Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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*grabs a slice of cake with glue and throws it at Naz's hair*

nooooo!!!!not my hair!!!! or else the ants will eat the hair!!!!

haha yup its sandly alright...*pour bucket of blue hawaiian on Pau's head.... :devil:
Oh Eva.. I love Titanic. :D And Jack and Rose really are like Greg and Sara. :) Jack sacrificed for Rose because he really loves her. I know Greg is willing to sacrifice anything for Sara. But I hope noone dies. *worries* :(

The coffee is hot Naz! *grabs a slice of cake and shoves it down Naz's throat* :devil:

Id like to share a dream I had last night. WARNING: This dream is the weirdest dream ever. Might be confusing. And I didn't make this up. :) :D Here goes:

It started with this fog. Then Charlie's Angels came to view. Dylan, Alex and Nat were fighting against The Rock. Nat and Alex fought with him until they reached my house. The rock was too much for them so they decided to hide in our roof. Dylan was left in the living room with The rock but instead of fighting they were making out. :p (Very Dylan-like. :lol:) Nat told me (Yup, I was there. Well, it was my house. ;)) to look for help. So, I did. I reached a place called.. Okay, get this. "House of Pleasure of Greg_Sara_love". (Which means, I dreamt of Naz too. :D) So, I went inside and found Naz with... Greg (How cool. :D). And they were.. searching the net for fanfics. ( :)) Then I approached them and told them to come with me. So, we went to our house. And oh! We saw Lady H when we were on our way. Her business wasn't doing well because Naz's house of pleasure has more customers. So, we went there and found Dylan dead. *gasps* And the other two on our roof playing chess. So, we decided to head back to Naz's place. When we went inside, it was now... a hospital! And Sara was one of the doctors. It was full of chinese people. She invited us to eat sushi but I refused and head home. Naz, came with me and we went back home and brought Dylan back to life. We ate cookies with the Angels and spotted Greg and Sara making out at Naz's house of pleasure which is now a hospital. :) We went there as fast as we could. When we went inside... it wasn't a hospital anymore but a sort of HOTEL! And there was a wedding. A Greg-Sara wedding. And guess who's the priest?? The Rock! They got married and we continued with our chess game then I heard my mom. And I woke up.

Whew! *wipes forehead* That was the weirdest, most confusing dream I ever had. Hope you guys weren't confused. :D *shares some anti-confusing cookies*
Pau u dream of me lovely :D and me with Greg?? weehee!!!!! i LOOOVE your dream Pau i was wondering hows my face in ur dream?? hehe i cant believe and greg?? hehe the best thing is (apart from me being with greg) sara and greg got married... :D
Hiya, Pau! How are you? You look very...cakey to me :lol: What a strange but cool dream! Since when did the Rock become a Priest? :lol:

I love your wallie too, Sabser. I wish I could make wallies like that. :)

Oh thank you, Pau!
But you know what's weird? I wish I could make wallpapers like yours! :D I love the little flowers in your wallpapers! And they are all so cuteyful! :D

I KNOW your exam will go well for you, Kat! When you return, tell us about it! And you won't blow up the lab ;) If anything, that would be me :lol: !

Oh and I absolutely adore the 'Play With Fire' SPS! Especially the end! So cute that I might die of cuteness! :D

And someday I'm going to buy actual Pecan sandies to see how they taste.

:lol: Me too, Hestia! I'm sure there's a recipe on the Google Web Search, so I might try to make some! God forbid I burn down the kitchen :lol:

So glad you feel better, Eva
! I know that some things can really get us down, but with all our friends here that show us the Sandle love, it's hard not to cheer up :D

Hey, guess what. I noticed another little Sandle-ish moment in Who Shot Sherlock! When Greg passes his proficency test, Sara hugs him, then Ecklie (Presley :lol:) starts going on about how they have to get back to work, Sara has her hand on Greg's shoulder and they stare at each other!

