Sandle RP

Greg's eyes fell on the thing in her hands. A cute teddy bear, with 'Get Well Soon' across its front. For me? He couldn't help but smile. The little things she does that made him felt warm inside.

His wide grin vanished behind the teddy as he held it up in front of his face, its front facing Sara. He moved its hands and made it to nod with his thumb. "Thank you, Miss Sara." he said in child-like voice from behind it.
He then made the teddy dance in the air. "My owner is Greg Sanders... Wheeee!!"

Sara laughed and Greg held the teddy back on his lap, grinning widely. His eyes lingered on her for a moment. Oh how much he loved to see her laugh... She caught his gaze and he looked down.

They talked a bit. About everything else, except for one thing that's been bugging his mind. His hands idly played with the teddy on his lap. Are you just a 'friendship' Teddy, or are you more? The teddy just looked up at him.

Sara was telling him about a book she read and Greg had his eyes on her again. But he almost didn't hear what she was saying.

Why are you still here, Sara? You could've gone back to work. I know how much work is important to you.
He probably had known the answer in his heart but he was too afraid to believe it.

Who am I to you?
Something ached inside of him.

She finished her story and suddenly they both fell silent. He looked down again, to the teddy bear in his hands.

He had to know.
He wasn't sure about the move he was about to take... but he needed to know something first. Where does he stand? It was more blurry than ever.

"Hey Sara, can I ask you something?" he felt his heart pounding against his chest.

He met her quizzical look.

I'm standing outside your door. Please let me in...

"Umm... about you and Grissom..." he began carefully, "Is it really over?"
He swallowed. "I know it's none of my business. I was just... curious..."
Sara tensed up. This was not a pleasant subject for her. If someone else had asked her this question she wouldn't have answered. She would have shut anyone else out. But not Greg. She couldn't shut him out. Greg had never been anything less than amazing to her. He was one of the only people she could actually trust. She had to answer him.

Sara took a deep breath. "Yeah it's over."
"But how could it really be over if I wasn't really anything to begin with." she thought. She wanted to cry as all of her old thoughts rushed back to her. The thoughts about her and Grissom. The thoughts about how stupid she had been thinking that he would ever be interested in her.
"What had she ever done?" "What was so good about her?"
Nothing. That was the only answer she could come up with. She was nothing.

She tried to calm down, she really did. She had tried to hold the tears in, but it just didn't work. After everything with Grissom, she just couldn't deal with it anymore. She felt the wetness on her face as she started to cry.
Grissom gave her an understanding look and led them both outside. Once Sofia and Catherine were in his car he sat down and started the engine. He knew Catherine would want to know what happened. She had that intrigued look in her eye.
"I guess you know about Hannah. She's not doing well."
Greg stared directly into her eyes. He wanted to know... Just a glimpse of doubt in her eyes would be enough to make him back away for good.

Her expression changed and that immediate second he just knew.

She said it was over, but those little words bear something else in them. They weren't crisp, as the truth would be. They were layered, filled with what could've been supressed memories. Her eyes suddenly started to water and he knew there was something unsaid boiling under the surface.

As soon as he saw the first tears rolled down her cheecks, he regreted it. He could never make her cry. Why he had to ask? It wasn't his place to ask and now she was crying. God he was so stupid.

Greg reached out to pull her into a hug, without saying anything. He let her cry into his shoulder, pouring out what was more than just tears. Stroking her hair gently, he could feel her body shaking from emotions that she had kept bottled for God knows how long.
"I'm sorry," he whispered faintly. "Don't cry, please..." His own throat felt dry.

Maybe it was just a friendship teddy. Maybe she was there for a friend. Maybe she always belonged to someone else and he never had a chance...
Maybe he would never be good enough...

It felt so heavy in his chest. Feeling more hopeless than ever, he tightened his arms around her. Wasn't sure how to deal with her crying. All he could do just let her.

He could never understand what is it about this woman...
Sara didn't know what to think. Even though Greg had been lying in the hospital, he was the one comforting her. Why was he always there for her, no matter what? It made her feel so guilty. He was apologizing. It wasn't his fault.

But at the same time she had felt safe. She was safe in Greg's arms. She knew that he would always be there for her no matter what. And that was all she needed right now.

