Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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sandersidle I didn't remember that!!! Poor Ryan :( I don't like when he makes a mistake, thank goodness I'll have s3 in my hands soon, and I'll watch Ryan many times :D I can't wait.

Here there are 2 pics from that episode. Handsome

Poor baby!!!

I'm still sick, so I don't have anything to do tonight :D :p

I forgot to say that the pics are from JTO and Miami Style :D

I love his hair, I love dark hair!!!! with green eyes (they're not green but they look green sometimes, so let me dream ;))
umm yeah! im still watching it! :lol: shes so lucky! and hes said they could keep working on it together and she said no point...i just about died!!! i would have be like yeahh! maybe it takes time to work lets kiss again :devil: thanks again :D
haha i know. she didnt even do anything in the kiss. she just stood there and didnt even lean in. i would have passionatly kissed him, but nooo she barely kissed him lol
yeah...i bet the director told her not to really kiss him. but if he didnt that would be just...oh so sad. the first few takes i wouldnt be able to stop from kissing him and then theyd be like NO YOU NEED TO JUST STAND THERE DONT KISS HIM! :lol:
sandersidle said:
omg! i looked up special unit 2 on google and on wikipedia it said that special unit 2 will begin airing on the sci-fi channel in late 2006!!

You're kidding me? The Sci-Fi channel in the U.S.? *hopes it is* :D I'd assume though, that they'd start from the beginning, so we'd have to wait for the first season to play out first. ;)

Twiz said:
Q's can I link it here so everyone can watch it?

I'm thinking that would probably be a 'no' on that one, I'd say it falls under the 'Intellectual Property' Rule.

btw...Twiz, I absolutely love the last 'Thumpy Phone Call' pic. :D Thank you so much...definitely the highlight of my collection. (I've saved them all. ;) )

And thanks so much for posting all the SU2 pics.

My Top 5 Ryan episodes are:

(in no particular order)

1. Legal
2. Under The Influence
3. Nailed
4. Driven
5. Shootout

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'One Of Our Own')


Thanks to togoholic for the screencap! :D
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