Sandle RP

[In-depth posts are hard, but they are fun to write! This one isn't really long though. Are you kidding, I love angst.]

"Hey" Sara said back, her voice barley above a whisper. "How are you feeling?"
She had been so worried and was glad that Greg was okay. And it must have showed, because Greg had quickly grabbed her hand as soon as she started to speak.

Sara could hear Sofia leaving the room. She had a bad feeling about it, but was too caught up with Greg to even think anything more about it. Sara hadn't relized how tired she was until now. She glanced at the clock on the wall and saw it was almost six in the morning. She yawned before looking back at Greg, smiling.
[Hestia!!! You're back! Long time no see... haha you could pretend the cops tell you ;)]

Greg saw Sofia left the room and he nodded his head, but Sofia didn't see him. But finally, sometime alone with Sara... well, okay, he looked like crap with bruises and bandage around his head, but still...

Sara asked how he was feeling, Greg held her hand and said, "Pretty much messed up, but the painkiller's good." He flashed her his lopsided grin. Really, he was feeling better.

Sara yawned. He followed her gaze at the clock. Six in the morning. No wonder he felt so tired. "You're tired? Maybe you should go home..." He didn't want her to leave, but she obviously needed her rest. Hmm... the bed looks wide enough for two person...

Just then, Greg thought he saw someone behind the little window on the door... "Who's that?" Turned out it was Grissom. He smiled and pointed to the left, as if to say 'I'm gonna go for a moment'. Greg was glad, even his boss came to see if he was okay. Now where's the rest of the team...

He wondered if Catherine and Brass had found Hannah... And how about the Keith Richards case?

[Hestia, there you go :) And ooh, hollie loves angst too?? I wouldn't have thought... :lol:]
(Thanks so much! ;))

Grissom tore himself away from his office when he heard the news. One of his own was shot in a diner and as if that wasn't enough, there was a serious car crash near a man-made river by Lake Tahoe. (trying to explain a river in the desert! :p)
Officially, he headed over to the hospital to get statements and fill out an accident report.
Unofficially he wanted to make sure his colleagues were okay. The first two people he caught sight of were Catherine and Greg.
"Hey. What happened?" He looked at Greg, "I thought you were reported as one of the injured..."
(Toomuchovertime, it was an ambulance. She got trapped in the ambulance. :D Thanks for being back Hestia, but if you're with Greg...who's my mistery voice??? :confused: I'll just wait.)
(Hmmmm.... mystery voice. Go with me on this one. :))

An older blonde woman was beside Sofia. She expected her to be in a hospital bed, not out in the hallway. Concern was etched in her features and she was still in her uniform. She looked every bit the concerned mother.
Her daughter's injuries weren't serious but she heard what happened from Brass and rushed over. Now she was helping the CSIs hunt down her daughter's shooter.

"Hey. Are you alright?"

(Hope I didn't ruin any plan. :))
[This is confusing! I was trying to make the mystery voice as Grissom, but... things didn't go as planned :lol: Don't worry Hestia, Dutchie, I'll find a way to make it work! (I hope)... and this one's a bit crappy cuz, not only Greg is on painkillers, his writer also on flu medicine too :lol:]

It felt good to be with her. Her hand was warm and her smile was like a painkiller, made him forgot about his injuries.

Greg was trying to convince Sara to go home. Somehow she insisted on staying... and Greg just teased her, "Really, you need to get some rest... you look terrible." He chuckled. You can tell they were savouring this moment alone together... you could even hear the violin sang in the background.

But then suddenly came bursting into the room was Catherine. "Catherine?" Greg shot his head towards the door. Violins vanished. "Yea I'm okay..." He frowned, a bit confused cause he thought she was with Brass trying to track Hannah down. Something tells him she coming there not just for saying 'get well soon'... Uh-oh... "Any news on Hannah?"

Catherine looked at Sara. Sara looked at Greg. Greg looked at Sara then at Catherine. There was a triangle of looks. (How dramatic... not)
It looked like Catherine wanted to talk about something and now he was wondering what she wanted to tell him. Okay, spill it. I'm ready for the bad news. "Cath, is there something wrong?"

Then before she said something, someone opened the door. Came in Grissom. He asked what happened, Cath explained. Greg blushed at the word 'hero'. Because he wasn't feeling like one...

He couldn't protect his own friend from getting shot. The waitress that flirted with him turned out to be a maniac. She was on the run with a possesion of an armed weapon. They still hadn't got any progress with the Keith Richards case. And now he was lying there, the clock ticking, wasting every second of it.


After all what they've gone through, he felt more like shit.

[ETA: Ooh Sofia's mother! :eek: Nice twist, Hestia! Need to change my post... So Sara stays. Erased two lines ;)]
It had been perfect when it was just her and Greg in the room. Well, other than the fact that Greg had just been in a major accident and was now in the hospital. Greg kept trying to convince her to leave, but she wouldn't. Sara really didn't want to leave Greg. Sure, she was tired, but she was used to running on no sleep.