Here's a screenshot!
Who Shot Sherlock

So cute! :D
hey ppl i juz watch this vid in youtube its called 'eric szmanda tv clip 2' its not sandle but juz imagine the girl is cute n funny vid...

lets talk abt sandle shall we.... hmm which eppi has the bigest sandle moment?? juz imagine greg juz wanders around in the desert talking to himself...hoping that he found sara...then he heared sumwan cries for help...he run and find sara...he pushes the car and save her....

at the hospital sara said thank you and they kiss... :eek: :eek: i would love to watch that in the eppy :D
Sabser thanks for sharing that pic with us! It's really cute!

Guys, thanks for your support - everything went well! The synthesis was very easy, and the best thing was: it didn't even smell. On the contrary, it was very nice because the educt was cinnamic aldehyde, so the whole lab had this christmas like cinnamon scent! :) (And must I say that it reminded me of Sandle because of a fanfic I once read? ;)) I've made some minor mistakes, but nothing really bad, and me and my friend had actually even a bit of fun, joking, laughing, singing *lol*

Oh and Eva, please make a SPS! You've got so many cute pics, I'm looking forward to it!

Naz, imho the biggest Sandle moment up to now is Fannysmackin, but well, there are so many cute moments of Sandle love.
It's not always about the visible, often it's the invisible that makes something ordinary the special thing we need in our life.
haha Pau what an awesome dream! The Rock? Priest? lmao niceee. And a Greg/Sara wedding makes every dream worthwhile doesn't it? And Lucky Naz, getting to hang with Greg reading fanfics! :mad: Although i do wish I could have seen "Pleasure House of Greg_Sara_Love" :lol:

See, what will happen is, Greg will get in a huge fight with Grissom about Sara, and Grissom will send him home [[or fire him :eek:]] and Greg will leave to find Sara, and he'll wander around calling her name until, in the distance he hears his name being called back, then he'll run over and find Sara and they live happily ever after :D

And everyone's nickname seems to be the first 3 letter of their name. That would make mine...Car. I need a new name. :rolleyes:
alright then Car well actually, Naz is not my first three letters of my name...its the last... :D my real name is Shafenaz its long :D
See, what will happen is, Greg will get in a huge fight with Grissom about Sara, and Grissom will send him home [[or fire him ]] and Greg will leave to find Sara, and he'll wander around calling her name until, in the distance he hears his name being called back, then he'll run over and find Sara and they live happily ever after

yeah...then Sara tell grissom to bring Greg back to the lab...when he refuse...she said to him...."you have 2 choices, either bring him back or fire me" U GO GIRL!! :D

now thats what i call love :D
Hehe! Good morning or evening! :) It's nice that you enjoyed my dream as much as I did. But sorry guys.. no Sandle dreams today! :( I hope I could have one tonight. My dream last night was about Hannah Montana! :)

Actually Naz, I know what you look like. Tehee!! I saw you in friendster. :D

Hiya, Pau! How are you? You look very...cakey to me What a strange but cool dream! Since when did the Rock become a Priest?
I look cakey?? *looks at the mirror* I do! *grabs a canon filled with cake and blue hawaiian and blast it at Sabser* Now, both of us look cakey. Haha! :lol:
Oh thank you, Pau! But you know what's weird? I wish I could make wallpapers like yours! I love the little flowers in your wallpapers! And they are all so cuteyful!
Gee, thanks Sabser. Those flowers are just given to me by my friend. :) I think those brushes are so overused. :lol: but I love the frames in your wallies! And that flower at the side. :) Very... cuteyfuL. :) And thanks for that pic. When I saw it.. I kind of screamed in the inside because if I scream out loud, I could wake up my grandfather. I dont want that! :) Love the pic.. And I like the way Sara looks at Greg! Awww... :D

Nice to know everything went well Kat. You know we're always here to help you out. :D *group hug*

