Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

Let me welcome you. As I'm mostly a lurker. Sometimes its just that I can't think of anything to say. Kind of like now. ;) Remember there are fanfic out there for them. (not alot but some)
Welcome, Silhouette.

I do think Valera has a little crush on Ryan. If the writers wanted, they could develop this into a little love/hate relationship, as it seems Ryan and Valera like to bicker like an old, married couple. She's the only one who can fire back at him in a way that makes him stop being a little shit.
finnally! the thread is back! Welcome Silhouette! yeah more people to join the RaVe!...except i think in arizona it's illegal to call them rave's there 'dance parties' now. but whatever.

chemistry? a heck of alot, especially at the end of s3.

I just found a Horatio/Valera story
Woohhhoooo the thread is back to life!!!

midnight_tiptoes said:
I do think Valera has a little crush on Ryan. If the writers wanted, they could develop this into a little love/hate relationship, as it seems Ryan and Valera like to bicker like an old, married couple. She's the only one who can fire back at him in a way that makes him stop being a little shit.
I agree with you. That's one of the things that I love about this ship. It seems that she's the only one who can handle his bitchy-ness so well :lol: It's cute and funny to see. I love Valera being on the same level as Ryan, she really knows how to handle him :)

Horatio/Valera??? :eek: Oh God don't put that image into my head... How could someone put Valera with Horatio??? That doesn't sound right... Valera is Ryan's!! :D

There ARE Ryan/Valera stories out there, I'm 100% sure. I read a couple of them a while ago. I forgot the titles but they're out there, somewhere... Hmm now because I'm new here, I need some recommendations on your fave Ryan/Valera fics :D Anyone can help me?
I'd like to read an M (NC-17) rated RaVe story :eek: :eek: :blushes: :devil:

Here are some fics in ff.net (not NC-17) we can't link those kind of stories. I haven't read all of them.

Edited: hey, I hadn't noticed, one of them is yours midnight :lol:
Yeah, I wrote Unbound. Some of my E/C stories also have some Ryan/Valera, especially the Christmas one.

I've been meaning to write another one, but who has time these days?
this is why I also read E/C. other writers also include some RaVe. 'unbound' is a great story. liked it. :)
I just ignored the H/V story.

I noticed that Valera is in the second episode of Season 5.
that's great. Hopefully we'll see some scene with ryan.
I mean you'll see and then tell me about it. ;)
Ooh thanks CalleighWolfe, I'll check those out :)

Since I'm new to this ship and Miami in general (S4 just started for me), I wonder what are your fave RaVe moments?
I need to take a trip down RaVe memory lane a bit ;)

I hope they're gonna have more scenes in S5 too :)
She does have a scene with Ryan. It's little, but at least it's something. I don't know if it'll get cut, though.

Happy birthday, Silhouette!

I think my favorite scene is when Valera leaves and Ryan watches her go, all sad and troubled.
That scene is a good one. Also liked the scene when she discovers the vitim prints are in the database and tried to get him out of her lab.
That whole episode was great for Ryan/Valera. I love her 'oh, shut the fuck up' approach to him. I think that's the best way to deal with Ryan sometimes.