Ryan Wolfe and Eric Delko

It´s an interesting relationship some days, and sometimes i get bored of it.
I agree they will never be great friends, despite having friends in common, and as Electra said "we know so much about Eric,Calleigh and Horatio and so little about him".
So I'm wondering.....why do they have to be friends?
I mean cordial...yes they work together so they need to be cordial to each other. But friends...why?
I work closely with several other women and while I'm friendly towards them, I don't want to be their friends. I mean work is work and my time is my time. I have friends that I do stuff with and I don't feel the need to hang out with people I work with.

Just curious.
So I'm wondering.....why do they have to be friends?
I mean cordial...yes they work together so they need to be cordial to each other. But friends...why?
I work closely with several other women and while I'm friendly towards them, I don't want to be their friends. I mean work is work and my time is my time. I have friends that I do stuff with and I don't feel the need to hang out with people I work with.

Just curious.
Cordial(to me anyway) means to just tolerate,I find that different from being friendly towards someone.I don't hang out with everyone I work with either,but I am at least friendly toward them.There are times when you can say at least one of them(Ryan and Eric) was no where near cordial,I think Ryan trys a little harder than Delko,but they have both been quilty. They don't have to really be friends,but sometimes there just seems to be a mean spiritedness to their relationship that is unecessary and it is sometimes irritating.When you work with someone in what can be a life and death situation,you do want to at least have some respect for the other person and sometimes it's just not shown.It's the lack of respect I find very bothersome .
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I think the trust thing is very crucial between these two. So if you look at it from that angle there were a couple of times in the beginning of their relationship (when you're deciding exactly how you feel about the other person) where that became an issue. It is at the beginning of meeting someone where you lay out a foundation of sorts and to be kind of shaky about trust is a big issue. I think that at these times Ryan was the eager new kid who wanted to impress and did some stuff especifically concerning Eric which were not so well taken by him. Taking credit in front of Horatio for evidence that Eric had also worked for would certainly put a damper in their new realtion; that was only episode 3.19 were they were still laying their foundation. And then when the whole marijuana thing came up with Eric (not so many episodes after, Shattered episode 4.10) Ryan spoke rather quickly, yet Calleigh automatically covered for Eric. I'm not saying it was right or wrong (cause Ryan was being honest) but things were already shaky between them and Calleigh actually did have Eric's back so I'm just thinking how it might be perceived by the person who is in trouble. Then Ryan went to get permission to ask Natalia out and even asked him for money for the date :rolleyes:. If he had to go to Eric then he knew Eric was seeing her. So even if bygones should be bygones, when you don't know someone so well it's those things at the beginning that stay with you for a while. So I guess that's why I understand were Eric comes from when he doesn't completely rely on Ryan. Plus I agree with CoachMom in that we are not friends with everyone we work with. We treat each other and respect each other as colleagues but it doesn't have to go further than that. I do think they think highly of each other as CSI's and that their relationship has gotten better throughout the years which has been interesting to watch. That Eric suspected him goes to the core and foundation of their relationship, there's not much trust there. Plus add to that Eric's CSI instincts kicking in (which were right in a way) and it's not so completely out of the blue.

Please don't interpret this as me saying that Ryan is guilty of everything that has happened between them cause I'm not saying that. I do think both have been at fault and that Eric's anger at the beginning because he saw Ryan as Speed's replacement did not help the situation. But I found the trust issue quite interesting and I do think that if trust is shaky at the beginning then it'll have repercussions down the road; which I think is basically what has happened to these two.
yet Calleigh automatically covered for Eric
Calleigh didn't see that paper, Ryan notice this, she didn't look there, so she just said what she knows. Ryan was honest, but i see that he have fight in his mind "should i or shouldn't i say that".

About Natalia, what he should do, he thinks that Natalia interested in him, but he wanna be sure if Eric and Nat still dating or not. It's great that he ask Eric before talk with Nat.

Taking credit in front of Horatio for evidence that Eric had also worked for would certainly put a damper in their new realtion; that was only episode 3.19 were they were still laying their foundation.
I agree that Ryan was wrong in this situation, but Eric should take it easy, like Calleigh did.

IMO, they never would be friends, i hope that they start respect each other, cuz i don't see respect to Ryan from Eric. When Eric have problems after he got shot, Ryan help him, saying that he knows what Eric feels, it was good from his side. I hate how fast Eric jumping to conclusions (Eric said it about Ryan in Head case, but i think this phrase suit to Eric more) about Ryan, he should think first and then making conclusions.
Calleigh didn't see that paper, Ryan notice this, she didn't look there, so she just said what she knows. Ryan was honest, but i see that he have fight in his mind "should i or shouldn't i say that".

Yeah but she was in that elevator, she was a witness to the conversation and if I remember correctly Stetler not only asked if she had seen something but if she had heard anything that had to do with Eric and weed. She could've easily said that she was a witness to that conversation involving Eric and weed because it was relevant, and she chose not to. That's why I wrote that she covered for him.

About Natalia, what he should do, he thinks that Natalia interested in him, but he wanna be sure if Eric and Nat still dating or not. It's great that he ask Eric before talk with Nat.

I'm not saying it was wrong or right. I'm pointing out the fact that when you are dating someone it's kind of uncomfortable when someone else is also interested and you know about it. I guess it added to their awkwardness. What I do think was really weird was Ryan asking Eric for money to take out the girl Eric was going out with just days before. That I think was not such a smart move.

I agree that Ryan was wrong in this situation, but Eric should take it easy, like Calleigh did.

