Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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What??? They're going to make Boa Vista a CSI???? are they out of their minds? I mean come on, she was the mole, you can't trust her with something important as a CSI job and Ryan is going to help her? that's even worse, he was the one who was supposed to figure her out and she blatantly lied in his face... jeebes this isn't good
Two things:

first: THANKS INGE!! lol i get a promotion :p don't ask me what i did to get it :lol: just kidding lol i wa shoping a calm season for Ryan but seems like i was wrong

two: Swifty hunny you get confused with your spoilers tag lol your spoiler isn't hid ;)
SwiftTales somehow your spoiler thing didn't work and we can all read it but that's ok because it's basically the same thing I said and I agree..WTF are they doing to our CSIM? I have a bad feeling I'm going to do a lot of complaining this season.
Making Boa a CSI is just plain stupid. Did TPTB forget how they ended last season?

I just hope we get lots of Ryan on camera time and a good story line. I'd love some family background and NO love crap. So far he's been burned twice with chics, reporter bitch totally screwed him and Boa lied to his face, give up on chics Ryan.
I've just edited SwiftTales post so the spoiler part is now hidden. ;)
thanks Lucy, that's cool :)

tutel Snake? i don't get it......Why Donahue hate us so much? i thought it was over , that she went out with him and Eric just for getting informations about the lab...and the mole wasn't supposed to be kick off the show..Awww i have a headache now :(
ugh...guys these newest spoilers are just....ick! I was hoping for a serious decrease in the soapishness of the show this year, but after reading what may happen, somehow I feel I'm going to be disappointed.


Congrats again on becoming a mod, sissi :D

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(from 'Open Water')


(credit: CSI Screencaps)

Oh...I find it a little funny that I posted a 'From The Grave' pic yesterday, and that's what episode repeated last night on CBS. :lol: That was totally unintenional.
ARG!! No way! No freakin' way!

Arg! Just this morning I was posting about how they'd probably make her a CSI even though that'd be ridiculous because she'd suck, and now what happens?! I'm just glad to hear that Ryan's not going to let her off easy for being the mole. It is kinda weird that he's gonna be her tutor, but I suppose since Calleigh will be busy running the lab, and H and Eric are gonna be away, he's the only one left. But just watch, since he's supervising her, he'll end up getting blamed for her screw-up somehow, because that's the way this show works. :mad:

ETA: Oooh, and congratulations to our newest moderator! :D Way to go, sissi :D
Congrats again on becoming a mod, sissi
ETA: Oooh, and congratulations to our newest moderator! Way to go, sissi

**hugs the girls** Thank you i fell on the greenside lol first day as a mod: i'm tired lol

Oh...I find it a little funny that I posted a 'From The Grave' pic yesterday, and that's what episode repeated last night on CBS. That was totally unintenional.

oh you have extrapowers and you didn't share them with us !! :eek:cough**don't look at her in the eyes**cough wonderful pic btw, i can't help but looking at his neck....there is a huge place for a bitemark :rolleyes:

Oh Quick, you know, i'm tired of thinking about the spoilers :( i'm so disappointed , i assume now that Donahue officially hate us
Great pic of the day... and scary spoilers :( just dropped by to post a little. I wont be on for a while , i got my tonsils out- gotta go rest. Post later
awww gee-thanks... I promise this is the last post till tomorrow atleast lol What a sincere look on the first one...they are all gorgous!! got some chest on that last one!
Thanks so much.. I definatly feel some better lol...well gotta go.. post sometime lol Byebye!!! and thanks again!
Great pics as always Thumpy and so cute story Quickie.
I hope you feel better soon IluvJT and Congrates Sissy, take it easy on the posters. I'm really worried about this season, I hope the stupid soapy shit is over or at least the love triangle, can I say that enough. I think Eric and Boa had a connection, you could tell she really liked him and I think he liked her so I hope they hook up and Ryan stays away from her.
This season I'm not going to believe a word Ann D says, I'm not even going to read her interviews, eh. I was just going through some stuff a few days ago and I found the TV guide that had spoilers in it for last season and one said that they had to investigate a murder in a haunted house....did that ever happen??? I think I would have remembered a haunted house. :eek:
If by haunted house they mean beautiful million dollar mansion, then perhaps. And if by murder they mean either a)arresting a pile of Mala Noches, b)a victim lived in said million dollar mansion, c)suspects live in said million dollar mansion, then yes, I suppose there was a murder in a haunted house. :rolleyes:

Perhaps haunted meant "under construction" and they were referring to 'Nailed', and by investigate they mean 'shoot poor Ryan in the eye with a nail gun.'

Or perhaps the haunted part was Boa Vista haunting Ryan at his crime scene in "Shattered." Yup, that must have been it. Seriously, I always thought that it looked like she was into him in that ep, but he didn't really reciprocate. Then suddenly he's wearing sweatervests and getting cleared for landing at a Mexican Wrestling match. And borrowing money for lobster. *sigh*

Luckily there'll be no more of that next season. Well, we hope. At least not at first. But that'll probably change. *sigh*
quickbeam_cw said:
Or perhaps the haunted part was Boa Vista haunting Ryan at his crime scene in "Shattered." Yup, that must have been it. Seriously, I always thought that it looked like she was into him in that ep, but he didn't really reciprocate. Then suddenly he's wearing sweatervests and getting cleared for landing at a Mexican Wrestling match. And borrowing money for lobster. *sigh*

Luckily there'll be no more of that next season. Well, we hope. At least not at first. But that'll probably change. *sigh*

Boy I love your sarcasm quickbeam. :p

I agree with you.
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