Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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yeah the 100th doesnt look promising for ryan fans...unless of course you comprehend it in a gutter way...in which case...i wish i was the informant ;)

haha either way, im uber-psyched for season 5. almost worth it that it means ill be in school again. mondays arent so bad when you have a certain wolfe to look forward to.

ps im working on a ryan-centric fanfic: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2921393/1/ (i dont know if youre allowed to advertise that around here but i thought id give it a shot :p)
It's okay to post links to Fan Fiction as long as it is not rated over PG-13. :)
inge said:
crmscnnvstgtr101 said:
After the mole incident, I'd like to see him kind of become a better person and fix his relationships, because without one stable one, he's not going to get anywhere.

I think that the mole incident will have an impact on him. I hope that the writers don't forget to mention something.
He doesn't have a lot of friendships in the department anyway.
The writers have a problem with continuity. They forgot about his OCD, they totally messed up the eye thing, and if they screw this up, I don't know what more they could do. And because he doesn't have a lot of friendships to salvage, he better make things better quick.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous that they make Ryan screw up so many times. I haven't seen anybody else screw up as much as him. Ryan is always not at fault and the writers just keep painting this picture that he is an extremely flawed person. There are many flaws to the other characters and it's unfair that that Ryan is always the one to screw up.
i knoww..
i could understand why the writters made him mess up when he first started being a csi. because he was new. but hes not new anymore. hes not a patrol man turned csi. he should know not to make the stupid mistakes like he has in the past. :rolleyes:
that's rather annoyin that they're gonna make ryan screw up again. i mean really, they make him seem like he's bad at his job ... WHICH HE'S NOT .. so that really annoys me.
i know..hes so good at his job..i mean on his first day he solved calleighs dads case. hes really smart and someone like him in real life wouldnt make all those mistakes..its like the writers arent letting him become a good/responsible csi.. :confused:
The only way i will like Ryan messing up is if the people at the lab aren't mad at him.. like maybe he gets in trouble with someone else and not the people at the lab.. b/c i really don't want Calleigh and Eric to be mad at him.. b/c i love him and Calleighs relationship and him and Eric are getting along now and i've been enjoying that so i really hope they don't screw that up i will be very mad!
Y r they making him screw up this is just silly because the writers finaly have all the freindships flowing and now they want to mess it up.
shadowfax, I love your icon. this is one of my favorite ryan pics. :D
about the spoiler: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I'll try to be optimistic. I think an informant is a person who provides information for the police. maybe ryan shouldn't go to this specific person and he knows that he risks his career. but they need information to solve the case with the enemy who's smarter than the team. They got the important information and can solve the case but ryan gets into trouble. so ryan doesn't screw up and we can have Hero!Ryan

lame, but at least I tried

We shouldn't overract about the spoiler. maybe it will be not so bad. spoilers can change. the episode will air in october and it's a long long time till october.
stay calm! otherwise we'll go nuts! ;)
After the mole was revealed and didn't leave the show like I had read she would, I said I wasn't going to read any interview with Ann D or anyone from the show, except Jon, and I wasn't going to read anymore spoilers because half the time they are wrong, but here I am again reading it and getting upset before the season even starts. Now that I know this one I'll be dying to read more of them now, it's like a sickness man.
The spoilers are making me mad, so i'm gonna start to e spoiler free...Hmm i will try lol and life_style don't worry about Ryan's future ;) i'm sure there is nothing to worry, besides i've decided to trust anything coming from Donahue and company :lol:

ETA: Am i the only one who miss Jen and Togoholic? :( Will they be back soon? :(
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