Sandle RP

Sofia turned around and looked at Hannah. "Miss Liferuiner. Great. I've always loved nicknames. Miss Liferuiner is one of the better ones." She said sarcastically. "Can you explain that? Liferuiner. Last time I checked you don't ruin anyone's life by telling them to stay away from two dating people. So how come you think I ruined your life by telling you to leave my friends alone? You know what, I really don't care. You want your revenge? Fine. Shoot me!"

Sofia looked her straight in the eye. "Come on then. Shoot me. Get it over with. Kill me. Right here, right now."

(I would love for Grissom to have heard that. *hint hint*)
Hannah took out her gun and pointed it at Sofia. It felt so heavy and cold. Her hand was shaking. Fear? Fury? Her emotions weighed every words she said, "You. Ruin. My. Life." Her grip tightened, her knuckles white. "I hate you."

Click. The gun was loaded, ready to shot. Every seconds crawled.

A thin line between Life and Death...

Someone shouted at her.
Sofia turned around and looked at Hannah. "Miss Liferuiner. Great. I've always loved nicknames. Miss Liferuiner is one of the better ones." She said sarcastically. "Can you explain that? Liferuiner. Last time I checked you don't ruin anyone's life by telling them to stay away from two dating people. So how come you think I ruined your life by telling you to leave my friends alone? You know what, I really don't care. You want your revenge? Fine. Shoot me!"

Sofia looked her straight in the eye. "Come on then. Shoot me. Get it over with. Kill me. Right here, right now."

(I would love for Grissom to have heard that. *hint hint*)
:)lol: *hint hint* taken. Like I said in our thread, it is our new battle cry! ;))

Officer Curtis and a confused, tired Grissom were close by. They reached the lobby at around the same time but didn't know which exit Sofia took.
"She's probably outside the front door by now," the tired woman sighed. "I'll go and check."

Grissom watched her walk off, thinking that it was a bit too obvious to take the front entrance.
Reasoning told him that the back entrance led to the parking lot and his car was there, so even if he didn't find Sofia out there, he could get to his radio and get some cops to search for her.
There was barely anyone in the lobby, which seemed odd. He figured it was because of the late hour. As he reached the back door he noticed there was no one outside as well.

Or so he thought.

Sofia's voice was quiet but clear. But who was she talking to?
"... So how come you think I ruined your life by telling you to leave my friends alone? You know what, I really don't care. You want your revenge? Fine. Shoot me!"

Grissom realized what was happening. The dark shadow of their waitress suspect was less than a foot away. Grissom recognized the gun in her hand and he reached down for his own. He never wanted to use it. He never thought he would be in a terrible situation such as this.
His mind barely registered Sofia's words: "Come on then. Shoot me. Get it over with. Kill me. Right here, right now."

Calm... steady... in control... everything he knew about a stand-off like this just flew out the window. He wasn't thinking when he stepped out, gun drawn, and yelled:
"Stop right there!"
[Grissom has a gun??? :eek: Hmm, he should but never seen it. I feel so bad I have to leave Greg for a while... hang on Greg, I'm not dumping you for a waitress ;) :lol:]

Hannah turned her gun to the other figure. It was a man, and he was pointing a gun at her too. Her blood ran cold.

"Put that down!" She demanded. Her palm felt cold and slippery. She wasn't expecting any of this. Now she was confused, her head went blank.

In a way, she was winning. She had nothing to lose. Her father had died when she was little. And she hated her mother so much that she pretend she was dead. It doesn't matter now if she got killed. No one would care. She didn't care.

But why her hand was shaking if she didn't fear death?

"Put that down, I swear I'll shoot you." The man didn't budge. It only poured gasoline onto her already burning fury.

She grabbed Sofia and put the gun onto the woman's temple, dragging her forcefully inch by inch away from Grissom.
She whispered in her ear, her voice dry, cold, suddenly vague of emotions. "Let's go to Hell, now, sweetie? You're gonna love it there."

It felt like forever. She didn't hear Grissom shouting. There was only her and the prey in her hand. "Shh, now, I promise it won't hurt..."
Sofia let out a small cry of fear when Hannah grabbed her and putted the gun to her temple. Why did Grissom have to come? She was only bluffing. She hoped that Hannah wouldn't shoot. That she was afraid. Scratch that, Hannah was not afraid. She yelled at Grissom that she'd shoot him. Sofia preyed that he wouldn't do anything stupid. Please don't do anything stupid.

"Let's go to Hell, now, sweetie? You're gonna love it there."

Hell. She wasn't going to hell. She saved multiple people, solved hundereds of murders, today she got shot to help her friends. If she was going to hell, God was a very heartless man. Or he just didn't like cops.

"Shh, now, I promise it won't hurt..."

Of course it won't hurt. If you shoot me through my temple, I'll be dead instantly. She thought.

"You're afraid, aren't you. You realize that even if you shoot me, you have no way to go. There are a lot of officers here. Let me count for a moment. Five. Excluding me. Five officers. Try and get away. You'll fail. So shoot me. You're just not getting away with it."

Sofia swallowed. She was probably signing her own death.
(Oh too angsty! What to do... hmmm...)

Grissom looked back and forth between the two women, never letting his guard down. He had the gun aimed right at the waitress but she soon had herself a hostage. Sofia was in his line of fire and he couldn't risk it. The only way out of this situation was to talk it out. He was not a professional negotiator but he had to try.

"Hannah, right?" he blanked on her name for a second "You don't want to do this. Hurting an officer and risk hurting yourself? Think about it rationally. If you put the gun down you won't face too much trouble. I don't want anyone here to do something they will regret."

He looked grim, hoping she would listen to his words. He didn't want to shoot anyone, but if it came down to Hannah and a wounded officer, he would have no other choice.

