Sandle RP

[Ah Hestia you should audition too! Or at least play Grissom again... or other character if you want... just bcuz you rock :D Okay getting back to Greg. I don't care about Hannah :devil:]

He felt relaxed and was being his goofy self again, joking lightly with Sara, when suddenly Cath's phone rang... He saw the horror in her eyes as soon as she hung up.

His heart sinked. Oh no... what's wrong now?

Catherine opened the curtain and looked outside of the window. All Greg could see from where he was lying was darkness outside. What's she doing? Catherine just looked down and mumbled something he couldn't hear. Then she paced to the door. Leaving them stunned, not knowing what happened. What the hell is going on? He had a bad feeling gripped his stomach...

"Sara, what's going on?" Though he could tell she had no idea like himself...

The curiosity was too hand to resist. "I wanna see what's happening." He pulled the blanket off his body and tried to get up.

[Time for Sandle moment, hollie *hint hint* ;)]
Hestia said:
Grissom looked at Sofia and grabbed her outstretched hand. When he was sure Sofia was okay, he looked over at the dying waitress. She needed help, just like anyone else. This was no time to let emotion get in the way.

Sofia got pulled up by Grissom, who maked sure she was okay. Then he called Brass and Catherine. Sofia stared at Hannah, who lay on the cold ground, dying. She looked at Grissom, who looked at her mother and asked if she was okay. Her mother just walked away.

"Don't mind her." She told Grissom. "She's...not really a social person." Then she noticed that the were still holding hands. She pulled her hand free and kneeled next to Hannah. "Didn't I tell you? Five officers. Should've listened dear. You are young. You had a whole life in front of you. Now you're gonna spend it either under the ground or in jail. Bad choice, huh?"
[Jeez you mean people! :lol: Aren't you gonna help Hannah at all? I didn't know what to continue with this, but whatever I'll write something]


She was chocking now. On her own blood. Her gaze fell on Sofia and the look of pity she gave her. She couldn't really make out what she said cause her senses were getting numb.

You are alone. No one's gonna help you. Even the 'good officers' won't save your life. Why would they? You were trying to kill them. You were worthless. It was one of those moments when you desperately clung onto your life that made you realized of how stupid you were. And how little you were against the universe. Yeah, it just hit you now, does it? You're alone. You're dying alone. You can't even say the last words cause you're chocking on your own blood.

A tear excaped the corner of her eyes and she closed them. Drifting away to the comfortable darkness...
Away from pain...

[*sob* *sob* I can't believe you guys just let her die like that :( Or do you? ;) I was wondering where's hollie... Greg needs Sara! *hint hint* :lol:]
[I'm here. Sorry I was at Warped Tour yesterday. :D And oh yeah, I finally got the TV guide. *does happy dance*]

Sara saw Greg trying to get out of the hospital bed. She held him back, "Greg, please. I don't want you to hurt yourself." She had managed to get him to lie back down. Sara wanted to know what was going on too, but she knew if she left, Greg would find someway to disobey the doctors orders.

"I can try to find out what happened. I'll call Grissom, okay?", she said picking up the receiver on the table next to the bed. He wasn't picking up. Sara just groaned as she sat back down in the chair next to Greg's bed. She looked over at Greg, he looked so miserable.

She walked over to his bed and sat down beside him. "You okay?" she asked.
Sofia actually began to feel sorry for the girl. "Grissom, call an ambulance. I can't watch this. I can't let her die." She grabbed a napkin and wiped the blood away from Hannah's mouth. Here she was, helping the woman that had wanted to kill her. She saw a tear sparkling in the corner of Hannah's eye.

"Don't cry."

Why she felt sorry, she didn't know. Why she was helping her, she didn't know. But maniac killer or not, she was human. A bit...mad, but a human. And a human, no matter how mad, shouldn't die alone.
"Already taken care of," he spoke quietly. He wasn't a doctor but the severity of the wound didn't look good. Her chances of survival were low.

A nurse walked outside and caught sight of the bloody scene.
"Oh my God, what happened!?"
"Bring out a stretcher, she's gravelly wounded."
The nurse merely nodded and rushed back into the hospital.

Grissom saw how sad Sofia looked. Even after she was threatened, she still had sympathy for her attacker.
"Someone will be out in a minute."
At that moment, two medics rushed out with a strecther and carefully loaded Hannah on it, carrying her inside. Grissom and Sofia followed them inside.
[YAY!!! You save her! :D But she's unconcious now, so... Anyway, hollie, Warped Tour????? :eek: :eek: How cool is that?? I love most bands that play in Warped Tour! I'm DYING to go but I'm nowhere near the US :( Did you have fun?]

Getting up made him feel dizzy, and the pain strike again. If it wasn't for Sara holding him, he'd fall. You'd think that bandage around his head would remind him to slow down, but that boy just so full of energy and actually hated laying still.

"Ow!" He cringed at the pain and held his bandaged head. Just when he needed a support, there was Sara rushing to his side and he had to grab her arm before gravity took control. She said something to get him back on bed, her calming voice and her warm breath brushing against his neck. As the pain subsided he just realized how close they were...

He looked up and saw her eyes just few inches away from him, staring at his own, full with concern. She didn't realize he was still holding onto her. How her scent filled his lungs... Greg swallowed hard. She just told him to lie back down. And he only managed to nod.

