Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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I've seen those first three pics before, but never knew where they were from (an episode, a promo, something else?)
Thanks for posting them! :D
i know. fist time i saw it i was in shock 'casue Ryan was being all protective of Calleigh...*sighs* the CaRWasher in me is coming out.

athlov said:
Hehehe, he's so adorkable. :p :lol:
You're right!!!

I watched 'Deviant' and there's a scene when Ryan is talking to Eric, and he asks Eric about his children, so Eric says: 'No, I don't have kids'.
R: Well, I thought you did 'cause you have a lot of dates.
E: What about you? You have dates?
R: No, well I'm resting (or something like that)
E: That's how they call it now?

I loved Ryan's face 'cause he looked innocent like he was a kid, or well a dork, I love him :sighs: (I have to find and icon that sighs!!!)

I think athlov's pics are from Recoil, the ep when Calleigh 'was shot' (Well, we thought).

Thumpy where were you? You always post your pics the day before (in my country hour, of course). Talking about my country (Venezuela): here when you go to ninth grade you're 14 or 15, but I was 13
. Great picture!!! My folder is going to explode!!! :p

Jon wears glasses!!!!! I do too!!! Well, just to read and use the computer!!!
wait...oh man your right. it was a different pic that was shoot out, the one with Ryan and the baby, that was shoot out Recoil was those other ones. my babd. sorry for all of you who trust my judgment. i'm hungery that's it...i'm hungery

OH! cookie! *munches cookie* but i know you're not complaining. i just forgot the episode...they all just belend together sometimes...that and Ryan...

speaking of who i miss his hair longer..it's vey cut long

I love his facial expressions he makes, he's so adorble and dorkable. Want more pics? Nice Icon..I should make some icons, I love making things like that, like my Thumpy calls.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, so many cute pics!!!!!!! Total Togo overload! :D Jon wears glasses... he looks so adorable with glasses! Little sweet dork :D I miss SU2 so much :( I miss CSI: Miami so much :( But thanks for the SU2 picture fix Twiz :D His facial expressions are killing me! :lol:

Silhouette said:
What instrument does he play? I'd die if he happens to play guitar or the drum...

He plays guitar and sax :D Or, more like played - but still... OMG :D

Oh and... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the pic of the day :D YUMMY! :)
ohh for all you "jon with glasses" lovers (im one myself :D) i have a pic for you..hehe sexy glasses :D i got it from his myspace i hope he doesnt mind :) i love his tie in that pic. hehe sooo hot and cute and adorable/adorkable :D :devil:

yahhooo new page! :D in Canada you go into gr.9 when your 13 or 14. i start in september :( i love summer too much!

ohhh im lovin the SU2 pics Twiz! :D
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