Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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He looks so young in those SU2 pictures that he looks barely legal sometimes. :p
Didn't Jonathan say that he used to be in the band The Bravery? I just saw their video on MTV and their pretty good, but for some reason I can't picture Jon with them, maybe because he's too hot.
Thanks a lot !!! I think that Calliegh and Wolfe are cool together! :) I'll talk about them there in Carwash thread ;)
I really like beign with CSI MIAMI Wolfe fans over here :) post more pics i love them all :D
you fans are very kind and friendly just like ryan .. :D
Hi Horatio Love, just bumped into you in the CaRWash thread, so you found it there. At the moment, some certain Ohio citizen is posting SU2 pics like her life depends on it, so you're in the right spot here. :devil:

Bye bye Katie, I'll miss you!

He does look young and...sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! :D And for those who know what I'm talking about: SQUEEEEE!! :lol:
yay I made you squeee Nikki. So I got a Q's, does anyone want to see some more SU2 pics or did you get your fill?

Yeah he went to Vassar and all the other dudes went there too.
Yeah, I know.

I have a question of my own: I'm gonna try and get ahold of my trusty friend who has Internet access and a printer and see if she can print me off a couple of Jon Togo pics.

Can everyone choose their top 2 pics from JTO's online gallery and describe them here? :p I need to choose before Monday.
Get a fill of SU2 pics :eek: That's impossible! ;)

I don't know about anyone else, but I could look at pics until he cows come home. :lol:

*begs for more pics*
I've already seen every picture at JTO :p Want mooooooooore :D

ETA: Woe I almost double posted. Thank you soooooo much for the pictures.

ETAA: I like his grin in the third one. :D
Welcome to the Miami forum, horatio_love. :)

Twiz...thanks for all the SU2 pics. I really, really hope the Sci-Fi channel does show it soon, I am now even more anxious to see it.

And now, from the 'Money Plane' episode....

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day


awww...he looks so pensive and thoughtful.
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