Sandle RP

Sofia appeared next to him. "Wouldn't let you in, huh?" She smiled. "That are a lot of tubes. She's on what, oxigen, morfine, blood, anything else?" She shook her head. "Is she in a coma? Is she gonna make it?"

Sofia didn't even know why she wanted to know all of that. The woman had wanted to kill her!
[Ahem, I'm back ;)]

Greg felt something brushed against his cheek, someone's fingers tracing his skin with light strokes, now playing with his hair. He blinked and saw Sara next to him, smiling. Hmm... appears to be that no one could resist how adorable I look when sleeping... Greg shut his eyes again and smiled. She said something about getting up, but he just groaned and shifted a bit. It's too early. Don't wanna wake up. And buried his face deeper in the pillows.

He almost drifted back to sleep when he heard a loud knock. His eyes flew open. Sara shifted beside him. The door clicked opened. He turned to see a nurse grinning knowlingly at them. "I'm sorry, miss, could you wait outside for a moment please?" She looked like she was gonna burst out laughing, "I need to change this man's bandages."

Greg blushed and look at Sara, who looked back at him. Busted...
Grissom looked over at the tired officer.
"She's unconcious. No visitors allowed. You know," he focused on her, "You should probably get home. Rest. You've had a long night."
He briefly thought about checking up on Greg one last time but decided against it.
"If you want, I'll take you home."
Sara felt her face turn bright red as she quickly walked out of Greg's room. She was caught. She decided she would stop for something to eat, maybe even stop by the bathroom. Anything to get her mind off of how embarassed she was.

But, it wasn't too bad. I mean, after all it was Greg. She got to sleep in the same bed as Greg Sanders. She had never relized how much she had wanted it until it was over. She remembered how soft his messy hair was, and she still had the images of the brusing on his skin as she traced over them. She figured she could go back soon, maybe in half an hour. The nurse should be done changing his bandages by then and out of his room.

As she walked down the hospital hallways she passed by a gift shop. Maybe she would buy him something. A bear? Yes. She would stop buy a buy him a teddy bear. There was a cute one that said "Get Well Soon" on the front. It would be perfect. She quickly made her purchase and continued down to the cafeteria with a huge grin on her face.
Greg winced as the nurse gently took off his bandage. Oww!

The middle-aged nurse smiled, "It might hurt a bit." She had done taking off the old bandage and now was treating his wounds. Greg winced again. It might hurt 'a bit'??

The nurse seemed like a nice lady. Reminded Greg of his Aunt Meg whose cookies are the best in the planet. "When can I go home?" he asked.

She smiled, "Soon. The doctor said you could go home tomorrow, after he has made sure there's no complications." Greg nodded. She was now putting on new bandage, "You can't wait to go home with her, do you?"

"Her? Who?"

The nurse chuckled, "Don't pretend like you don't know, young man. It's obvious. Are you two a couple? Married?"

Greg almost choked on the word 'married'. "Umm, no." He felt himself blushing. "She's just... a friend."

"A friend?" the nurse shook her head, "I don't believe that. I can see it in your eyes. Don't tell me you don't love her?"

Greg chuckled. This nurse is unbelievable. "Okay, I love her... but,"

She had finished with his bandage, "No 'buts'... if you love her, you should tell her that." She smiled, "Now I have to go. You rest well, okay?"

Greg nodded. And the nurse left. He was alone again.

He laid back and sighed. Maybe the nurse was right. He should tell her how much he loved her... Yesterday events made him realize how short life is. He should do something before it was too late... But how am I going to tell her?
Cath stood waiting for a cue. She tensed. She'd seen the elder Mrs. Curtis shoot Hannah. Realizing they might call for backup, she turned from the window. "Be back in a sec," she called as she ran down.
"Uh..." Sofia thought about it. Was it a good idea to have Grissom drive her home? Then she decided that she was too tired, and her arm was hurting too much to even think about it. "Please." She nodded. A last glare at Hannah, the woman who had tried to take her life, and she turned around. "Should we go say bye to Sara and Greg? They might wanna know that we are leaving."
Re: Sandle RP *DELETED*

Cath noticed Griss and Sofia coming back inside and went toward them. "Everything okay?" she asked, offering Sofia her shoulder to lean on. "It looked pretty intense."
Toomuchovertime, I don't know what you've been reading, but your post does not add up to what we are playing here. No one is in the parking lot anymore, everyone is inside the hospital. You might wanna edit or something.
It had been thirty minutes. She had just finished up her .. brunch? .. and decided she would head back to Greg's room. As Sara walked down the hallway she thought about what she would do once she got back to Greg's room. What would she tell him? The last time they were together they were lying in a bed together. If she said she was just being a good friend, she would be lying to herself. Her and Greg had always been more then just friends. But what exactly were they?

Sara turned right into a white, brightly lit hallway. She took a deep breath as she tried to control her thoughts. She hated the smell of hospitals. It reminded her of the smell of death. Though death was something she faced almost every day, it was different when something happened to someone you know and love. Someone she loves? Did she love Greg? She wasn't sure, but it wouldn't be long until she found out.

Teddy bear in hand, Sara slowly opened the door and went into Greg's room, searching for an answer.
Grissom looked up in surprise. He thought Catherine would have gone home long ago. She had a daughter to tend to at home but she was still in the hospital.
"Catherine, you're still here? I was just about to take Sofia home."
He decided to offer her a ride home as well.

(I don't know if I should make any sort of romantic attempts with Sofia... or even Catherine. What do you think, Dutchie? ;))
Dutchie isn't sure. I think I don't mind, as long as it's still Sandles. I don't really ship Grissom or Sofia with anyone so I'll just see what you come up with.
[I'm quite flexible, Hestia. Like Dutchie, I don't really mind as long as the focus still on Sandle. I think it's kinda hard to resist not heading that way... You've got Grissom and Sofia to that point. Well I just see it's natural if you wanna develop it some way :))

Greg was gazing out of the hospital window. From what he could see, it was a sunny day outside, blue clear sky. The nurse had left a while ago and he had a bit time to be alone, to think.

He had been thinking about his life. About yesterday's events. About how much it might have affected him... He thought about his parents. His childhood. His future.
He thought about Sara... That part took the longest time to think.
And by the end, he still didn't really know the answers.

The door opened and it startled him from his thoughts. His face lit up when he saw her, "Hey..." She smiled. The kind of smile that always bring that funny feeling in his stomach, shivers through his fingertips.

The little things that made him realize.

She wasn't just a crush.

She was his present and his future.
(I'll just keep it as a friendship. Sandle is the only romance here. :) So... will Sofia agree to Grissom's offer of taking her home? What about Catherine?)
Sara entered the room and took a seat next to Greg. "I got you a present." she said, handing him the teddy bear. She hoped he would like it. He seemed like the kind of guy that would enjoy getting a teddy bear. Once he took it she saw a smile spread across his face. Things were going well so far.

They engaged in small talk for a few minutes. After awhile, she decided now would be as good a time as any to try and talk to him. She took a deep breath, and was going to speak, but Greg beat her to it.

"Hey Sara, can I ask you something" he started to say. Sara could feel her stomach flipping inside of her.