Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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I'm worried because the TV guide said that Delko was going to get a g/f, so that means he's over Boa. So that leaves Ryan the only single available man for her, eh. I'm worried that he's going to get stuck working with her and fallen for her when she has all her drama with her ex. I think at first they will have him pissed at her treating her badly, but then he may feel bad for her and BLAH. Gosh I'm already worried, Damn you spoilers. I swore I wasn't reading no more but I already have, UGH.
sandersidle, are you angry at me? or angry at the natalia storyline?
Twiz, I had the same thoughts. I don't want office romances!! :rolleyes:
off screen gf's are better. :p
or no gf
ughhh. that sucks.
Twiz[/b]]thats what i was scared of. but i didnt know delko was going to get a g/f...thats even worse. im scared the relationship is kinda going to be like greg/saras on LV(sorry wrong show but its the only example i can think of) and if ryan is constantly helping natalia then im scared they could bond, and ect. thats kinda what happened with sandle.. does ryan know that natalia used him??
Even though they're spoilers, they are subject to change at anytime without warning so we'll only know for sure when the episodes air. :)

But I'm excited to see what the writers will come up with for Ryan. :D
Twiz that's terrible!!! I mean, I haven't watched s4 but I don't like Natalia for all the things I've read about her here and there. I'd prefer thinking that he'll help her with her problems and become a really good friend, but that's all, and then Natalia falls with.... Cooper
noo inge, im not angry at you!! i ment im not going any father in that discussion or im gonna have to use bad words. ;) sorryy i should have made that clearer :lol:
Left for two and a half days, it was only page 6 and now it's page 10??? :eek:

Omg I miss a lot... Jon in a band? :eek: Could this guy be even MORE PERFECT???? What instrument does he play? I'd die if he happens to play guitar or the drum...
Creative writing and drama class? Wow maybe if I had meet him in that summer program I'd fall in love rightaway with him :lol:
Sang "Summer Loving"?? He could sing?? Hmm wanna hear that...
Varying hairstyles? Haha it reminds me so much of Greg. I think Jon and Eric could really bond if they ever meet (have they?) or if they happen to be in the same show. Whoa blue mohawk??? Seriously? I wanna see!! I couldn't imagine Ryan with blue mohawk (though I'd love to see him trying faux-hawk ;)), but maybe Jon is more 'freestyle' than Ryan :lol:
well im not sure what intrument he plays but i saw a picture of him and he was singing in his band, but im not sure if it was only that one time??

In an interview Jon said he was aware people see a similarity but he hasnt ever met Eric Szmanda..its a shame :lol: ;)
Yeah... it'd be so cool if he ever meets Eric. I'm pretty sure they'd hit it off... I think they have a lot in common. Eric has passion for music, he used to be in music industry (or still is), and Jon used to be in a band.
Well at least they could talk about the crazy hairstyles they've both tried :lol: :lol:

Wonder if they'd meet in the upcoming crossover? It'd be so cool... two hot guys in one screen *faints*

He's the lead singer? Hmm can't picture him singing... And if looking at The Bravery now... I wonder what kind of voice he has (while singing). High pitch? Low deep one? I hope it's the later though... would be so sexy ;)
He sang just backup vocals in the band and he played the alto sax and the guitar now and then, but mainly sax..
Oh I'd love to hear him sing.....oh that Boston accent singing...faint.
I loved that article. It would have been awesome to be a classmate with Jon and his varying hairstyles. I'm a freshman in September, so it would have been exciting if I had gone to that school. And Jon looks really, really good with glasses. It's nice to know he wears glasses too. :)
Dang it, athlov got to it before me.

I knew who it was the minute I saw her. Pauley Perrette.

God, I hate sleeping. And I hate school. Gotta start ninth grade tomorrow.

I like his face in the second one.

I also like the fact that he wears glasses.

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