Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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OK I'm back with a few more SU2 pics. In this one he is friggin skippin, so friggin hott. My hubby just put the ep where he was in crushin on that chic and the "kiss" happen on my puter. I'm going to try to cut the "Kiss" out and make it a little piece to play. Q's can I link it here so everyone can watch it?
He looks hilarious in those pics! I'm trying so hard not to laugh... I probably look like the third pic! :lol: And what is up with the face in the third pic? THAT is what made my day. :lol: :p
He was explaining something and said something about the person acting like a rock star or something, I can't remember the exact words. I have been watching this all day doing pics and laughing so hard at some of the faces he makes. He's awesome.

That would be great if the sci fi channel did play it. Hopefully it won't be the first season with that Sean guy eh.
ohhh if you can Twiz, pleasee share it! i want to see it sooo badly! :D

HAHA! thats sooo funny!!! :D i need to buy the second season!!

ew yeah thats what i was thinking. they better not play the first season.
I'll PM you if you can't too...I'd like to see it.

and Twizzy...AWWWWW he's SO CUTE! Now I really wish I got to see it :(

once more: AWWWW
Good question inge

My Top 5 Ryan Episodes (I haven't watched s4 complete, so most of them are from s3 :p)

* 'Under the influence'. s3. It's the first one, and he did it very well, 'cause he showed lots of self-confidence and he got along with Calleigh who was a little scared, because he was new.

* 'Shootout'. s3. One of my favorites. He was with this baby, and he looked so cute :sighs: :drools:. The writers could have given the baby story to Calleigh, for example 'cause she's a woman. At the end he looks so good taking care of her, waitin' for her mother. And he did the right thing when he calls Horatio to help the nanny. I love this episode ;)

* 'One night stand'. s3. My favorite one ;). Here I realized he was so hot, it was magic!!!! :eek: The first time he holds his gun, and I loved his clothes here, although I love his sweatervests!!! :drools-again: His hair in this episode was perfect. I wanted one pic with the gun but I don't remember where I saw one :(

* 'Nailed'. s4. His eye!!!. I just wanted to hug him, and run my fingers through his hair, I wanted to be Alexx.

* 'Payback'. s4. I haven't watched this episode, but he looks very, very hot holding those panties in front of Calleigh ;) :p

I'm sorry, if I'm late with my answers, it's just the I wanted to link a pic with every episode :D ;) to illustrate my POV :D and BTW the episodes aren't in order.
omg CalleighWolfe, i love the first two pics!! i think the first pic is super hot. i love the way he smiles, what hes wearing and his hair :lol: *drool*

and i just watched shootout again yesterday and i absolutly love him in that episode. especially in the end like your pic when hes holding the baby! *faints* hed be such a good dad ;) :lol:

ohh Twiz, i cant thank you enough for posting the SU2 pics :D your right. the second one is soooo hot! andd the third one hes a adorable.

alright im going to go either watch crimewave, legal, or addition...(i love in addiction when H looks in the inside of the tie that ryan said there was no blood on, and then H finds blood and ryans says "Horatio..i dont..i dont..know.know what to say" CUTEST THING EVER! i wanted to hug him so badly! does anyone remember that?? :D
Well I missed a few nights of Thumpy phone calls so I'm postin my last call tonight, I have no more. This is the grand finale.....
Now don't read it, you have to sing it.... for it to seem funny.


pic from JTO
It's really dark brown. OK now I got that kiss part cut but I'm not sure if I can post it in here so if anyone is interested in seeing it PM me.
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