Ryan Wolfe and Eric Delko

I'd like to see Eric and Ryan friends, but I'm not sure they can pass issues they have againist each other. May be if Cal or Natalia get involved they could get pass everything but until then co-workers they'll stay.
Maybe the writers should accept that they don't "click" and just present them as coworkers.It's a shame becouse I love male bonding.Now I am missing Speed.:( Ryan is great with Frank so I guess they should have more scenes together.
But I think, that's exactly why they have the relationship they do. No one will argue that Speedle and Eric were tight...those two were close. When Speedle died and Ryan came in, the Ryan/Eric friendship already had one very big thing going against them. Eric thought of Ryan as a replacement, and in his mind there is no replacement for Speedle, so he was hostile to Ryan from the get go.

I don't think it's a trust issue, it's more of a 'you replaced my friend so I'm by default am not going to like you.' Actually, their relationship is very normal and healthy in the real world.

It's ok to be somewhat annoyed by it, but I think it's normal and healthy. Of course we want to see them be bff's...it aint' gonna happen. I like their relationship just the way it is. :)
But I think, that's exactly why they have the relationship they do. No one will argue that Speedle and Eric were tight...those two were close. When Speedle died and Ryan came in, the Ryan/Eric friendship already had one very big thing going against them. Eric thought of Ryan as a replacement, and in his mind there is no replacement for Speedle, so he was hostile to Ryan from the get go.

I don't think it's a trust issue, it's more of a 'you replaced my friend so I'm by default am not going to like you.' Actually, their relationship is very normal and healthy in the real world.

It's ok to be somewhat annoyed by it, but I think it's normal and healthy. Of course we want to see them be bff's...it aint' gonna happen. I like their relationship just the way it is. :)
That is not a normal and healthy relationship.While it was understandable at the start of this relationship to have issues with the "replacing friend",at some point that feeling should start to ease.It is not normal or healthy to hold on to hostility.Some things happened early in the relationship that could effect trust and that is seen in the way that Eric does suspect Ryan quite easily when things don't seem right.I still believe they both try to a degree to get along, but they have a lot to work on. It still wouldn't hurt for them to get counseling.
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I respectfully disagree greatfan, I think it's very normal. I know I have friends that I work with that get on my last nerves. That doesn't mean we need counciling, it's just some people just don't click. Ryan and Eric are two such individuals.

And the tension has eased I think. 7.10, 7.16 and i can think of tons of other episodes that have been good moments for them. If they're hanging out together, there has to be respect there...period.

I'm sorry if I sound passionate, but I think a lot of people want something that's clearly not in the cards for them. People just don't get along all the time. :)
I respectfully disagree greatfan, I think it's very normal. I know I have friends that I work with that get on my last nerves. That doesn't mean we need counciling, it's just some people just don't click. Ryan and Eric are two such individuals.

And the tension has eased I think. 7.10, 7.16 and i can think of tons of other episodes that have been good moments for them. If they're hanging out together, there has to be respect there...period.

I'm sorry if I sound passionate, but I think a lot of people want something that's clearly not in the cards for them. People just don't get along all the time. :)
Getting on someones last nerve is different than what Ryan and Eric has going on.If you don't click,you aren't friends anyway,and I agree Eric and Ryan are two such individuals.Their's is not the "normal" friendship where they may get on your last nerve.There is always tension below the surfice ready to boil over.
I too know of "friends" that hang out in a group situation.Someone may be a friend to one person in the group,but maybe not be able to stand another. Respect is not a given because you hang out with someone. Ryan and Eric may hang out because as I said,they try.
They still have differences they need to workout,that doesn't mean they will become friends,but will at least have an idea of where the other is coming from.
I am just as passionate that this is not a "normal" and healthy relationship,
so I will respectfully disagree with you.
For right now I'll leave this topic alone.
I honestly don't see anything healthy about someone still thinking after many years of the guy who filled in the empty spot in his friend's place as being that person's replacement. That's called not having dealt with your friend's death properly and continually taking it out on someone who has nothing to do with said death. This is exactly what a shrink would tell someone. I honestly think there's still some of that resentment still there. For that, Eric needs therapy. It's not healthy to have that resentment towards someone who had no control over events that took place. Yeah, if another person comes in and steals your wife/husband/gf/bf, then you have every right to resent the other person. But, resenting someone for replacing someone who died that they never got to meet and doing so for several years is most certainly NOT healthy. For a few months to maybe a year after the death, sure, but any longer than that and that person needs to talk to someone about it. If something (god forbid) were to happen to Ryan because of Eric's resentment towards him over something Ryan has no control, Eric would be wracked with guilt... and that too is unhealthy.
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Honestly, i don't wanna them to be a best friends, it's not necessary, sometimes two people can't be friends just because of their characters.

But i want to see respect from Eric, cuz he see bad things very fast, but don't wanna know why this happen. I see that Ryan more calm with this situation, maybe he just got used to such attitude and do not wait more from Eric.
I respectfully disagree greatfan, I think it's very normal. I know I have friends that I work with that get on my last nerves. That doesn't mean we need counciling, it's just some people just don't click. Ryan and Eric are two such individuals.

And the tension has eased I think. 7.10, 7.16 and i can think of tons of other episodes that have been good moments for them. If they're hanging out together, there has to be respect there...period.

I'm sorry if I sound passionate, but I think a lot of people want something that's clearly not in the cards for them. People just don't get along all the time. :)

This is a very good point.Some people just don't "click".I will admit that it would have been nice to see the same kind of banter that Eric and Speed had but that is not always posible.To be fair,I just don't think Ryan has a deep relationship with anyone on the team.He works quite well with Frank and Natalia but I just don't have the sense that they have a strong friendship.
This is a very good point.Some people just don't "click".I will admit that it would have been nice to see the same kind of banter that Eric and Speed had but that is not always posible.To be fair,I just don't think Ryan has a deep relationship with anyone on the team.He works quite well with Frank and Natalia but I just don't have the sense that they have a strong friendship.

Gotta disagree with you slightly. I think Cal and Ryan have a very good friendship. They have a very cute banter between them. In a strange sense, they are sort of like the Eric/Speed type on this show now. :lol: I just hope the writers don't muddy up that friendship. Cause I really love their friendship. Their banter in the beginning of "smoke gets in your csis" was the cutest. Him telling her she drives like a madwoman and she teased him back, but can't remember what she said. :lol: But it was cute.
Oh,I do love the banter between Calleigh and Ryan too.I just don't think that this banter also has a component of a strong friendship like I believe it was with Speed and Delko .Calleigh is more like Ryan mentor IMO.But is definely fun to watch.
I agree 100% with Orla Dark. I´m sure nothing will change between those two, their relationship will be always the same.