Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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OK, where do I begin? :confused:

- Welcome WolfeFiend I hope you enjoy like we do :D ;) I'll give you a present later. Meanwhile here you have my fourth cookie (or something like that :p)

- carlz31 I'm in love with that picture (and episode) too :sighs: he looks so cute, and the baby is so quiet in his arms. Imagine being that baby, but having our mind :devil: what would you feel in Ryan's arms? smelling him, feeling his heart, and having his beautiful eyes so near :sighs:

- ShadowFax where were you? I missed you. I read your fic, the CaRWash one, you have to update it soon. I left you a review (sorry off topic). Haven't read your slash, yet.

- Dutchie I missed you too. Don't work a lot!!! ;) :p
I wish I could find a good pic of me to slide in there but I can't, so I'll just use my imagination.....

It would be nice if they run it again on sci fi, I don't get sci fi either so I'm glad I have cd's of it.

Here's a couple pics for everyone to enjoy and the last one is the dude that Jon replaced on the show. His name is Sean Whalen, he was Sean on the show. It's funny how they used their real names on it. Now I'd say JOn is way cutie then this guy, hands down. He's the guy on the left....

web page web page web page
*hugs and giggles* :D I missed you too CalleighWolfe! I've been out doing work, and sadly, I'll be gone again soon. :( I did see your review. Thanks for reading the fic. You are fantastic! :D

Speaking of Ryan/JT, does anyone know if he did any projects this summer, like film and other stuff? :confused:
Loving the pics, Twiz... In the first and second pic it looks like he wants to cast a magic spell on something :lol: Hmm yeah Jon is definitely lot cuter than Sean! :D
Oh, Twiz!! You were right! JT is hands down hotter than that other guy! :eek: :lol: Aww... he looks so young and cute!! :)
Jon is so great at using his whole body to act, his hands, arms, and facial expressions. On this show he seems like he's so hyper, he skips around and wiggles in place.
I missed you too guys...well, girls, at the moment I'm kidnapping my best friend's computer to post this, I'm on a sleepover, and hey, there's CSI:Miami tonight...just no Ryan, damn. :( Ah well. :D Sue, I love him in Su2, and I can't even see it.
life_style said:
Athlov, that first pic you posted (before the miami pic) a page back, where's that from? Too cute :)
Oh I'm sorry. I think you mean the one where he is looking to the side. That is on a Myspace account. Jon

I wouldn't like to assume that it really is him, but it is convincing. I just like the pictures, so that's why I keep it bookmarked.

Any other pictures that I post from episodes are caps of my own.
it seems like all the pictures that have been posted on there are like fan pics. I wonder if Jon has a stalker that gets them and has that space Hehehehe, no IT's NOT ME... I have my own. :devil:
I think it could be a friend of his or someone close, because some of the pics on there look like they are web cam pics. It's just a guess.

ETA: I noticed that in the About me space it says: tim wakefield. :confused:

ETAA: I googled the name and this is what I got. Tim Wakefield
Jon being funny perhaps? :p
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