Calleigh is always more in control of her emotions, Eric wears his on his sleeve. So it's not out of character for each to react the way they did in that particular situation.
Well, I'm still of the opinion (and I know many don't agree with me) that when Ryan got close to Nat at that party and then wanted to ask her out, that he was partly doing what Horatio asked him to (find the mole). Nat was the new girl at the time, so it was logical to think she might be the mole (although he apparently missed the boat on that one as he never figured out that she was lol). I think too that asking Eric for money was also part of that plan (I find it hard to believe that someone with OCD tendencies would forget their wallet lol), cause remember Horatio had him even investigate Alexx. Remember the conversation where Alexx found out and she said something like "you thought I could be the mole"? And Horatio was like "I couldn't be sure". While Ryan was most likely attracted to Natalia (the boy has eyes after all), I honestly think that partly his reason for asking her out was because he was trying to find the mole. But, he didn't feel right about it and he thought it would make himself feel a little easier about it if he asked Eric's permission to go out with Nat. :lol: That's the way I see it anyway. :)

Also, about the rolling paper thing, Ryan was actually a little reluctant to say anything for a small amount of time. He paused for a bit before he answered. He said something like it wasn't anything that bad and could be taken out of context and then Stetler asked him what exactly he saw and I think he just said Papers and I think Stetler said 'rolling papers?'. Besides, it was kind of like being under oath in a way. :lol: Calleigh was very good and constructing her answers though, unfortunately Ryan didn't have that ability. Calleigh's much better at politics than he is. :lol: She was able to be careful enough in what she said. But, I think Stetler made Ryan nervous which is why he wasn't able to do what Calleigh did. :lol:
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Yeah but she was in that elevator, she was a witness to the conversation and if I remember correctly Stetler not only asked if she had seen something but if she had heard anything that had to do with Eric and weed. She could've easily said that she was a witness to that conversation involving Eric and weed because it was relevant, and she chose not to. That's why I wrote that she covered for him.
I'm so sorry, on Russian they translate only word paper, now i read subs and there was "rolling paper", i just think, she might be didn't know what kind of paper it was.

I'm not saying it was wrong or right. I'm pointing out the fact that when you are dating someone it's kind of uncomfortable when someone else is also interested and you know about it. I guess it added to their awkwardness. What I do think was really weird was Ryan asking Eric for money to take out the girl Eric was going out with just days before. That I think was not such a smart move.
As i remember, he don't have money cuz forget money home, he don't have chose :lol: Or on russian it's was translate wrong again?

Calleigh is always more in control of her emotions, Eric wears his on his sleeve. So it's not out of character for each to react the way they did in that particular situation.
Calleigh teasing him about it, it was funny :) I don't say it was out of character, i think that Eric should grow up from situations like this.
As i remember, he don't have money cuz forget money home, he don't have chose :lol: Or on russian it's was translate wrong again?

Yeah but if he forgot his wallet was Eric really the right guy to go ask? There are other people in the lab with whom I'm sure he had a better realtionship with and had not be dating Natalia. I see GNRF's point about the mole thing but it still baffles me that it was necesarry to ask Eric for money as part of the mole investigation.

I'm so sorry, on Russian they translate only word paper, now i read subs and there was "rolling paper", i just think, she might be didn't know what kind of paper it was.

Calleigh did know what kind of rolling paper it was because Ryan said:

"We've really gotta crack down all the pot smoking kit thieves around here."

(which is so funny by the way) after Eric said that the rolling papers were not his and that someone probably stole his kit.
Calleigh did know what kind of rolling paper it was because Ryan said:

"We've really gotta crack down all the pot smoking kit thieves around here."

(which is so funny by the way) after Eric said that the rolling papers were not his and that someone probably stole his kit.
They translate it us another way, they don't say some little thing, so i saw this situation in another way.

Yeah but if he forgot his wallet was Eric really the right guy to go ask?
They was alone in locker room and Natalia should came in minute, so Ryan didn't have any choise, if there was someone else with them, he asking another guy.
They was alone in locker room and Natalia should came in minute, so Ryan didn't have any choise, if there was someone else with them, he asking another guy.

Yeah well, IMO, either way it didn't help their relationship or Eric's perception of Ryan at the time.
Yeah well, IMO, either way it didn't help their relationship or Eric's perception of Ryan at the time.
IMO, it didn't help their possibly friendship, but this don't change thing about respect. Ryan respect him, he ask him and then move.
Also, about the rolling paper thing, Ryan was actually a little reluctant to say anything for a small amount of time. He paused for a bit before he answered. He said something like it wasn't anything that bad and could be taken out of context and then Stetler asked him what exactly he saw and I think he just said Papers and I think Stetler said 'rolling papers?'. Besides, it was kind of like being under oath in a way. :lol: Calleigh was very good and constructing her answers though, unfortunately Ryan didn't have that ability. Calleigh's much better at politics than he is. :lol: She was able to be careful enough in what she said. But, I think Stetler made Ryan nervous which is why he wasn't able to do what Calleigh did.
Ryan mentioned that he didn't see anything illegal which is what Stetler picked up on.I think Ryan started trying to have Eric's back,unfortunately he wasn't sucessful.Calleigh actually didn't see the papers,so was able to really say no.I'm not really sure Eric even knows what was said between Stetler and Ryan.
It all still comes down to a matter of trust,until that changes there is always going to be tension under the surface of their relationship.Both of them could stand a few counseling sessions together really.