He rested his head carefully on the pillow, waiting for Sara making her call. But she said Grissom wasn't picking up. Greg had that dreaded feeling clutching his stomach again.

Was it a bad sign? Could he trust his feeling? He felt like he wanted to throw up.

She asked him if he was okay. To be honest, no, he wasn't. He swallowed hard again, trying to supress the sick feeling gripping him.

"No, I don't think I'm okay..." He grabbed her hand, "I know you're tired and you do need to go home but..." he paused, "I need you, Sara... Please, stay with me?"
(whoops, I asked for an ambulance, but we're at the parking lot of the hospital. Stupid.)

"Someone will be out in a minute." She heard Grissom say. Two medics rushed outside and took Hannah back inside on a stretcher. Sofia and Grissom followed. They couldn't come into the ER, so she sat down on a bench in chairs.

"She's not gonna make it, is she?" Sofia asked, looking up at Grissom. He looked thoughtful, but she couldn't make out an emotion. Like always. She didn't know if he was mad, relieved, sad...if he wanted Hannah to die...or live. But then again, she didn't know that too.

On one side, Hannah almost killed her. And Greg too. All Sofia did was trying to let Sara and Greg have a normal date. She shouldn't have gone to the bar. She should've walked out the moment she saw them. Then everything would be fine. She sighted. It was all her fault. She hung her head.
[Yes, it was awesome! Hahaha .. I was stalking William Beckett. Hehe. He's so hott!]

Sara felt Greg's clammy hands against her skin. She knew he needed her, and she wasn't going to leave him now. "Of course" she said, "As long as you need me I'll be here."

For the first time that night, Sara was starting to tell herself that everything was going to be okay. She would stay here with Greg until he got better. The thing with Grissom was probably nothing. In the long run, everything would turn out fine. That was until she heard a comotion in the hallway.

"Hey, i'll be right back." she whispered to Greg, and ventured out to the hallway. She could over hear the medics talking as she went to open the door.

"Young female, late twenties, she was shot outside in the parking lot."
She slowly walked into the hallway, only to see a stretcher shooting down the hallway, with a mob of doctors following.
"She's been identified as Hannah Jefferson"

Sara just stood in shock as she heard the name.
"Hannah? As in Hannah who shot Sofia?"

Her thoughts started to escape her as she heard Greg calling her from inside the room.
(whoops, I asked for an ambulance, but we're at the parking lot of the hospital. Stupid.)

"Someone will be out in a minute." She heard Grissom say. Two medics rushed outside and took Hannah back inside on a stretcher. Sofia and Grissom followed. They couldn't come into the ER, so she sat down on a bench in chairs.

"She's not gonna make it, is she?" Sofia asked, looking up at Grissom. He looked thoughtful, but she couldn't make out an emotion. Like always. She didn't know if he was mad, relieved, sad...if he wanted Hannah to die...or live. But then again, she didn't know that too.

On one side, Hannah almost killed her. And Greg too. All Sofia did was trying to let Sara and Greg have a normal date. She shouldn't have gone to the bar. She should've walked out the moment she saw them. Then everything would be fine. She sighted. It was all her fault. She hung her head.
(Nah. "Sofia" was probably just stressed and couldn't think straight. ;))

Grissom looked over at Sofia, many thoughts running through his head. Should he talk to her, see if she's okay? He was a little upset at the things she was saying earlier. Sofia was reckless and acting as if she wanted to die. Sometimes she confused the hell out of him.

They needed to get to the others and tell them about what happened.
"We should check on Greg," he told her.
The mention of his name seemed to snap her out of it. Then he remembered that the two women mentioned him in their stand off. He decided he would ask Sofia about it later. He wouldn't let her get away that easily. The information might be crucial to the case.
As Sara stepped out of the room, Greg shifted and moved the pillows a bit higher so he could see around the room better. He got a great view of the door and could see if someone came in or out... It provided him a little more feeling of security. After what he's gone through that day, he had felt a little low. And that sick feeling he couldn't shake off... a feeling of anything could happen. But at least if someone was coming through that door to attack him or something, he could see him first.

Sara was now standing in hallway but the door was left opened so she was still visible from his bed. He could see how her expression changed. Almost like... shocked. What did she see? What was happening?

"Sara!" She didn't hear him. He started to worry. "Sara! What's wrong?" He tried a little harder.
Sofia just nodded and they walked towards Greg's room. Before they could go in, they saw Sara in the doorstep. She was staring at the traumaroom where they were working on Hannah. You could her the doctors yell for more O neg. She decided not to look and walked past Sara, into Greg's room.

"Hey Greggo." She sat, sitting down on a chair. He opened his mouth, but she cut him off. "Hannah." She simply said. Greg's expression changed. "I'm fine." She added, at which his expression changed again. Sofia couldn't help but chuckle.
Greg was getting impatient. Something was happening out there and he was stuck on his bed. Great...

Sara turned to look at him. Finally... but it was Sofia who stepped into the room, walked pass her. She sat on the chair beside his bed and Greg's eyes widened at the dark red spot that covered most of the front of her shirt. Blood? An alarm went off in his mind.

She explained that she was fine... He sighed a relief but couldn't help raising an eyebrow. "You're fine? Then who's blood is that?" She looked fine, indeed, she was chuckling even. "What's so funny?" At least someone could find the humor of the situation, he thought. Though it made him so curious. It was a lot of blood... "Are you going to fill me in, or are you just gonna sit there laughing?"