Soon both Catherine and Grissom were in the room. Catherine looked like something was wrong, but Grissom had interupted her. What was going on? Sara just stood there confused and noticed Greg was still holding her hand. She smiled and left it there. It felt so good to have her hand is his.

[There's some fluff for you... I don't know if Sara is confused, or I am. :confused:]
Hestia said:
(Hmmmm.... mystery voice. Go with me on this one. :))
An older blonde woman was beside Sofia. She expected her to be in a hospital bed, not out in the hallway. Concern was etched in her features and she was still in her uniform. She looked every bit the concerned mother.
Her daughter's injuries weren't serious but she heard what happened from Brass and rushed over. Now she was helping the CSIs hunt down her daughter's shooter.
"Hey. Are you alright?"

(I'll go with you. And I'm also giving them a very bad mother-daughter relationship! :devil:)

Sofia looked up. "Mom? What are you doing here? Why are you here? Go away!" She stood up again, wincing from pain. Her mother gave her an don't-you-speak-to-me-like-that look. "Just leave mom. I don't need you here. If anyone, I certainly don't need you here!"

She walked back into the hospital room to see that Grissom and Catherine had joined Sara and Greg. They all turned to look at her, and she made an 180 degree turn and walked out again, passing her mother. "Sofia Curtis! Come back here this instant!" Her mother called. She pretended she didn't hear her and kept walking, starting to run slowly.

She got into the elevator, and when she reached the lowest floor (lost the word...) she walked out of the door. She didn't care that her arm was bandaged, and that she was in pain. She needed to get away from that...

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Miss Liferuiner."

Hannah? Oh boy this was gonna get bad. Very bad. And she had no way to go.

(ewwww I said way to go! *shrudder* ;) someone please follow me!)
[Waiting for Catherine, so I'll play Hannah for a bit, if that's okay Dutchie? Love the little fluff, hollie (just so you know that I'm not all angst ;))]

Suddenly the hospital room was getting crowded... And the anticipation of what Cath might say, the silence, hung in the air... Greg sighed, what a long night. Then he realized he was still holding Sara's hand. Glancing at her, he gently circled the back of her hand with his thumb. You have no idea how glad I am that you're with me...

Suddenly the door opened again. This time it was Sofia, who was panting and looking so upset. Seeing everyone in the room, she abruptly exited again. "Hey, wait-- Ow!" Greg tried to get up but pain shot through his bandaged head again.

* * * * * * * * *

The dark figure was leaning against the wall, cigarette in her hand, eyes fixed to the white building not far from where she was standing. In the tonight's News the reporter had said that the car accident victims were brought to this hospital... She never loved watching the News but this time it was worth it.
She took a last drag from her cigarette, then threw it on the concrete floor and grind it with her heel.
Her long coat felt heavier on one side. She put her right hand in the pocket and could feel the cold metal against her palm...
She wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

[Can't believe I've turned Hannah from 'flirty waitress' into 'crazy maniac'! :eek: Omg someone saves Sofia!]
Grissom wanted to get all the facts straight but half way through his unofficial "interrogation" there was a loud interruption. Everyone, himself included, turned to see a familiar woman bickering bickering with an older woman who looked very similar to her.
He realized he was witnessing a family spat. He barely knew officer Curtis but the few bits he heard from Sofia, and what he was observing at the moment, indicated that she wasn't thrilled to see her.
"Sofia Curtis! Come back here this instant!"
The loud yell was stern but worried.

Grissom watched Sofia take the elevator to the lobby ( ;) ) and decided he might as well go and try and talk to Sofia.
Noticing Greg ready to get up and follow, Grissom advised him to stay. The young CSI didn't need to be told twice - after all his headache was a good indicator that he should take things slow.
"Everyone stay here. I'll talk to Sofia and her mother. The last thing they needs is a whole crowd following them."

(Will Sofia make it or will her mom do something? Or maybe Grissom... hmmm. :))

Edited because Silhouette was right. I need to read things more slowly! :)
[Glad to see you you're back, Hestia! :) And it was Greg's head that hurt, bandaged arm is Sofia's ;)]

As soon as Cath said 'good news', Greg sighed a relief... He thought Hannah already killed another person or something equally bad... but no, he was glad to hear Brass was on this. He trusted Brass with his life. He's a good cop and Greg knew he'd do anything to catch this mad woman.

"That's great, Cath..." He relaxed a bit. "Have you both talked to the doctor? I mean, can I go home soon?"
He couldn't wait.

* * * * * *

The back of the hospital building was a deserted parking lot. It was rather dark, but quiet except for traffic sounds faint in the background.
Hannah made her way among the parked cars. She just spotted a blond woman walked out of the corner of the building into the parking lot, now standing with her back turned at Hannah. Getting closer to the blond woman, Hannah was sure it was Sofia. She didn't know what Sofia was doing there, maybe trying to get some fresh air or something, but she was walking right into her spider web.

Hannah couldn't believe Sofia didn't hear her footsteps.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Miss Liferuiner."

[:eek: Suspense!]