Sara/Greg #11: How To Save a Life

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OMG Kat! That totally made my day (and my day is sucking; but you cheered me up!). Ahh how much I wish that'd happen... anyway, we know Greg feels this way, even though TBTB might not show it to us. We know Greg will do everything to save Sara. Because Greg knows how to save a life!

Aww Eva sorry to hear about your day hope some sandle cookies and blue hawaiian can help! :D*Hands her some*

Kat! I loved your story! Its soo sad, but it ends happy :) I'm sure Nick and Catherine were sitting back at the lab waiting it out so they'd get together :lol:

Pau, I loved your wallie! Its so bright and cheerful and sandly! :p *jumps around eating cake then throws some at Naz* :lol:
Aw Eva glad I could cheer you up! Some days just suck, but have some positivity cookies and Sandle cake, then you'll feel better!

Just watched Play with Fire again, I felt so sorry for him... If only Sara had visited him too. Maybe I'll try to make this a as a photo story. ;)
Kat, that was beautiful. I had tears in my eyes by the end of it! You're fics are amazing :D

But there was one thing he had forgotten. Sometimes we come to a point in our lives, a short moment only, when we feel the silence surround us and the one we love. It’s a peaceful silence that enchants us with all the non-spoken words, and we wish for this moment to last forever. And although we can’t stop the world turning, the magic of this moment makes us feel like time stands still.
He had never imagined, let alone experienced it.
But it felt good when his lips tenderly met hers, and time stood still for them.

That is probably my all-time favourite paragraph. There aren't a lot of words there but they mean so, so much! Well done, Kat! :D

I love the SPS too. I mean, a picture says a thousand words, and we've already got three thousand...and then some :lol:

Pau, I love your colour wallpaper! It's true. Greg and Sara bring colour in to each others lives. With Grissom, I'm thinking Sara sees in black and white...Hank: Sepia :lol:

Can't wait for your fic, Del! Gonna be great :D

Sabser's pecan sandies look like my cookie! (do they really look like that? ) Thanks loads, Sab!

No problem whatsoever, Hestia! I think that they do actually look like that. All I did was search for Pecan Sandies on Google Images and there you go! :D

Oh, I made another Sandle Wallpaper. Wanna see?

Blossoming Love

Hope you like it! Can't wait for your Burning Love Wallpaper, Pau! :D

Hey, isn't there an Elvis song called Burning Love?
Aww! Kat, that was so sweet! I loved it! I wish that happened on the show! But you never know, she probably visited him in the SSCB! lol!

PSG xxx
aww thats really good, SandleDL, I agree with Soph wish that would've happened on the show, make more sense.
aww...Kat i love ur fanfic..its so romantic...seriously...hey why is the cakewar fading?? *blast the cakes and blue hawaiian with my bazooka*

Kat ur SPS is very cute and the pictures is great...

Sabser ur wallie is love...and i agree wif ya...they started with friendship then end up with proposal or husband and wife.. :D
Sabser I loved your wallpaper! The first picture is so cute the way he's smiling at her. :D

*Throws some cake at Naz and searches for a slingshot* :lol:

Kat I LOVED your SPS! Awwwwww Greggo. :( haha I love the whole 'Your not going to heaven' haha but it was so cute! :p
looks like everybody throwing cake at me :lol: *grab my bazooka and fire at everybody* :devil: yeah..i love the you're not going to heaven... :lol: we can get creative ideas with sandle :D
I love Pau and Sab's wallpapers! The bright colors suit sandle well because they're such a bright cheery ship. :) And someday I'm going to buy actual Pecan sandies to see how they taste.

Let me compliment Liff's icon; very "hawt". ;)

SaraStar said:
Aww Hes (Yes, I have a nickname for you ;)), thanks a lot for re-posting. *hugs you* ImageShack didn't like me today, I guess. But of course I don't mind you posting it hun! Thanks so much. Isn't the pic lovely? :D I love how Sara stares at him like that...
The flower worked! Eva don't be blue, and thanks for the nickname you gave me. I think there is a toy truck with that name too. :lol:

And the new "Sandle Photo Story" is great. I might actually participate in this one. :cool:

I'm also going to have to read Kat's one-shot (especially with that great excerpt Sab showed us)
Good morning... *yawns* Keep your fingers crossed for me today, will you? Practical examination... I shouldn't have watched Play with Fire yesterday, somehow I didn't sleep well tonight and dreamed something about me blowing up the whole lab... :eek: I'll take some positivity cookies with me, and Blue Hawaiian because I'm sooooo tired.

Glad you liked my SPS :)

See you later!
good luck Kat and have this b4 u go...*blast cake and blue hawaiian at Kat* hehe...sandle is so rockin good :D :D wait...whenever greg's in trouble, sara is always with him like in plsay with fire, fanny smackin...does that ring a bell??
Hello Everybody! Im here! :)

You're going to leave us, Pau? No, you won't do that, you can't resist Sandle!
And Kat, Ill never leave you guys because you're right.. I can't resist Sandle. :D And you guys are my family.. :)

Thanks Carrie. :D , Sabser, and Hestia for complimenting my wallie. :) I love your wallie too, Sabser. I wish I could make wallies like that. :)

Kat, I love that SPS and I'll read your fic later. Promise. :D And good luck.. *gives lucky cookies* Hehe! :D

*grabs a slice of cake with glue ;) and throws it at Naz's hair* :lol: That's hard to wash off. But hey, don't you want to have Sandle cake with you all the time. *sticks some on own hair* Hooray! Our hair is Sandly.. :D
Thanks for all the sweet comments; you guys always make me feel better. I love the SPS, Kat. That's such a great idea. We should have more of those; I might make one too if that's okay. :)

Hestia, really? A toy truck? :lol: Oh well, I didn't know that. I just called you Hes because a friend of mine is named Hester, which is kinda like your username, and we call her Hes. :)

So yesterday Titanic was on here in Holland; ahh I love that movie. The scene where they are standing at the very top of the ship, and Jack let's Rose 'fly' is just amaaaazing. I can totally picture Greg and Sara like that. :D
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