Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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I know you'd get me for that, sandersidle! :D So, the quote in your signature comes from that article?

I wanna see the magazine too :( Maybe someone will scan it...

Hmm 567... 568 then including me... we have to reach, what, 1000?
Yay! More SU2! I love them, thanks. :D

I really, really hope they air SU2 again.
Yeah I think it is 1000 and it seems at the rate we are going we may have a new thread in what a week. This thread was started on Aug 9th and it's Aug 16th, so we've gone half way through in just a week..

OK just a suggestion but JOn's b day is approaching fast, in a little more then a week so that will be time for a new thread, I was thinking maybe for his B-day in honor of him, make a special thread title just for him, I mean stay with the Ryan/ JOn thing but come up with something suiting his B-Day. Off the top of my head like ..."Togo 29"...since he's turning 29, or how about " togo holiday" If we make it to a new thread before his B-day...
OH Ive got a new Goodie made....:D
Silhouette said:
I know you'd get me for that, sandersidle! :D So, the quote in your signature comes from that article?

I wanna see the magazine too :( Maybe someone will scan it...

Hmm 567... 568 then including me... we have to reach, what, 1000?

i know you did :D but no the quotes come from interviews on talkCSI. :)

Twiz, i like the idea for the special name. we better start posting lots :D
does anyone know if we have already came up with a new name yet? We've gone so fast I can't remember. I know we came up with the name to this one way before it's time...
Twiztid4Togo said:
does anyone know if we have already came up with a new name yet? We've gone so fast I can't remember.

It's been less than a week and you guys are more than half finished the thread. :eek: You guys really are on fire in here.

Just to take a snippet from what Jen said earlier...

ThumpyG42 said

...the posting is getting a bit to fast in here again, could y'all please watch your time stamps and slow down just a bit. Thanks guys.

So I think we should all keep that in mind. ;)

As for new thread names? I haven't thought of any yet. I think the words 'ToGo' have been slightly over-used. :lol: But whatever works for the thread, I'm great with! :D

How about a picture to start off the day? Perhaps the creative juices will get flowing...


Ryan wearing our favorite sweater vest, AND holding his gun. :D What more could you want?

(Picture courtesy of MiamiStyle screencaps)
k i'll think of some. there probably lame :lol:
Not Pogo, Togo! oh man i need help here!
Its Togo's Time, he's 29! or Togo Time, hes 29 or Togo Time, 29??

*dodges flying tomatos* i know i suck. anyone else have names?
that's funny sandersidle because I use togo time all the time...moday at 10 pm everyone in my house knows it's togo time. I even made a magnet saying it.. it's stuck on my fridge..
Well, I had posted I new thread name a week ago (I know you're tired of 'hearing' me say this but what can I do? :p) it was 'A kiss ToGo on dreaming', but it could change to 'One more year ToGo on dreaming' (does that make any sense in English? :confused:)

athlov thanks for the pics!!! If we could only have them bigger :sighs: and Twiz I was about to ask the same thing: where are the promo pics for s5???? In JTO they have the s4's, and I was a little dissapointed 'cause they don't have any with Jon and Emily. I mean THERE MUST BE ANY!!!

I think I'll go to Eric/Adam's thread and ask where they found those pics ;)

Off-topic: speed_cochrane I like your icon, I hadn't realized that was a badge :p is it Speedle's one?
:D Thanks for the compliment CalleighWolfe. It's not Speedle's badge, in fact, it's Horatio's. :)

I like all the ideas for the new thread name. I liked 'One more year ToGo on dreaming'. :D Even as I've said before, the word 'ToGo' had seemed a little over-used, but that one works! I love it. :)
Whoa...I missed so much! :eek: I feel like a bad Togo fan. Which I'm not, just a busy one! Sue, a Togo time magnet? Hehe, why ain't I so creative? :lol: Geni, my creative juices are flowing too much, hehe. But hey, sweatervest + gun + Ryan = HOT!! :D
Talking about sweatervests, Thumpy can you post a POTD with Ryan in his sweatervest :( Pleasee!!!! I haven't seen him in those sweaters in ages :( he didn't wear them much in s4, did he? Thanks a lot!!!:kisses-for-Thumpy: :p
Well Dutchie, as long as your creative juices are flowing, you should be able to help us out with this darn thread name huh? :p

:lol: Nice fridge magnets Twiz, they're fantastic. :D
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