Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

HAHA i totally laughed when i read your dream hot4jontogo!!
i wonder what jon would say if you tell him your dream!!
Jonathan in an Egg costume. :eek:

Happy Easter to everyone by the way. I won't be on tomorrow because I'll most likely be at my sisters.

Gift Time:
im going to record it b/c of the baby and also b/c many people say that calleigh says "I'll give it to Togo"
when she's talking to Alexx in the beginning of the episode
ETA: i think that its funny when in 'Nailed' he opens the closet in the trailer and he gets scared by the things that come out :lol:
Just a reminder for those in the US, SU2 will be on Sun, Apr 8, 11:00PM on SCI-FI. It will be the pilot ep, The Brothers.

Unfortunately no Jon in this one, but it's a great show and a recommend it. :D

There are six eps in the first season, all without Jon, and then the second season is 13 eps, all with Jon. At least I think so, I didn't see The Grain, which is the first ep of the second season.
Wow!!! hot4jontogo your dream would of been great if your ex wasn't in it. You could of gone to see the easter egg called Jon!
Happy easter to everyone tomorrow!!! I'l be on because well I always am!!!!!!
Wish I loved in US, could watch Miami all the time. Damn channel 5!
i have a request ...
im having a REALLY bad day ... so can someone post some REALLY niiiiiice jon pics?? like maybe some rare ones?
it would make me oh so happy!!!
Shoot Out is going to be on today?! Or tomorrow?? Yay!
Dont worry Elise I will post some pics later when I get more time, youll be cheered up in no time because its Hot Guy Therapy!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

hey guys it's been aaages since i've been here.. soorryy and wow new thread !! congratulations :D
oh and hi inge haven't heard from you in ages hun !! it's nice to know you're still alive!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Shootout is tomorrow.

sienna, I love your signature. :D

Anyone else excited for Mondays episode? I can't wait...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

HI sienna! :)
I've already sent you a PM.

aw Elise, I hope you feel better now. :)

Thanks for all the hot and cute pictures. :eek:
Happilyhappy, is this pic from 'Driven' or 'Curse of the Coffin'?
My last episode was 'Driven' and wow, watching him at TV with a T-shirt is even bettern than all the creen caps. :D

Next Monday is an official holliday that means no CSIM episode for me. :(
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

That one is from Curse of the Coffin. You can tell because the purple has faded. Probably from too many washes. :lol:

I have a question. Someone once mentioned that we can see the star from Jon's tattoo in one of the episodes because he is wearing a t-shirt. Which episode is it from?
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