Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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Thumpy said... I'm thinking that would probably be a 'no' on that one, I'd say it falls under the 'Intellectual Property' Rule.

thanks for answer, I was waiting on you for that.

I'm glad you liked the Thumpy call, it's the last one I have done but I may do more down the road. Maybe this season will give me more Ryan talking on the phone pics.

I'm glad everyone is enjoying the SU2 pics. It's all thanks to Quicky for teaching me how to caption and get pics. Also teaching me how to do the video's.

OH did you sing along with Ryan on that call Thumpy? :D
Twiztid4Togo said:
thanks for answer, I was waiting on you for that.

You're very welcome, Twiz.

I'm glad you liked the Thumpy call, it's the last one I have done but I may do more down the road. Maybe this season will give me more Ryan talking on the phone pics.

lol...I'm waiting for new S5 screencaps to come out so I can have pics to choose from for the POTD.

OH did you sing along with Ryan on that call Thumpy? :D

:lol: Yes...I did, I literally did. :p
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah Thumple, the EYELASH!!!!!!!!!OMG pic! :D :lol: *iz dead* My fingers really itch, they suffer from 'Miami hiatus' which means; they miss making screencaps :( Poor fingers :D

Twiz!!!!! OMG!!!!!! All those SU2 caps! *dies again* He was sooooooooooooooooooo young and so effing hilarious! My god, I miss that show :(

Okay, now togoholics top 5 Ryan eppys:

Shootout (all I can say is; BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Speed Kills (yes Ryan, Alexx IS boiling the head xD)
Nailed (ouch, but best acting job Togo did so far in Miami)
Game Over (just love him there xD)

I couldn't really decide between Game Over and Identity, but I chose Game Over because... yeah, well, I just did xD
OMG the pic!! *faints* :D
thanks Thumpy.

Thanks for the SU2 pics Twiz. I'm sure I would like this show, sometimes I want to watch funny sci-fi. Too bad that I can't receive German TV (like practically everyone else in Austria. :rolleyes:)

I remeber the scene in 'addiction'. His sigh! awww, I wanted to hug him. For me this episode was just a bad excuse to show Horatio in a lab coat. :p
He was a nebwie. He can't know everything.

my top 5 ryan episodes:
1) Legal. He was funny, cute and showed some great emotions.
2) Crime Wave. His first solo case and I like it how he cared about his uncle.
3) Shootout: also a solo case for ryan and the way he cares about the baby was soo cute.
4) nailed. everyone should see this episode. can't wait to see it.
5) driven. also an episode with a storyline for ryan. first, I wasn't so happy with this, but the writers showed it in a very likeable and realistic way.

EDIT: wow, I'm a 'CSI Level One' now! :lol:
hahhaa thats Twiz!! he looks sooo funny/cute in the third one! i still cant get over..."I just saw a rat the size of a poodle!!" :D haahha
Ryan looks so cute and sweet in your pictures that you have posted :)
i have a question, why do you call ryan and calleigh together "Car Wash"?
sandersidle said:i would have thrown him on my bed ;)
sandersidle control yourself :lol: :lol: although I think I'd do that too :devil: :eek:

horatio_love CaRWash means Calleigh and Ryan Wolfe addicted shippers. But I think you should talk about that in their forum (I'm there too ;)), it's just an advice ;) and welcome to the forum!!! Enjoy it!!!!
Welcome horatio_love ! :D

Here's the answer:
It means
C = Calleigh
a = and
R = Ryan
W = Wolfe
a = addicted
sh = shippers

you can find the thread here.
Our always nice and friendly mods here (Lucy and Thumpy) don't like it when we talk to much about ships here because it could offend other people! :)

EDIT: I'm soo slow! :(
Thanks Inge for showing that, I was wondering where you came up with that name..

Welcome horatio love, if you want pics of Ryan/Jon you came to the right spot.
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