Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

i like her better as the DNA tech. Ryan only gets to see her once in a while and that makes it special. i don't know, Ryan could be inconspicuous (wtf? i so didn't spell that right) and like, send her flowers or something. have you guys read my fic yet?

if not tell me and i'll send you a link.

A Ryan/Valera fic FrostBite? I haven't, where is it?
In fact I haven't read any Ryan/Valera fic :blushes: and thinking carefully you're right about seeing Valera sometimes, that's special :D
I've read your fic FrostBite it's very good!!! although I thought it was longer. I started looking for more RaVe fics, they're very cute (not like most of Eric/Calleigh fics :eek:).
Whew, I can't wait for season five! I just hope there'll be some VERY good RaVe scenes :) *cough*hot.lab.action*cough*

Hey all :)

CSI_Ali dropped by the Ship Name? thread to suggest a name for this ship :)


Just thought I'd run it past you. If you guys ever do come up with a name that you'd like to have added to the Ship Name List, just let me know and I'll add it on ;)

Happy Shipping :)
life_style Eric/Calleigh fics are very very very hot (most of them) I have nothing against them ;) I've read a lot. And what I wanted to say is that I've just read 2 Ryan/Valera fics and they're cute, but not as hot as E/C. Do you know any hot fic about Ryan/Valera :D

I think I like all the fics :p
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Hey everyone... I'm new to this thread :) I'm sad to see no one has posted lately :(

I've just recently started to pay attention to Miami. And at first I can't seem to ship Ryan with anyone. But then I start to think Ryan and Valera is cute together. :) I love them. And when Valera got suspended in S3 Ryan watched her walk away and he had this look which made me go 'awwww' :)

S4 just started for me and even now everytime I see Valera working in her lab, I always wish it was gonna be Ryan walking through that door :D
Silhouette nice to see you here!!! :D This was my first ship in CSI Miami too!!! but well I think it doesn't have many fans or they don't like to post :(

I think this is the best chance for Ryan. I could bet that she's in loved with him!!!! ;)
Yes I'm here... Glad to see you too! I was sad though, I thought no one would welcome me here :D

I think it's quiet maybe because the show is on a break, so they don't have new episodes to talk about. It's often the case... I always thought RaVe has quite a fanbase though. So I wonder where's everyone...

To be honest, before I joined CaRWash, RaVe is the first Miami ship that I noticed, though I never officially called myself a shipper (it's really difficult to convert me into any ship, I have strong immune system! :lol:). But I see they have the potential and I really love to see them in a scene together! I think they'd make a really cute couple :)

Oh yes, she is in love with him!! :D You could really feel the chemistry when they're standing next to each other!