Ryan/Valera #2 - Pushing the Dinner Plate Aside for Her

well, the poll has been going for almost a week, and 'RaVe' is winning by quite a substansial amount, so should we go with that or leave the poll up a bit longer?
Did any one catch the re-run of collision? When he goes to get some results and Valera isn't there and Boa vista tells her she was in court or something. He stands there and thinks about it and touchs his lips.
oh yes. she also was flirting with Ryan... that made me want Valera to come running in:

Valera: Get Your hands away from my man SnakeLady!
I noticed Ryan always asks for Valera when he walks into the DNA lab and doesn't find her there.

At least Valera is coming back next season. Here's to many more moments between them.
there is a new FF at ff.net. it's called 'finally'. it was considered as an one-shot but now the writer added more chapters. it's romance/angst and very well writen. i like it. :)