See, what will happen is, Greg will get in a huge fight with Grissom about Sara, and Grissom will send him home [[or fire him ]] and Greg will leave to find Sara, and he'll wander around calling her name until, in the distance he hears his name being called back, then he'll run over and find Sara and they live happily ever after
Oh! I love that!! :D And Sara will tell Grissom to give HER MAN his job back because he SAVED her. :D And Car, (I pronunced your name "care" :D) A Greg/Sara wedding really makes every dream worthwhile. :D

yeah...then Sara tell grissom to bring Greg back to the lab...when he refuse...she said to him...."you have 2 choices, either bring him back or fire me" U GO GIRL!!
Wow! That's what I was thinking too. *see it up there* Tehee! And I like your name Naz.. It's very unique! And guys, I hope your prouncing my name, Pau like "paw". Tehee! :)
Oh! I love that!! And Sara will tell Grissom to give HER MAN his job back because he SAVED her. And Car, (I pronunced your name "care" ) A Greg/Sara wedding really makes every dream worthwhile.

It's all about the pronounciation :lol: I like your name too, Naz, I wish my name was cooly unique. I get stuck with a name from a movie about a killer girl that gets blood dumped on her at a prom. :(

yeah...then Sara tell grissom to bring Greg back to the lab...when he refuse...she said to him...."you have 2 choices, either bring him back or fire me" U GO GIRL!!

Oh yeah! Plus, Sara's like one of THE best so Grissom has no choice but to rehire them both. mwhahahahaha! :devil: Wow, we haven't had a FTOTD or DTOTD in a while! Where is King Liff? :p
Good morning everybody! OMG I wanted to look for a SQOTD and on wikiquote the quote of the day was one that brought me close to tears because it is just SO Sandlish! That must be a sign! *lol* So of course I'll share it with you!

Sandle Quote of the Day

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge —
That myth is more potent than history.
I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts —
That hope always triumphs over experience —
That laughter is the only cure for grief.
And I believe that love is stronger than death.

~ Robert Fulghum ~

What more shall I say? We know that there's GSR in first place but our imagination is stronger than that knowledge. Who cares about the facts? We have still dreams, and we have hope. Greg always makes Sara smile so he's the only one who can make her really happy, and finally we all know that Greg's love will save Sara...
Oh my gosh Kat that was THE ultimate Sandle quote! It was soo sad but so beautiful! It explained them so perfectly! :D

Our imaginations do surpass the knowledge and no matter what they will live on in our hopes and dreams and that's why we will make it! :) I feel so inspired now! :lol:
:eek: Oh Kat.. that's like so PERFECT! :D Very sandle! and Ive read your fic. It was really good. Write more! :D

I wish my name was cooly unique. I get stuck with a name from a movie about a killer girl that gets blood dumped on her at a prom.
Me too. I love the name "Jerah". I wish I could change my name into that. I could actually but my mom loves my name (She named me!) So, i'll stick into it. :D What movie is that, Carrie? Oh and sorry for the out of topicness. Hehe! :D

And yeah.. where's Liff?? I need some fluffy and dirty thoughts. :D
Hey guys! Whoa--I've missed alot of posts! :(

My short Sandle photo story

"I need to be strong for Sara. She's always been there for me, now it's my turn."

"Grissom, I don't care about what you do, but I will find Sara, no matter how long it takes. Because I love her! And there's nothing you can do against it!"

"Sara, I'll come for you, just hold on..."
Perfect, Kat sweetie! I LOVED it.

Oh and Kat: Your ficcy was amazing! :) I LOVED IT! I gave a review here at talk. Hope you appreciate it!
What movie is that, Carrie?

Well, there's a movie called "Carrie" and it's about this outcast telikinetic girl who goes to her prom and these girls trick her into winning the title of prom queen, so she goes on stage and they dump pig's blood on her, then she uses her mind powers to kill them all. =/
This is why the kids at my school don't want me to go to prom lol

*Back on topic*
I wonder what Greg and Sara's kid would look like? I'm thinking, Greg's awesome hair, and Sara's adorable smile. And can you imagine their personalities mixed into one? :lol: It'd be a hyperactive genius with a sarcastic twist. :p
I'm going to go on a search for a kid that could be Sara and Greg's daughter and/or son. :D
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