Sandle RP

"That's Hannah's blood Greg. My mother shot her when she was keeping me hostile and Grissom was standing there just staring. But I'm okay."

She looked at him. He looked frustrated. But why wouldn't he, he didn't know anything. "Filled in enough?"
Sara, who was standing behind Sofia, heard everything she had said. "But, when did all this happen?" she asked confused. "You guys couldn't have been gone for more than ten or fifteen minutes." Sara stood there standing behind Sofia waiting for an answer. She looked over at Greg who looked equally confused.
Sofia told everything in one single sentence and Greg just blinked at her, "Wait, what?"
Hannah's blood? Hostile? Mrs. Curtis shot her?
"Hold on. You're not filling me in... That's stuffing me with summary. I'm not sure I follow..." It was too much all at once. And all those things happened in ten minutes??

Sara also wanted to know. She looked at him. Greg glanced back. Don't look at me. I'm the one with a bandaged head... It takes my brain longer to process it than average healthy human being. He turned to Sofia, questions racing in his mind, but he could only get one out at a time. "So where's Hannah?"

He didn't know how Hannah got there. He thought she had been in custody. But maybe what he needed now was closure. It had been a long day and all he wanted was reassurement he could now sleep without worries. No more danger lurking around the corner...

At least for now. Because he was tired of it. He wanted to sleep.
"Hannah is in that trauma room. They're trying to fix her. It all happened in ten minutes, yeah." Sofia told the whole story, occasionally sighting, or taking a deep breath. When she was finished, Greg and Sara just stared at her. "Where did Grissom go?" She asked.
"I thought you would know" Sara replied. She was slightly taken aback by Sofia's question.
"Hadn't she just said that Grissom was in the parking lot with her?"
Sara sighed. Maybe it was just from the lack of sleep, but she still couldn't figure out what the hell was going on around her. She carefully sat down on the edge of Greg's bed, rubbing her head in fatigue.

Then, almost as if on cue, Grissom entered the room.
Sofia explained what happened and all he could do was blinking in disbelief... all of that happened in ten minutes? Looks like I missed out the fun...

Just as he was wondering where Grissom was, Sofia asked the same thing. He thought she knew... She was with Grissom, while Greg was stuck on his hospital bed all those time...

Greg looked at Sara as she sat down on the edge of his bed. She seemed so worn out. Well after all of those, they should be. He was tired himself.

He almost said something to her, but the door opened and entered Grissom.

[Sorry it's short and crappy... I'm a little 'dry' at the moment]
(Not crappy! Silly Silhouette... "Silly-ette". :lol:)

"How are you doing Greg?"
That was the first thing that came out of his mouth. Grissom glanced at Sofia and Sara before Greg assured him he was fine. Although he didn't look too great.

"I'm glad your all here," he decided to ask what was bothering him, "Catherine told me that you three were at the diner When Ms. Hannah Jefferson fired the shots. I'd like to get some statements. And maybe find out how Greg is involved in all this."
He could tell they weren't thrilled about what he said but he had to get the information. It was the investigator in him.
[Silly-ette? :lol: :lol:]

Grissom asked him if he was fine... hmm he needed to think about that for a moment. Was he fine? Well you could say so. The headache had subsided. The crazy maniac was now unconcious and could do nothing more to hurt anyone. But, hell, he was damn tired. Fine? Other than the fact that I'm still confused, worn out, paranoid, and haven't take a bath since yesterday... "Yeah, I'm fine." The automatic efficient answer for your boss.

Now Grissom wanted some explanation of how Greg 'is involved in all this'. He sighed, oh please no more explaining. "Can't we do it in the morning? --oh wait, it's dawn already, right-- I mean, I need a rest." He pleaded.

Could puppy dog eyes work for his boss? He might as well tried...
"Grissom...let Greg rest. He doesn't even know how he's involved in this. I'm the only one who knows. I'll give you a statement. Let's go, let the...him...them, rest. Come on." Sofia stood up and walked out, pulling Grissom with her. She gave Greg and Sara a weak smile. "See you."
When Sara saw Sofia and Grissom leave, she thought maybe she should join them. She looked over at Greg, who obviously couldn't keep his eyes open for another second. He would never get better if he didn't get his rest.

"Hey, I'm gonna head home, you need your rest." she whispered to Greg, "I'll be back later, I promise."
She went to leave, but felt his hand grasping hers, pulling her back. "Greg" she whinned. "Come on, I have to go home. You need your rest." But he wouldn't let go. His grip was persistent, but soft at the same time. His eyes were closed, he was barely awake, but he still mumbled something about her staying here.
"Greg, I can't stay. Come on don't make this harder for me then it already is." He gently went to pull her back onto the bleached white sheets of the hospital bed. Sara just laughed. "Fine, but if I get in trouble, it's your fault" she said, lying down beside him.
ETA: Oops! You beat me hollie. I'm gonna edit.
[I'm going out of town for 3 days... so you could either leave Greg as if he's still in the hospital so you do the case or whatever without him... Or you could replace me until I get back... Your call :) I'm gonna post once more tomorrow morning though... And, YAY, Sandle moment! :D]

"See ya, Sofia." Greg smiled and waved. Finally he could get some rest, thanks to Sofia...

As soon as Sofia closed the door, Greg yawned and stretched both his arms above his head. His muscles felt a bit stiff... now his eyelids started to feel heavy. And he slowly drifted to sleep, surprisingly still managed to try to make Sara stayed.
He shifted a little to the right, and almost like in a dream he mumbled, "I think the bed's big enough..." though it came out like a series of incoherent syllables. He wasn't fully aware of it but he pulled her back into the white sheets.

As soon as he felt her warm body against his, he put his arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer. He sighed and put his cheek against strands of her hair. Breathing in slowly , her scent filled his lungs. Relaxing him. And within seconds, he was out like a light, into a nice dream...

For the first time that day, everything felt alright.
(So sweet! Sandle is always sweet! ^_^)

Grissom frowned lightly as Sofia pulled him outside. As soon as they were out in the hall he looked at her.
"I don't know if you're in the best state of mind to be giving me a statement. You're life was just in danger - more than once in the last 24 hours."
She looked stubborn, so he just sighed.
"If you want, you can give me a written statement. I'll need to talk to Greg tomorrow."
(Bye bye Irma, we will miss you so much!)

"Grissom, I'm fine. Thereby, you know I can give you the statement now. Greg doesn't even know what the hell was going on in that bar. I'm not even sure!" She sighted too and leaned against the wall. "Can you go check how Hannah's doing for me?" She asked. "I don't think I can take another step right now."
The entomologist sighed but walked towards Hannah's room. A doctor stopped him as he approached the door.
"Sir, she's in critical condition. No one is allowed to see her."
"Oh. Well, I was hoping to get a statement of some kind from her. I wanted to talk to her about what happened a few hours ago..."
The doctor didn't look to happy. He obviously thought that Grissom was being unfeeling and cold on purpose, when in reality he just told the doctor the first thing he could think of at the moment.
"No visitors. She's not even conscious."
Grissom merely nodded and walked a few feet away. As soon as he was sure the doctor left, he whirled around and walked to the door.

Just a small peek to assess the situation. It was one of the stupidest things he did but this woman threatened the lives of two CSIs and a detective. He just had to get a good look at her.

The waitress; the woman who shot a cop, laid still, with tubes portruding from her body.
He hoped she would pull through. He had many questions to ask.