Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

Inge that's good :lol: :lol: Don't call Calleigh boring please midnight_tiptoes :( I like her character a lot. I think Valera likes Ryan but he hasn't realized about that. Did you see season 4? I haven't. So how did Val react when she knew Ryan was dating the snake?
I haven't seen Season 4 either.
but I think that we didn't see a reaction. there is this scene where she was cold to Natalia in 'one of our own.'

are you from Germany? then don't forget: september 12th Season 4 will start in Germany.
Sounds like we board the same ships Quickbeam!! :D And the common denominator for each one? Nothing but Ryan hotness!! :lol: :lol:

And yes, he is the only reason why I ship anything at all, too. :devil: :D
I like Calleigh, too, but let's face it, can you see her hitting the clubs on a Friday night? She probably stays home alone, cleaning her guns and watching the History channel. So I think like Ryan, Calleigh could benefit from a fun loving guy. Even the guys she's dated in the past were boring. And Peter? Snooze fest. It's not bashing. She's just boring. She's a Scully.

I had to take my dad to JCPenney to buy socks today and had the funniest mental image of Valera dragging Ryan to a men's clothes store to buy him appropriate clothes. And then they can go home, burn all his vests in a bon fire and do it on the kitchen counter.
*gasp* Burn his beloved sweatervests?? *shakes head in denial* No way!! Those were soooo adorable on him! :lol: And not everyone could make a sweatervest look as good as Ryan. :devil: Maybe that's one of the reasons Valera thinks Ryan's sexy. hehehe! :lol:
No I'm not german inge I'm from South America, and I will watch s4 in february if I'm very lucky :( 'cause s3 finished a month ago, and now they're airing CSI:NY the same day and hour they used to aired Miami :( I'll have to be patient (or buy it in october :devil:)

And I really love his sweatervests :sighs: and I liked Valera's hair in s3 a little curly, maybe because my hair is very, very um... well the opposite to curly (can you give the right word :p, thanks a lot)

I loved her hair when it was brown. I hate it that she dyed it. I think Ryan likes it brown, too. Makes her look more dangerous.
there's a new fic at ff.net. it's called 'Queen of the Lab Techs'.
so true! :lol:

you know what I want to see next season. something more real. the hidden hints and flirt scenes are nice, but I want to see a hug.
or an invitation for drinks. :p
hilarious fic :lol: thx for the link inge

it's very silent in here ... hmm ... can't think about a topic
Which do you think would ask the other one out first? Sorry trying to help with getting a topic or question going. Do you think Valera would ever want to be a CSI? ;)
hmm ... i think ryan should ask her out ... i'm for the traditional way :D
valera as a CSI? i think that could work it would fit her ..
ryan should ask her out but I think that Valera would do it.
Valera would be a great CSI. She's smart. :D
Ryan should ask her out, I mean, Calleigh asked him out, so it's his turn to ask a free woman out, and not 'engaged' women like the Boa. He has to do his job.

I'd love to see Valera as a CSI. Maybe Natalia is a complete disaster and then, Horatio asks Valera if she wants a chance, she says: Horatio, of course, that's my dream. And Ryan has to supervise her :sighs: so they spend lots of time together, and suddenly, they're together on a bed (or wherever they want ;)) :devil: