Ryan Wolfe and Eric Delko

One thing for sure ,I am tired of them fighting.When I see the banter between Warrick and Nick or Flack and Danny I just say,Why can't we have something like this on Miami?

If you are not close with Ryan ,I think is easy to not trust him given the circumstances.But had he and Eric be friends ,he would have someone to rely on and that would trust him.
But that is what makes their relationship more unique and I think more real. Yeah, they butt heads alot, but you can see that Ryan and Eric have a professional and personal respect for each other. And we all know we would think it boring if they were as close and Warrick and Nick or Danny and Flack, we love the tension between them!! They're both strong minded, independent men who will probably never be friends...but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't take a bullet for the other.

I love the relationship just as it is, if I have one wish for future episodes, is that the writers give both Ryan and Eric the opportunity to be there for each other *nudges towards future ryan-centric episode of no particular name ;)*
But that is what makes their relationship more unique and I think more real. Yeah, they butt heads alot, but you can see that Ryan and Eric have a professional and personal respect for each other. And we all know we would think it boring if they were as close and Warrick and Nick or Danny and Flack, we love the tension between them!! They're both strong minded, independent men who will probably never be friends...but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't take a bullet for the other.

I love the relationship just as it is, if I have one wish for future episodes, is that the writers give both Ryan and Eric the opportunity to be there for each other *nudges towards future ryan-centric episode of no particular name ;)*
I don't always see the respect,especially from Eric.He is too quick to suspect Ryan,that is not respect.It would be great if there would be support for Ryan in an upcoming episode,but we know were the support is going to come from,and it's not Eric. I never thought Nick and Warrick were boring ,I find the repeated tension between Eric and Ryan irritating and boring,especially when it's not warranted or necessary.
Warrick and Nick were best friends, but they still competed and fought with each other. There was one ep where they were fighting and one of them kicked a garbage can or something in anger and walked out of the room or something. so, it wasn't all lollipops and sunshine with them. Ryan and Eric can still have moments where they buttheads on a case or whatever, but they can be friends too. I hate that Eric is always suspicious of Ryan, it bugs me. And I know the events in the ep that shall remain nameless will probably make the struggling Eric/Ryan friendship have even more setbacks. That's not progression its regression and it really irks me to be honest.
Yeah ,Nick and warrick had some fights.But their friendship was always strong like when either of them needed support of a few strong words to keep things real.With Eric and Ryan is like getting all the bad things and skipping the good ones.The chemistry is also not the same so it ends being boring.Maybe they should start developing a friendship.

And I still say that unless you are his friend is hard to trust Ryan.
Yeah ,Nick and warrick had some fights.But their friendship was always strong like when either of them needed support of a few strong words to keep things real.With Eric and Ryan is like getting all the bad things and skipping the good ones.The chemistry is also not the same so it ends being boring.Maybe they should start developing a friendship.

And I still say that unless you are his friend is hard to trust Ryan.
Eric clearly isn't Ryan's friend,but he doesn't even give him the beneft of the doubt,which I think is unreasonable.Way too judgemental and self rightous on his part.You would think he never made mistakes. If I were Ryan,I would worry about working with someone like that.I don't know why Ryan should be any harder to trust than anyone else. He has been nothing but a team player since he was reinstated.His past mistakes need to be seen as just that,past mistakes, like everyone else's.
WOW, you guys bring up some very good points, & I love to see all the different sides. Oddly, I'm sorta in aggreement with all of you though.
Yes, at times, it get's repetitive & annoying. But then again, like others have said, if they had the perfect friendship, then that would be boring as well. I can definitly see it from both standpoints.

All in all, I don't think I'd want to see them in a full-fledged friendship like Warrick/Nick, it would seem fake after all the tension they've put between them. However, I would like to see a good breaking point in their relationship with both of them putting thier "guns" down & taking a step forward into a fresh start, gradually working thier way up to a better friendship.