A few minutes later she was able to compose herself. She apologized sincerely and excused herself. But as she went to leave her chair, she felt Greg's gentle yet firm grasp on her arm.
"I just want you to know, I'm sorry if I upset you, in anyway. The last thing I would ever want to do..." he began to speak, but she cut him off.
"I know. And don't be sorry, because it's not you fault at all. Trust me, your the last person I would blame. Okay?" she responded. She let out an assuring smile and headed to the bathroom.

Entering the bathroom, the smell of bleach stung her nose. She quickly headed over to the sinks and splashed her face with water. Sighing quietly, Sara leaned against the cold tile wall and slid down until she was sitting on the hard linolium floor. She just sat there, deep in thought, for what seemed like hours. She thought about her and Grissom. She thought about her and Greg. She thought about every other relationship she had through out her life.

Glancing at her watch she saw she had been there for ten minutes. Sara deicded that she should go back to Greg, before he thought she left. She had wanted to talk to him too. Sara finally knew what she wanted to say to him. She didn't have a doubt in her mind. She just hoped that he would feel the same way...
[Sorry I've been MIA for days... but I'm back :D]

It felt like a thousands seconds, a thousand comforting strokes, a thousand thoughts racing through his head, before her sobs finally stopped and he found himself still holding her like the time stood still. Maybe it was just a moment from a movie and he would still end up alone when the credits roll.

Finally he let her go and she excused herself. She got up to leave and Greg automaticly grabbed her arm. He looked up at her and said, "I just want you to know, I'm sorry if I upset you, in anyway. The last thing I would ever want to do..." but she cut him off, her words and her smile both assuring him it wasn't his fault. Oh how he wished he had the psysic power like his Nana Olaf...
He let her arms go and she was gone the next second.

It was what she always does, he realized. Being there and gone again. Being close and pull away again. Opening up to him, just to shut the door in front of his face again. He couldn't believe he always fall for that each time. Another stab across his heart, yet he could never get himself to stop hoping and forget her altogether. It was almost like he was addicted to the pain. Keep the wound bleeding just to feel alive.

But he was getting tired of this. That was it, he only mentioned Grissom's name and she cried at that single question. It was as clear as that. She could never love him.

Maybe he could move to another city to forget her. Or being with another woman to bury her memory... But he knew he could never leave her. Nor hurt her like that.
Could he handle another day, another month, another year just being her friend? Maybe he would, just to see her smile and listen to her laugh... Just to feel the warm feeling over and over again.

Greg stared at the white ceiling above him. What would he do now? Running away from everything? Taking the plunge and turning everything upside down? Waiting until someone slap him across the face? Until his heart burst?

Greg buried his face into the pillow and let out a muffled frustrated scream.
Sara walked down the empty hallways of the hospital. She stopped when she came to Greg's room. She took a deep breath and slowly entered the room. She gave Greg a quick smile and sat down in the chair beside his bed.

"I'm sorry" she said taking a deep breath. "I ..." she started to say, but Greg went to cut her off.
"No, please don't say anything. Just not yet, I have to get this out." she said cutting him off.
"Sorry" she apologized again. "It's just. Greg I really care about you. And you've been my best friend for the longest time. But I don't want to really be 'just friends' with you, but it's just hard. Because every guy that I've ever tried to open up with, that I've ever tried to have a relationship with, every guy that I've ever tried to trust, it's all just backfired in my face. I really really wanna have something with you Greg, you have to understand that. It's just..."

She couldn't think of anything more to say. She looked up at Greg and saw how surprised he looked. She had to admit, she was surprised herself, she had never told anyone that. But Greg wasn't just anyone. She knew deep inside that Greg was different, that he would never hurt her. But she just had trouble believing it.
Greg turned around as soon as he heard the door clicked open. Sara smiled and sat down in the chair next to his bed. Her eyes fixed on him and by the look she gave him he knew she was about to tell him something important... something maybe he didn't wanna hear.

She began to speak and Greg opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off. Words poured from her lips and Greg looked directly into her eyes. He wanted to know how much she meant what she said. He could feel his own feeling boiling inside him with every words that escaped her lips.

"... I really care about you..."
But you don't care about how I feel for you, do you?

"... you've been my best friend..."
So that's what I've always been to you...

"... I don't wanna really be 'just friends' with you..."
Then give me a chance...

"... but it's just hard..."
He sighed and tore his gaze away from her. Of course, it's hard. You could give anyone else a chance but not me. Am I not good enough?

"... it's all just backfired in my face..."
I'm not just 'every guy', Sara... you know that. And you never give it a try, how could you know this time it wouldn't be different?

