Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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it's some kind of file or something with evidence. He's explaing to Kate that the link that killed these people are the same kind of link that killed Nick's old partner before her....so he's sad. Plus he was grossed out and freaked out by the crime scene, kind of like the boiling head scene he had on csim. He actually said almost the same line he used on csim on ep "identy" he said something like " I didnt sign up for this, this wasn't in the job discription." SOme thing like that. I'll have to watch both again later to get the exact wording, but when he said that it reminded me of that ep...

OMG Shadowfax I just read your story and WOW! I'm still dripping from my cold shower. You should have waited till winter when its cold out so I wouldn't have had a heat stroke. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
Thanks for the SU2 pics, makes me wanna watch the show immediately! he looks so funny and young (and cute and sexy of course). I googled it to check the air dates and here they aired season 2 (which is Jon's season right?) between feb and april... grrrr that's exactly when i started getting obsessed about Jon... but missed it :( well...

THANKS carlz31 for the pics...mmmmmmm the orange shirt pic... just make you wanna put your hands around his waist...

Welcome to you WolfeFiend :) i'm new as well and as said before, i'm not jealous and share my husband with all of you girls :D

hey that couch pic with greg was hilarious!! though i don't like thinking about him being gay... hum just because that wouldn't let us any chance.... well unless they'd be ok for a 3som then i wouldn't mind :devil: *dirty thoughts* :lol: :lol:
ohh jon/ryan does have amazing lips :D :devil:

aww poor jon, he look so sad in the SU2 pics. i have a file for the pics now. i think i have 41 all together :D
Welcome to Talk CSI and the Miami Forum, WolfeFiend. :D

I'm in a bit of a hurry at the moment, so I'm just stopping in to drop this off:

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from '10-7')


I love the way he's looking down, if that makes sense, lol. ;)
Yay! more su2! :D

I wonder what that algorithm on the front of his shirt is for. :p

Thanks Twiz :)
I noticed he wore that bear shirt in a couple ep's, I guess wardrobe for that show wasn't a key thing like it is for csim. I'll have to pause that and try to read it, see if it says anything. I may have some more goodies soon.... :D
saahhh-weet :D

yeah CSI: Miami loves their clothes lol. and sweater-vests(i love them too. god ryan looks amazing in them :devil:) *drool*
Thanks for all the greetings! I feel so loved! *feels welcome* And yes... lovin' the pics scattered around. :D

I actually saw Ryan in an orange t-shirt yesterday... Up until then I hadn't. My friend and I rented the entire third season of Miami [with change] and it was some major drool fest. XP The fashion in Miami rocks my socks.
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