Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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Thumpy Good pic like always of course ;)
(I love this icon!!!) I don't know why, but now I like a little long hair guys :confused:
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Great pic Thumpy as always.

So I went to the mall for a while and I thought when I got back here would be pages for me to read and I'd be so far behind, but Nope not at all. Is everyone taking advantage of the last few weeks of summer or what? Where ya at? Well the first pic is of SU2 then these other 2 are surprises...
Man thanks so much Quicky for teaching me how to get pics, I've been having a blast and my hubby is complaining I'm taking up all the space on the puter with Togo pics. BOO HOO. web page web page
summer? where's summer? It's cold here. I'm freezing in the middle of August! :lol:
Thanks for the SU2 pics! You can post so many pics you want. I will never be able to see the show, so I'm glad to see the caps.

wait! the last two pics are new, aren't they?
from which show or interview are they?

nice pic Thumpy!
I haven't seen a Miami episode with Ryan for a while, I think I'm going to watch some episodes of Season 3 tonight. :D
So many good pictures. :D I love them all. Especially the one with the dorky face.

I remember the El Conquistador picutre. And I like The Bravery, so it's pretty cool to imagine Jon knowing them, and even being in a band with them.
Thanks athlov! :D
nice pic. He looks good with glasses.

If Jon had ever come to my university I would have fainted. The normally reserved and calm inge would have turned into a shrieking little fan girl. :lol:

Here's another pic from that interview. It's cool that he went there and did a speach for that prgram, he's such a great guy.

the interview said......While at PCC, Mr. Togo was known for his varying hairstyles, creativity and boundless energy. During those summers, he took creative writing and drama classes, sang “Summer Loving” in the program’s production of Grease, and met at least one friend that he remains very close to today.

OK that says he was known for his varying hairstyles and I read somewhere a long time ago that in high school JOn had a blue Mohawk, now I'm wondering if it's true. Could you see him with a blue mohawk? OMG I'd die for that pic. My son Jonathan has a red mohawk right now. Also that said he sang "summer loving" OMG I'd die to hear that...
wow finalllyyy im back. the wedding was sooo boring :lol:
im loving all the pics! :D omg! im going into gr. 9 so if i went to that school i could have seen him!? omg i would die, no i would cry :D thats really cool he did that tho :)
OMG your in 9th grade....OH i'm so old. My oldest son is going into 9th grade too.

The pics I posted earlier are from the Early show back in May, just so you know. He was being interviewed about the love triangle and asked why he would go after Delko's woman. EH.
no your not old Twiz :D
ohh ewww ok i was reading the summary of an interiew with togo and it said he would be asked about the love triangle hes in and i thought for sure it would be about calleigh delko and him...i dunno why but i see that as more of a love triangle?? the one with natalia is more like...a slut who wants to sleep with both of them to get info :lol:
yeah. i hope in season 5 they just get over that storyline. CSI is known for not carrying out storylines, so if they carry out this one i will be pissed. although i do want to see him tell her to leave him alone :).
first, I think natalia had/has a crush on eric and wasn't together with him just for information.
I also think that nothing happened between ryan and her.

could you do me a favor?
Could we please not write words like slut and b!tch?
at the moment I'm allergic to these word.
thanks! :)
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