Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

That was the only scene, but it was pretty good. I love Valera's new haircut. I love Valera, period. I love how she's such a geek yet doesn't know anything about computers and Ryan had to explain everything. They were kinda acting like a couple.
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I was so excited to see Valera again. And in a scene with Ryan, wow, are we still watching the same show? It's so adorable that she went and sought him out for no reason other than to talk to him (since she clearly had no idea about the case...).


They're so cute.
Yeah, it was like she was bored and so decided to go hang out with him. I like how she treats him, cause no one seems to respect him or even pay him any attention. They're like a two-person gang of losers.
I loved the RV scene! FINALLY some air time for these two! And can I say how much I LOVE V's hair? She is just full of awesome. AND, they're matching tie/shirts! *squees* Hm. Wonder WHY they're matching? *lol*
Btw, I have a EC fic and it has RV in it, should I post the link here?
By all means, share the creativity if you feel comfortable doing so! :)

And we know EXACTLY why they were matching! >:D
Valera: Easter is coming up. We should wear yellow to work today!
Ryan: Uh, no. No, no, no absolutely not.
Valera: Why not? We'll look cute, like marshmallow peeps!
Ryan: No it won't be cute. We'll look stupid, like those families you see in those cheap malls, all wearing the same t-shirt and holding hands and walking slow and you can't walk pass them because they're ALL holding hands, creating a cheap t-shirt wearing, grossly overweight, mullet ridden human chain and... no. No.
Valera: I can't believe you wouldn't do this for me.
Ryan: Honey, there's a lot of things I'd do for you, let's recall that ridiculous venture into part-time pet grooming...
Valera: Hey, Groomingdales would've been a success!
Ryan: But this? This is where I put my foot down.
Valera: Okay. Here, wear this shirt. Oh, this tie is cute!
Ryan: What? No, Max, I'll look like a jaundiced zebra.
Valera: Zebras are hot.
Ryan: No they're not. Everyone will tease me.
Valera: Tell ya what, if you let me pick your wardrobe today, I'll do that thing with my tongue that you love tonight.
Ryan: Sigh... goddamnit.
Valera: ^_^
Ryan: Give me the fucking shirt.
Haha, I can totally see that happening. Remind me again why you don't write fic anymore. :(

Someone needs to write some RV smut. I don't think any exist.
Because being lazy and having no drive is much cooler.

I think someone wrote RV smut some time ago. I don't remember who it was, but I could swear I've read RV porn. I think maybe Mariel or Susan? I know I'm not crazy, dammit!
Damn it, I need to read that immediately, but I doubt you still have the link? Maybe you should write one since you haven't written in ages. Nobody writes for this ship!
Damn it, I need to read that immediately, but I doubt you still have the link? Maybe you should write one since you haven't written in ages. Nobody writes for this ship!

Actually, I think it was a story I started and never finished. I think. It's in my long dead hard drive now :/

Ryan and Valera need to make crazy babies.
I think these two would be so cute together. I'd like to write a RaVe (I was calling them Rylera until I saw "RaVe") fic, but I can't really think of a storyline for one. I thought of a storyline for a romance fic for Ryan and an OC, because I couldn't come up with one for RaVe. Anyone got any ideas?
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I know. We need to get Valera back first, then worry about getting them on screen together.

Remind me why she's not a regular yet?

Fanfic ideas? Hum. Do you have any idea how bad I am at fanfic ideas? :lol:

Maybe just a cute little moment in the lab. You never know where it may take you.
I had a fic idea about them playing video games together, because they're totally geeks like that. I love this ship, but damn it, Valera isn't getting enough screen time.