Eric clearly isn't Ryan's friend,but he doesn't even give him the beneft of the doubt,which I think is unreasonable.Way too judgemental and self rightous on his part.
This I do agree with. While I think it's fun & exciting to see these boys butt heads at times, it's too much (IMO) to always have Eric jumping to conclusions.....this is where I would like them to draw the line. It's one thing to second guess one's actions or how they work, but it's competely another to think that a person could be involved with a murder, no less that it's someone part of your team.
As I said before I think most of that was just a bad move on TPTB's part for wanting the audience to get the feel of it too, but they should've chose another option other than Eric to think he was guilty....Stetler would have been a better choice.
I think in Ryan case ,too much focus has been dedicated to when he has screw up instead as someone to trust , so maybe that' why I have him in my mind as no reliable.That's why I don't blame anyone when they suspect him.I am sure that is more to see about him but until recently is when we are having glimpses of it.

And I don't know but some characters are interesting when they bicker but certainly not those 2.I don't expect them to be friends but at least friendly coworkers.
I think in Ryan case ,too much focus has been dedicated to when he has screw up instead as someone to trust , so maybe that' why I have him in my mind as no reliable.That's why I don't blame anyone when they suspect him.I am sure that is more to see about him but until recently is when we are having glimpses of it.

And I don't know but some characters are interesting when they bicker but certainly not those 2.I don't expect them to be friends but at least friendly coworkers.
I don't think Ryan has really screwed up in a while,nor has there been a focus on him screwing up in a while. As I said before,people have a problem with past mistakes instead of seeing the growth and maturing he he has done(but seem to have no problems forgetting another character's mistakes).Horatio can see that and trust him enough with his life.Perhaps the one person that has the most problems with him needs to reflect on the mistakes he himself has made,and they have been big ones.Or perhaps they should follow Natalia's lead,she's forgiving and she gives people the benefit of the doubt. A person shouldn't be branded a screwup loser their entire life for mistakes( and some of them not intentional) when they are obviously trying to be better.
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I actually like the failures of all characters becouse in certain ways is what makes them interesting.I missed a lot of season 6 , but from what I can remember Ryan still needs a storyline where he can be a " hero" so that we can see what kind of man he is.When he started he was so dedicated and smart and I want to see more of that.IMO there has been too much focus when he had screw up but at least things seems to be changing now.
I actually like the failures of all characters becouse in certain ways is what makes them interesting.I missed a lot of season 6 , but from what I can remember Ryan still needs a storyline where he can be a " hero" so that we can see what kind of man he is.When he started he was so dedicated and smart and I want to see more of that.IMO there has been too much focus when he had screw up but at least things seems to be changing now.
Ryan has been great since his reinstatement(season 6) which is why I find this whole thing with Eric irritating.I don't expect them to be best friends,but I also don't expect blow ups over nothing.
Ryan will have a story coming up soon and I'm really excited about it.
I have yet to complete season 6 but so I haven't seen Ryan doing anything spectacular.He has not screw up,is right but nothing extraordinary.I think he has great potential becouse he is a complex character but it has yet to be explored.It is like when he went after that guy in the last episode,What was behind it? Maybe something personal? But it was just presented without explanation.
I have yet to complete season 6 but so I haven't seen Ryan doing anything spectacular.He has not screw up,is right but nothing extraordinary.I think he has great potential becouse he is a complex character but it has yet to be explored.It is like when he went after that guy in the last episode,What was behind it? Maybe something personal? But it was just presented without explanation.
I agree, he has great potential, hopefully the witers can come up with something great.Actually he went after the guy because evidence was being surpressed in the case,he was just a little more enthusiastic than he should have been,but it was his pictures that provided needed evidence against the suspect.As far as doing something spectacular,none of them have in my opinion,why is Ryan held to a higher standard?
Perhaps his upcoming episode will be spectacular and extraordinary and will give Ryan and Eric an opportunity to discuss some of their problems.
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^ I agree.Even if Ryan and Eric fight ,the writers should explain why.Ryan has OCD so why not present this as if his excess of attention to details drive Eric nuts? This is just an exemple becouse for some reason this interaction bores me which never happened in any CSI show.

And I didn't mean like Ryan needs to dp something great to be equal to the rest.All of them have their own problems.Is more that i think that since Ryan was introduced we didn't get to know him well except when he screws up.I mean we know so much about Eric,Calleigh anf Horatio and so little about him.
^ Unless something drastic happens,we'll just have to accept that these two will never be great friends.
I would rather TPTB continue to leave out Ryan's OCD,I'm postive they would make a huge mess of the whole thing.