Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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And, that makes you really wonder how many times they had to shoot the SLAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM scene... :D 'Tis soooooo hot!!!! I'm so thankful for that scene :lol:
Haha, oh man, I love Jon with glasses...he's such a dork :lol: Or a nerd, which is good because I'm a complete nerd too :D
And hooray for the SLAMMMMMMMMMMMM pic! I love the Slam pics!

and welcome Mrs_Togo, and here is a little welcoming pic from me:




teehee! I can't believe that pic hasn't been posted yet :D
oh my GOD !!!! :eek: :eek: *just getting back on the chair after seeing teehee welcoming pic* arrrgghhhhhh thanks for the welcome pic, i think i'm gonna leave and come back just for welcoming pics ;) mmmhhhh and the slammm one... skin... *falls again* oh and myspace pic... even though i had seen it before... that smile...
that's too much to handle for me especially after the epi i just watched on tv (under the influence, young ryan... i'm lucky they air season 3 again... yummmm!) and recorded so i just played the scenes again, pausing at each apparition to admire him.... hum... :rolleyes: am i INSANE, doc?

well i better go off to bed (nearly 1am here) and hopefully dream of jon
Oooo yay! more SU2! Thank you thankyou thankyou! I love the first one.

He has the cutest lips. I adore his lips.

*goes to look at lips again* *sigh*
I'm getting confused on which pics I've already posted. I'm going to watch a few more eps and get more pics and put them in a different folder. Does anyone know how many pics you can have on photobucket's free account? I have a ton of them.. I was also thinking about doing a few more SU2 scenes and putting them up to veiw, anybody interested in seeing them if I do them?
yeah i have a ton on photobucket too, i hope there isn't a limit, because then i might have to make another account!

i'm interested in seeing them!

Oo Oo me me! You can have lots of pics on there. But with the videos that is included in your space.

Go to account options at the top right of your screen and it will show you how much space you have left. :D

ETA: Mine says I have 1GB of space and that I've used 13.89% of it with 2315 pictures. :eek:
speed_cochrane said:
Oh Jen you sure know how to get the blood pumping in here. Especially with the black shirts. Oh my gosh.

Thank you, Geni...I do try. :D I'm feeling the urge to watch that movie again now. Of course, it'll probably take me three days to find my tape again, like it did last time. :lol:

AliGtr said:
Hi, I have a question. I'm writing a fic and I need to know how long the break was between series 3 and series 4.

I'm going to agree with Twiz and say no more than 2 or 3 weeks, I remember Ryan saying something to Erica about her making him look bad in front of his collegues last month during the 'From The Grave' episode.

*Puts on Mod Hat* Guys...just a reminder, any discussion of downloading needs to be of the legal variety. Example: Finding and legally purchasing a song from iTunes...any other discussions of downloading are against Board Rules. And please bear in mind the rule regarding fan videos as well. One last thing...the posting is getting a bit to fast in here again, could y'all please watch your time stamps and slow down just a bit. Thanks guys.

Welcome to the Miami Forum, and the Ryan thread Mrs_Togo. :D

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'Under The Influence')

ohh yes more SU2 pics please! :D

i went to the account options but i dont get how you can see how much space you have left. :confused:

ohh nice TPOTD :D i love him in that episode. ive said that like 10 times :lol:

i just watched "pirated". aww i love how when Alexx asked asked him if he still wanted to stay since she was getting ocular fluid and he said "sh-sure" soo cute :D
One last thing...the posting is getting a bit too fast in here again, could y'all please watch your time stamps and slow down just a bit. Thanks guys.
I just wanted to add that this request serves to benefit all the fans that enjoy reading this thread. Some of those who don't have alot of free time can be somewhat overwhelmed by the volume of posts and it can be off-putting. We really don't want that situation too often.

So, even though Thumpy and I am delighted that this thread is so popular and that you are all enjoying it, please bear in mind this request for the sake of everyones enjoyment. Thanks. :)
OMG Thumpy you found a PHONE pic I never knew existed, damn I could have made a good call to you with that one.
sry about the d/l talk too.
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