt...WAIT A MINUTE!!! i've become a lab rat...wee hee...there's lots of sandle moment during the labrat days... :D :D
Congratulations guys!! Countess Kat as a Police Officer and Knight Naz as a Lab Tech. :) *opens champagne bottle*

And can't wait for the fic, Naz. Go for it! :) And just so you know Im wearing an Anti Spoiled Cake Suit. ;) :p

And not some old man with a strange affection for bugs...
Hahaha! :lol: I love that Kat. :)
ouh really?? well take this *Blast a bazooka filled with blue hawaiian at princess Pau lol jk jk...

hmm..i hope that sandle will rule the CSI...lets pray together shall we?? :D
*enjoys the Blue Hawaiian* Thanks Naz. Yum!! And I think Im not a princess anymore but a contessa. Hahaha! :lol: And okay.. Im a very religious person. :) I'll pray. :D

Hello ericloca! Sorry but Im confuse. Which little girl? :)

EDIT: I thought there's the word girl there. Instead of girl it's acutally "thing". So my bad. :(
Knight Naz! Darlin' you never told me you were Malaysian too! Do you speak Malay? :lol:

Teeheehee. Knight Naz, though if you want to be technical, you should be called Dame Naz. But it just doesn't have the same ring to it!

Emperess Delia!!! :lol: We are all royalty here :)

Alexis hun, do you mind posting the link to ur ficcy here? I'm lazy to look for it :devil: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Na, im kidding - it's just easier for everyone to access.

CRIKEY! I'm late! :eek: Must run off now my darlings! ahhhh! The real BURNS!!!!
Kat baby: Congrats! You deserve a nickname too! Princess Kat? The quote you chose was adorable and I loved your reference that Sara needed a man and not an old guy who probably needs viagra--and is OBSESSED with bugs.
(aka: Greg!)

King Liff: Sandle royalty ROCKS!
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