"... you have to understand that, it's just..." she trailed off and Greg was left speechless.

He still couldn't believe that she said all of those things. He wasn't sure how he was suppose to react to that. It just accured to him that Sara was pouring her heart out to him, and it wasn't exactly like her. It was something she wouldn't normally do to just anyone. She trusted him. She meant every words. Was that a sign? What was that telling him? Does he want to believe it?

He took a deep breath. "Don't say another word." He stared right into her eyes. There was a big convoluted knot inside his chest and he didn't know where to begin.

"Look, Sara..." He tried carefully, "You know exactly how I feel about you. If you really care about me, don't you know how much this hurts me?" He sighed. He dreaded this conversation but he had to get it out. All the words that he kept inside was eating him alive. He felt like his heart almost burst from bottling everything up.

"Sara, I'm tired.. of all this. You're keeping me on a short leash. You give me just enough to hope but never really give me a chance... I can't wait forever..." he watched her expression changed and he almost regreted what he said, but there was no going back now.

"You know I'd never hurt you... What more should I do to make you believe me?" Everything is boiling down to this point.

He took a deep breath and said firmly, staring right into her eyes, "I love you." He took her right hand from her lap and held it to his chest. "This... is real."

Her hand was right over his heart which was pounding on his chest. Almost exploded from years of supressed feelings, words that he cannot say, that was now seemed to struggle to get out. He had said the three little words, the heaviest lump in his chest. Flashbacks and everything worth a few years being unsaid fit right into those three little words...
But the lump that clogged everything was out, and the rest would follow...
[ :D Okay this is getting harder and harder to write. But it's also really fun to write. So here it goes...]

Greg told her not to say another word. What he didn't know was that she couldn't if she tried. Sara focused on Greg as he spoke. Everytime he spoke she wanted to say something in response.

But I'm not trying to hurt you.
I'm sorry it's just... I'm sorry.

She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to do. It felt like the wall that she had been building up inside her for years was crumbling down. Slow at first, but now their were five or six bricks at a time cascading down.

But the thing that really did it was Greg grabbing her hand and placing it on his chest. She could feel his heartbeating. People talk about the thousands of things that can be expressed in one heartbeat. And Sara remembered how crazy it all sounded until now. She could feel years of him wanting her. She could feel years of him yearning to express how he felt. She could feel all the times his heart broke, feel how it had been put back together after shattering into little pieces.

And the thing that hit her most was that it was all for her.

Then, without a doubt in her mind, she kissed him. She didn't have any words to describe how she felt so she hoped that he could tell want she wanted through the kiss. After breaking apart from his lips, she managed to say the four hardest words for her to say.

"I love you, too"

[Yey! I did it! Was it good? Was is too much?]
[OMG hollie I wanna cry... But these are happy tears! :D I was juggling between doing this part or leaving it as it is, but... hope it's not too much]

All of a sudden his chest felt so much lighter. He had said it all... And then there was silence that followed it. Everything slowed down to the drips of every second crawled by, with the beating sound of his own heart so loud in his ear. Aching for a release.

She looked bewildered by everything he just said and Greg almost couldn't stand the wait. How she was gonna react to that? It was like he was standing on the edge of a cliff... it was up to her now. She could catch him with one look of an eye, or let him fall and break into a million pieces in the darkness below by one single syllable...

Then she did the most unbelievable thing... Only when he felt her lips against his own that he knew he wasn't dreaming. She was kissing him.

She pulled away and his mind registered what just happened. Did she just kiss me? And it was more unbelievable the words that followed it, "I love you, too."

Greg just managed to blink, "You do?" His lips broke into a smile.

His thoughts lost him as he leaned in and did what he had wanted to do for years... Kissing her. Gentle at first, then he put his hand on the back of her neck, between the soft strands of her hair, and deepened the kiss. All his years of wants and fears and longing burn into one... It was his turn to let her know.

Finally... I find the key...

[*sob sob* It's over? Awww... We did it hollie... :) Should we say 'The End'?]
[Yey! It's done!! I'm soo happy! :D :D But now we gotta start the other one... You wanna start it? :D Or meybe I could... We're using Sissi's idea, right? Hmm.. I guess just PM me. Oh yeah...]

*snief* it's done, and I missed it. I think Grissom, Sofia and Catherine were actually still talking...but who cares :D