(Yup. I'm dragging this out. :p)
(I hate you for that!)

Sofia looked at Grissom in surprise. He wasn't a talker. He wasn't a people's person. Still he tried to talk Hanah out of shooting her. That showed he cared. No wait, it didn't, it showed that he was stupid. And like Hannah would care about getting in trouble. She WAS already in trouble. But he was trying.

"He's right you know? You'll get 25 to life if you kill me. Less if you don't. Did I mention there's a chance on the death-penalty? No I didn't. There's a chance on the death-penalty. You really wanna die in order to kill me? There are other guys than Greg, ya know? Much more."

(hehe, Grissom didn't know what happened yet :D)
Cath nodded, getting him a little water. "They say within the next few days, You'll be good as new in no time. She stepped outside as her cell rang, "Willows. Oh, Brass, boy am I glad it's you. Yeah? That's great, thanks. Just be careful." She hung up. "Brass is on his way out to deal with Hannah. She never left the parking lot."
(Actually I think Grissom is still in a stand-off with Hannah in the hospital parking lot. So... toomuchovertime, I don't think your post goes well with what we've got here. Do you wanna edit or something?)

Once again he felt like he was missing something.
"What does Greg have to do with anything?"
He looked at a nervous Sophia and an equally jittery Hannah. There was more to this than he thought. As a matter of fact, he never did find out what prompted her to shoot an officer.

His first mistake was that he lowered the gun in confusion.

(Don't hate me Dutchie! :eek:)
[Heh? Hannah in custody? So who's talking in the parking lot? :confused: Oh well maybe Brass got the wrong person :p]

Greg sighed a relief at the good news. "That's great, Cath." He turned and smiled at Sara, "See? You can go home and rest now, I'll be fine..." He felt tired himself... And the painkiller was working, he was sleepy.

He was wondering though what took Grissom so long. What happened with Sofia? But he shrugged it off, thinking maybe he was taking Sofia and her mom home now...

He shifted a bit, getting comfortable.

Not knowing that 3 floors under him, ....

* * * * *

"Shut up. SHUT UP!" Hannah yelled. She hated it. She hated everytime someone tells her what to do. It reminded her so much of her mother, the person she despised the most.

Sofia. That stupid bitch. How dare she? "You think I did this for Greg? I don't even know the fu***** guy. I don't care a sh*t if he lives or what," Her grip tightened on Sofia, she couldn't believe someone thought so low of her. "I don't care about sh*t. This is not about me, Sofia, oh no no no..." Her voice was cold again, "This is about how they're gonna bag your brain in little evidence bags after I blow it off..." She smirked darkly, "That's what you cops do, huh?"

She turned Sofia's head violently at Grissom, right when he lowered his gun, and whispered in her ear, "Say goodbye now..."


[:eek: *unable to breathe*]
(Okay... the shooter won't be who you think it is. :))

Grissom didn't realize what happened he just saw Hannah aim her gun towards Sofia just as he was lowering his guard and then he heard a loud gunshot. The first thing he did was stare in shock. Sofia fell onto the floor... but so did Hannah!
He finally got over his shock and rushed over. Blood was everywhere. On Sofia; on Hannah.
But as soon as got close enough he saw the source of the wound.
Hannah was bleeding from her stomach. She was the one who was shot.
"But who...?"
He squinted a few feet ahead oh him, Sofia weakly following his gaze.

The older officer Curtis looked grim as she pulled back her gun.

(Yup. Sofia's mom came to the rescue! I just couldn't wound anyone again! ;) Especially since the R/Ps will close soon. Resolution is much closer...)
(Just wanna tell you guys that one of the next RP of Vegas is Sandle :D if some of you wanna play read the "RPG auditions and suggestions, thanks )
Thanks Sissi, I'll see. I'm gonna join the CaRWash one for sure. I'll see if I can make time for Sandle. (Yes I can :D Someone need a Sofia there? I kinda got addicted to her since I played her in this RP)

Sofia followed Grissom's glaze towards...her mother. Her mother had shot Hannah. She looked at her clothes, covered in blood. For a moment she was scared she was hit too, but it was only Hannah. She was still alive, shaking, breathing heavily. Sofia looked up at Grissom and extended her hand, hoping he'd help her up.

(I'm missing Sandle here...How about the hospital window has a great view over the parking lot???? ;))
[Thanks, sissi :) Oh Hestia I know you wont let Sofia dies :)]

It took miliseconds to realize it wasn't her gun, but somebody else's. And it took another milisecond to realize the pain was real. And the blood was hers.

But it felt like forever lying in that cold ground, staring at the stars. Hanging onto the last few breath to say the last prayer. She realized now how she feared death, like anyone else. Maybe another second waiting for the white light that wouldn't come... A few seconds between the edge of now to the rest of her life.

She couldn't breathe. She was failing...

[So, are you gonna leave her dying there? Leave that up to you ;) But you know what, just leave her! She deserves it! :devil: Greg had been nagging me about 'why I dump him for that waitress' :lol:]
Grissom looked at Sofia and grabbed her outstretched hand. When he was sure Sofia was okay, he looked over at the dying waitress. She needed help, just like anyone else. This was no time to let emotion get in the way.

Shaking his head lightly in disbelief, Grissom radioed for Brass. Then he pulled out his phone and called Catherine.
"... She wasn't captured. She's right here outside the hospital... in the parking lot. Get here as soon as possible."

Sofia's mother just stood there silently. She didn't move and her expression barely changed. Grissom still held on to Sofia's hand but he looked over at her mother.
"Mrs. Curtis, are you alright?" he called out.
The older woman just placed her gun in her holster and walked off.

Grissom needed some help soon. He was in way over his head.

(Maybe I'll be Grissom in the next sandle R/P. No one ever wants to play him :lol:)