Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

I think I've read them all, haven't I? I haven't been to the Miami section of ff.net in ages.

I think I kinda have hope for Ryan/Valera. Looks like he's done with Natalia, and unless they bring someone from outside for him, Valera is the only option.
Arg, I'm so frustrated about the new info about the season premiere. Why do they have to give Boa all the attention and leave Valera by the wayside? If they really have to keep Boa, I'd rather she be the DNA tech and have Valera become a CSI. Then, Ryan could tutor her, and they could solve tons of crimes together, and have lots of screentime and such.

Wait. That wouldn't work. We all know that if Ryan and Valera had to actually work together for a large amount of time instead of just the odd DNA test here and there, they wouldn't get any work done. There'd just be a whole lot of hanky panky.

I can't believe I just said hanky panky. *shakes head* :lol:

Mind you, what I'd really prefer is if Boa would just disappear completely. At least Ryan and Valera are both very upset with her, so maybe they can share their feelings of betrayal with each other. And Ryan will realize what an idiot he's been for asking out the wrong DNA person.

Hehe, I love how there's the one scene in Killer Date where Valera's cutting up the pillow, and Ryan is 'impatiently waiting for his results.' We all know he didn't care about the results. That was just an excuse to hang around Valera's lab all day.
I love all their scenes together in Killer Date. He was being so annoying, but Valera seems to know how to 'deal' with him. She puts him in his place all the time. God, when these two start bickering it's like I'm in heaven. Lewd heaven.

If Valera became a CSI and was under Ryan's tutelage, I bet he'd give her private 'lessons' all the time. And she gets to wear a Catholic girl uniform, and he's the teacher, and there's a ruler somewhere in there, too.

Okay, I'm in happy land now.
Yeah I would like to see Valera get out of the lab.
from what I heard boa vista goes out into the field and blows it bad. Someone gets killed so I don't think she will be around long. I hope
i hope sooo much for ryan/valera in season5 ... i think it's really time to make the two happy ... valera looks so sad sometimes maybe she's just concentrating ... i don't know ...

i think boa vist should just disappear ... i don't have anything against her but she's unnecessary and she hurt everyones feelings ...
Oh my goodness! There's a new RaVe fic at fanfiction.net! Run people, run! It's fairly short, just a nice little fluffy scene, but hey, it's RaVe! Oh I've been so Ryan/Valera deprived lately, I'd forgotten how much they totally rock. :D

"Breakfast of Champions"
Thanks quickbeam.
I already read it. The story is funny and cute. :D

I hope that we have a lot of RaVe scenes in Season 5 and generally a lot of Valera.
pardon the interruption, but i happened to write a little ficlet about these two, and i'd like some feedback from actual ryan/valera shippers.

hope you like it! :D

Breakfast of Champions

you may now return to you regularly scheduled RaVe programing.
OMG!!!! Ryan/Valera How the hell didn't I see this thread before? It was my first CSI ship!!!! Then I started to be a CaRWash fan (and I won't stop being one) OMG!!! What will I do???? I have two ships with the same guy :confused: :confused: CaRWash fans don't hurt me please :p
Hey, it's possible to have multiple ships with the same character involved in all of them. ;) Everything I ship has Ryan in it... Ryan/Valera, Ryan/Eric, Ryan/Greg, Ryan/Calleigh...in fact, Ryan's basically the only reason I ship at all. :lol: But in all honesty I would say that the most realistic and likely pairing for Ryan would be Valera (in my opinion, anyways). :D
This is my only Ryan ship. I love him with Valera. I think she can bring out his fun side, and his sexual side! Valera seems more adventurous and I think Ryan needs that. She can balance him out. Calleigh is too boring.
I agree with you midnight.
He opens more up with Valera around. He constatly flirts with her and is also concerned when she's not around or when she has problems.
you wrote calleigh is boring because you want eric and calleigh together, right? :lol:

I also ship Ryan with everyone (Hi quickbeam! ) besides with greg and natalia but I also think that RaVe has more chance on TV.
It's not such a big deal to have a CSI and a Lab Tech together as two main characters.
and we would have a lot of funny scenes.

Calleigh or Eric: Where have you been?
Ryan: erm, I went to Valera to check out the latest DNA results. *blushes deeply*
Cal or Eric: It took you half an hour?

lame, but I tried. :p