Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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About the OCD,
it's not always progressive, I'm OCD myself and in my case it's in days, some days it's not so bad and other days I just have to have everything spick and span

The short or long hair debate, how many times have had that one :p

I like it both,
with the long hair he seems so young and cute and because he was pretty skinny with the long hair it makes me think of him along the lines of sweet
with the shorter hair he's also gotten more buff and that's when I think along the lines of sexy and hot :D
I really thought about which t-shirt color would fit to jon. :lol:
white is a good possibility.
we had purple, baby blue and blood orange red (you know, 'one of our own').
white would be a good color.

quickbeam, with your suggestions you triggered MY
secret ryan fantasy. :devil: dirty, dirty thoughts.
imagine ryan lives in a house and he's mowing the lawn without t-shirt, only jeans...
*perks up* Did I hear the words "low riding jeans" ?? :p :devil:

Hmmm... suddenly have the extreme craving for some season five. Wait, 'suddenly,' um, who am I kidding, it's been pretty consistent ever since the end of season four. :rolleyes: Although today I wanted it even more badly, lol. Possibly the thing I look forward to the most is finding out what Ryan/Jon is going to wear. :lol:

Hehe, glad to hear that, inge. :D It's nice to know that RyanFantasies are sweeping the planet. :p Too bad I still haven't thought of this week's, and will probably just leave it until next week. :( Apparently "Quickbeam's Ryan Fantasy Of The Week" is really more of a "Quickbeam's Ryan Fantasy Of A Once In A While." It's not for lack of them existing, though ;) , just a lack of good/useable ones. :lol:
Jon should wear a white shirt - wide open *drools*- and have the rim of his boxers above the top of his jeans like guys wear over here in the UK...now that's hot on guys but even hotter on Jon! ;)
quickbeam_cw said:
Too bad I still haven't thought of this week's, and will probably just leave it until next week. :( Apparently "Quickbeam's Ryan Fantasy Of The Week" is really more of a "Quickbeam's Ryan Fantasy Of A Once In A While." It's not for lack of them existing, though ;) , just a lack of good/useable ones. :lol:

you mean PG-13 stuff? :lol:
don't worry, 'once in a while' is also fine. :)

my season 5 'what should ryan wear' wishlist:
Ryan should wear some t-shirts this season and sometimes the jackets/shirts combination (but please not too flashy) and I also want to see him in shirts without the jackets. :p
I liked him in the layered look in AFter the Fall, but that was when he was gangly and skinny, I don't know if it would be good with his current muscle mass

but I like him with t-shirts and button down shirts (if the buttons aren't buttoned up all the way to the top, or preferebly not buttoned up at all)

his jeans are good :D we should get more buttcaps though
Oh I say more button down shirts and this season and lets pop one more of those buttons. Low riding jeans hhhmmm, your all making me very sad because there's still such a long way off till the season begins.

Quicky you should write a topless lawnmowing scene. I did one in my fic, but in my fic it's been going over the years and Ryan has 2 teenage sons that look just like him and they did yard work together....all in shorts and topless. Boy the neighbors were all watching. Now U see why I can't let anyone read those, hehehe.

I really can't complain about anything he's worn except for that one ugly jacket in season 3 that was green and had stripes, ugh.

I's like to see what he looks like in a wife beater shirt now, he looked too good when he was younger.
Does anyone know what day the new season will start? Last year I think it was Sept 19th so if they go with that same time frame it will be Sept 18th and that gives us 58 more days, damn that seems like a looooonnnggg time. Is it sad I'm already counting down the days?
umm i know csi lv is starting on the 21 so mabye it will start on the 17? or is that too early.

ahh i want to read your fanfict Twisted!!

i want to see "ryan's" tattoo. ive never really seen it on csi miami...is he trying to cover it on the show??
I'd like to see them show it but I don't think that would be Ryan's charater having a bad boy tatt, so I think they cover it up. In the last ep with the red t shirt you can see the bottom star tatt but you can't tell it's a tatt it looks more like a MOLE, maybe that's why they let it be seen for that ep.
But then again it seems like last season they were changing Ryan and making him more aggressive and hot headed, he went off on peeps quite a few times, so maybe they will make him more a bad boy this season and we'll get a shirtless tattooed Ryan, OMG I'd faint for sure. If they do I hope they put a warning at the beginning of the show for peeps, I'd hate to faint and miss it.

My fic is very long, 3 different chapters starting from when Ryan meets his wife up to now with kids. I've been writing if over a year now and it's probably x rated in parts, I have a wicked mind. This last chapter so far has 256,041 words and it's my smallest one. It's long. I wish I felt comfortable with peeps reading it but I dont yet, sry.
Oh yes and he smashed her recorder thingy, oh I loved that. When he threw her on the elevator and told her to loose his number and never call him again then slammed the button, I was jumping up and down,, go Ryan go Ryan. Man I hate that chic and I hope she's not in this season. I don't kno who's worse her or Boa with him, ugh. I'm hoping since they kind of had him having a thing for those 2 that in this season it will be all work and no ladies in his life, especially since they keep pairing him up with lying bitches. I just want him to be about work and his FAMILY.
It's Uncle Ron....Ronald. I wish I knew if he was from his mom's side or his dad's, I really hope if nothing else they have him with Ryan if no parents, I mean come on the guy lives in Miami, have Ryan visit him or have to take care of him. My theory is that his Uncle was a CSI too and that's why it's in Ryan's blood. Now I always thought his name would be Ron Wolfe, like he's his dad's brother but if he was a CSI with that name then chances are the rest of the team would have put that together, so now I'm thinking he's from his mom's side and has a different last name...damn I always use Wolfe as his name. TPTB have to give us some kind of info on his background this season, come they have had 2 seasons now to figure out who and how they want Ryan to be.
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