Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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OMG!! :eek: All of you are crazy! Did I really miss 5 pages?!
So cool and cute and adorkable and hot pics, guys!! *falls excited from the chair*
The glasses-pics are so great! And seeing him playing the sax and singing... *sighs* this made my day!
Oh, one SU2-Question: does anybody know when it will be aired in Germany again or if it's already on air? Everytime the show was shown I missed it, because it was the wrong time and on the wrong day for me watching it... :(
Wow, many pics!!! Great!!! My hard disk is running out of space :lol: The ones with the band are very good!!! Do you know the name of any song of his band? I tried to get one month ago but I couldn't and I don't remember the name :(

sandersidle where did you say you found the pic when he had glasses and a suit? :confused: his myspace? where's that? :confused:
Jon is a complete dork. I think that's why I like him so much. He just does something dorky, but it makes me laugh.

I don't really like that fact that they put Adam on the cover of the TV Guide issue rather than Jon. There are so many more reasons to put Jon on the cover rather than Adam. But I suppose it's because Delko may have a bigger role in the premiere. =/
They toured in virtual anonymity until the entire world was entranced by a single note Togo created on the saxophone that no one had ever played before. Sonologists and musical theorists spent months trying to figure out why they had never thought of that note, but couldn't reproduce it or explain it. Just when their album was about to go platinum, someone realized that it was just an unbelievably out of tune B flat, and the band plunged back into obscurity.

I still love that. :lol:
Oh man, I have that entire biography printed out and in my school bag...its hilarious! :lol:
I even started quoting ^ that paragraph to a friend who also likes Jon (not as much as me though ;)) and she thought it was hilarious, so she wanted to read the whole thing...she loved it!
Thanks athlov I listened to it, it's a little tropical!!! :lol: so he plays the sax in this song right? or is he singing? I think that's his voice :D
Just when I thought I couldn't love this guy even more.... *sigh*
Thanks athlov for all the info :D Haha yeah the bio is hilarious :lol:
Hi, I have a question. I'm writing a fic and I need to know how long the break was between series 3 and series 4. It's a Ryan-centred fic, which is why I'm posting here. Any ideas? It must have been long enough to do the refurb of the lab.
That song is called Beat down stomp and Jon is playing sax and just backup vocals, but he wrote that song..very cool. He can write too. He's a man of many skills.
I'd love to hear their songs. Maybe when our braodband finally gets up and running I'll be able to download some. We have no internet at the moment, so I'm in our local library hoping noone's reading over my shoulder.

Twiz, I love your new banner. Fab pics!
thanks AliGtr, I've made quite a few banner and icons now from all my su2 pics, but i'm in love with my icon now and don't want to change it yet.

I'm not sure what you are asking for in your q's about the break. DO you mean the real actors? How long they are on hiatus from filming? web page web page web page web page

In these pics this is what happens to Jonathan when he sneaks up on Nick at a crime scene...
No, I mean how long for the characters. How long do you think it was between 10-7 and From the Grave? Because Horatio said "welcome back" to them, and the lab was all made over - there must have been some time when they were not working. My fic is about what happened during that break, you see. I'm wondering how long I have to play with.

BTW Twiz, I like your icon too. Black T-shirt looks so good on JT. :D
He wrote it????? Okay, added more points to my list of 'how perfect Jon Togo is' :D

Awww AliGtr I feel your pain. I use dial-up and the connection sucks :( Do you know that I probably saved too many Jon pics that last month I exceded my internet limit? :lol: I don't know if it was because that or from downloading Eric/Greg's videos, but my mom wasn't very happy that I blew up the bills :lol:
OH ok duh, well I have no idea on that one. I'd guess they get vacation time like everyone else, maybe 2 or 3 weeks. I don't see how they could take very long, it's not like peeps stop killing each other just cause they are on vacation. I didn't much understand that becuase in the real world peeps can't all take vacation time at the same time. But my guess is 2 or 3 weeks top, JMO.
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