Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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Yay! Broadband! Connected at last! *does happy dance*
You can only sit in a public library for so long with a droolbucket before people start asking questions and calling security *embarrassed*. :eek:

Quicky, thank you so much for teaching us how to do screencaps. I've been suffering withdrawal symptoms so badly without the internet that I've been gazing at my own small collection of JT / Ryan pics. Being able to make these will be fab. Thank you! *weak at the knees from lack of JT goodness*
:D :D
My secret - I have a special USB memory stick devoted to JT / Ryan pics and fics. It's saved my sanity (what's left of it) in the last few weeks. :devil: :lol:
It was in "Under the Influence", Ryan's first episode. He looked so cute in his patrol uniform.

Twiz , thanks for your info re the Miami districts. I'll definately use that in my fic. Also Thumpy , I borrowed your name for Ryan's nextdoor neighbour. Hope you don't mind :)
I love the POTD :D, so we're in 'Looking down' theme. I'll look for some pics :D

And we're 'almost' finishing the thread right (not exactly, but...)? I have a name :D so tell me when you start the survey about the new name :p ;)

Guys, I know it's the wrong thread, but do you have any pics with Jon Togo and Emily Procter together? Not Calleigh and Ryan but Emily and Jonathan. Maybe a party, something like that. I've seen many pics with Emily and Adam R. But I want one with E&J :( Thanks a lot and I'm sorry :blushes:

They're from here. :D
Hey athlov have you looked for that magizine anywhere? I can not find it, on the net or anywhere UGH. I found sites on the net where you can buy a subscription to it, but I only want a copy of the one they are in. I couldn't find a site for that magizine at all. That ep with them is the Sept issue so it should either be out or be out soon, I'm dying not being able to find it.
I don't know, I haven't seen it. Is was just hoping that someone would post it on the internet when they got it. :confused:
I'm hoping too. I was hoping maybe JTO would get them, even though it hasn't been updated in ages, she seems to be able to come up with all the good stuff on him. SO while we are talking about pics, I think it's time that new promo pics be somewhere on this net. I noticed in the Delko thread that they have some of Delko and H in Rio on the set filming, where are promo pics of the rest of the cast???? I need new promo pics. Anyone come up with them I'll give you a cookie :D
Hey athlov? Are those pics from a segment Emily and Jon did sometime ago? It looks really familiar.

ETA: Duh. I should've checked the link. :p

Thumpy I love your POTD. It's very.. interesting.

I didn't like Jon's hair in Under the Influence. I don't know why, but it wasn't flattering and it didn't suit him much. But I might be the only one who thinks that.

Off topic, but quickbeam, I love your avatar. Just so you know. :)
I didn't like it in the beginging when he was in his patrol uniform, had it brushed to the side, but then after he became a CSI he brushed it out and it looked so cute. He looked so mature in the uniform and then boom next scene he looks like a little kiddie CSI. If you look at pics from that ep you would think they were taken at different time, at least it seems like it to me.
The pic with Emily looks cute, athlov :D Jon looks good with that jacket...

CalleighWolfe, when you said you wanted pic of E&J, I almost thought you meant 'Eric (Szmanda) and Jorja (Fox)' :lol: (pardon the Sandle shipper in me ;)) It just made me realized something though... Jon and Emily have great chemistry on and off screen, as well as Eric and Jorja. And they have the same initials :D Sweet...

Wow we're on page 15... how much posts left till the new thread?
well we've made 567 posts so far :)
thanks for the pics athlov :D ive seen those somewhere but i was stupid and didnt think of posting them :rolleyes: sorry guys ;)

same, i really want that magasine. those pics are soo small and it would be really interesting to read :)

hehe Silhouette, i thought the exact same thing ;) oh and both couples are friends in real life. :D
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