Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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No, it was Dead Air. :D Geni, those are not the juices flowing...I think. I can't come up with a thread title... :(
thanks speedy, my family loves them...NOT.
yeah we only got one sweater vest this season but damn was it a hott one. I loved him in it, too bad BOA did too, UGH. Must get bad thought out of head now...
Well hey we love them, and that's all that counts. :p

And perhaps Jon will be sporting that lovely sweatervest again in season 5. *crosses fingers* :D
ohh i hope he is!! :D he looks sooo goood!! *drool* i dont see why he hates them soo much! he has every girl in the world drooling over him :lol: :D or atleast me hehe
no sandersidle everyone. he has everyone fawning over him. god i feel like metling...seriously he's hot. i would be his sax any day of the week...i;d say something more obscene but...i believe this is a PG-13 thread...

Thanks for the pic Geni (I hope it's ok to call you by your first name. Genevieve is a pretty name BTW).

I still don't like the sweater vests but this is an exception, because you can see his arms. :D

thanks for pic Thumpy!
I like 'looking down' pics.
to summarize: I like 'looking down pics', 'hand thing pics', 'sad pics', 'thinker's brow pics', 't-shirt pics', 'intensive glare pics', 'the first buttons are open pics',...
ok, I like every ryan pic! :D
You're very welcome inge. :D (And its alright to call me by whichever name you prefer. I have no qualms with it. ;) -Thanks by the way)

I agree, that was a terrific picture of Ryan striking his 'looking down' pose-if you can call it a pose that is. Jen sure knows how to pick 'em. :) My favorites include anything with him wearing black and/or wearing some sort of dress shirt. :p But hey, looks are only skin-deep. I love his humour more than anything else.
i love him wearing green, black, shirtless ;), i like his hair longer like in season 3, dress-shirt pics, t-shirt, i like when you can see part of his tattoo :D
here we go with some more Su2 pics....web page web page web page

I've only seen a few pics of Jon that I didn't think he looked totally awesome in, steaming hott, drool bucket worthy. Even these goofy looking pics of him is drool bucket worthy....to me.
AliGtr said:
Also Thumpy , I borrowed your name for Ryan's nextdoor neighbour. Hope you don't mind

I don't mind at all...in fact, I'm quite honored. :D

Regarding the next thread, it will open when this one reaches 1000 posts, and I had something in mind for the title the other night, but I can't remember what it was now. I know I should have written it down. :lol:

CalleighWolfe said:
Talking about sweatervests, Thumpy can you post a POTD with Ryan in his sweatervest Pleasee!!!! I haven't seen him in those sweaters in ages he didn't wear them much in s4, did he? Thanks a lot!!!:kisses-for-Thumpy:

Ask and ye shall recieve. :D

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'Dead Air')


Not only does it have the sweatervest that CalleighWolfe requested, it also is a 'looking down' pic, as well as a 'rolled-up sleeves' pic, which Geni can tell you is something else that I like. ;)

(credit: CSI Screencaps)
Oh absolutely Jen loves the rolled up sleeves. :D But didn't you also like the profile shots too? :p It's just one big overall absolutely perfect picture today.

Great pic of the day. Just what I needed after erm....The interesting day I've been having. :rolleyes:

EDIT: And don't you just wish that this thread would come before school szmandatogoholic? *sigh* In a perfect world I guess.
oh my god. that pic is beautiful :D that is sooo perfect ;) SWEATERVEST! *drool* thanks Thumpy!!!

i need another drool bucket now :devil: :lol:
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