Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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Thanks. I thought maybe 2 or 3 wks. I thought about the people not stopping getting killed thing, and I decided that their work was being transferred to another lab, because theirs is Miami-Dade and I reckon that means there's another district with similar facilities. That suits my purpose in any case. Thanks for your help. :)

The glasses pics are fantastic! :D I saw the one where he was in the car with the other guy, and I thought the glasses were pretend ones, you know, for fashion. But with so many pics he probably does wear them for seeing, and maybe contacts too? I like the nerdy look. So cute. Maybe that's why I'm a sweatervest girl. ;)

Silhouette, I'm really looking forward to being able to watch videos. It would take forever to download them with my old connection. :(
the next district up from them would be Broward county/ Ft. Lauderdale, if they had one. I know cause I use to live in Ft. Lauderdale. I've used that in my fan fics, but in mine they dont have a great crime lab like Miami.
hahah omg i heard the beat down stomp song. thats sooo funny/great. i could totally hear him singing in the background!

there are so many new posts i cant comment on them all ahh :D ohh i love how he wrote the songs! and thats sad they were gonna release their album but they firgured it was an out of tune B flat? hahah aww yet yup, i stilll love em. i love him kus hes a dork. i think im attracked to dorks. greg sanders is a total dork and i love him too! ;) ha
Me too. I love dorks. When I remember, all the guys I've liked have been dorks (really amazing!!!) they were vey intelligents, and smarts. In fact I think I'm a little dork or nerdy too :p ;)
Hi everyone, i'm new here but have been reading most of ryan/jon thread #8 and 9... good to see that i'm not the only one going completely mad about Gorgeous Jon ! I'm 27 - almost his age, ahah :D - but feel like a teenager when i look at him... mmmmhh anyway i must confess i like this feeling ;) Oh and thanks for the links about his band! they're great!
Welcome to the Ryan/Jonathan thread and TalkCSI Mrs_Togo :D I hope you enjoy your stay here!
Yeah welcome to the board Mrs._togo, wow that's a strange name to type out, it's like i'm writing to his mom or something..... enjoy the pics, there's plenty of them here.
Welcome aboard, Mrs_Togo! :D
Have you bring your drool bucket along with you? Cuz you're gonna need them a lot here :lol:

Aww yeah AliGtr... it takes ages too to download video with my connection :(

Haha yeah sandersidle... both Greg and Ryan are adorkable nerds :) GO Nerds With Badges! :D :D
Welcome to the forum and to our little Togo thread Mrs_Togo :D This place is really great. You'll love it here! And you'll get your daily Togo fix *g* And welcome to all the other new Togoaholics here :D I'm not rude, I just have some problems keeping up with all the posts :lol:

Here's a welcome pic for y'all:
WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH! YOU HEARD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Awwww, I've got some new fans?! That's so sweet!

Whoa, whoa, CALM DOWN! You guys are posting like crazy! Normally I do to, but right now I'm not on a lot... :( Welcome Mrs_Togo! I might chase you for having that name. :lol:

OMG those pics of him playing sax and singing are hilarious! Hehe. I showed my little sister the pic of him with glasses and she started laughing and saying: he's a nerd! He looks like a total dork! And I was like: Duh. That's cute. :D
wow i feel already at home here :cool:
Twiz, you're not talking to his mother, but to his wife ! (hum...at least in my dreams) :lol: don't worry i'm not against polygamy ;)

and i keep my droolbucket right next to my keyboard !(by the way, i already filled a couple of those buckets while browsing these threads and other Jon's related websites..... so HOT !!!!!!!!! :eek: )
Dutchie said:
I showed my little sister the pic of him with glasses and she started laughing and saying: he's a nerd! He looks like a total dork! And I was like: Duh. That's cute. :D

Gah, it IS cute! Nerds are so adorable! And Jon with glasses... my god, so perfect and HOT :p It can't get any hotter than Jon Togo!NERD. The muscles, the cute face, the beautiful eyes, the unbelievable smooth voice, the perfect teeth, that little mole over his lips, the sweet nose, the cute fuzzy ears ( :lol: ), the hands, the height, the butt ( :D ), the creative side, the acting, the sense of humour, the glasses, the lashes, the eyebrows... gosh, I think I have to stop myself here right now! It takes hours to describe how damn PERFECT that man is!!!!! I just love the Togo!NERD :D
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