Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

That is true....but speaking from personal experience....it is always hard to separate homelife and work and if he is really having hard times at home....his work will suffer.....regardless of how ambitious and intelligent he is. Let's hope that they do have some kind of back story to explain these discrepencies.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

No posters in the UK sadly :(

ForgottenEvidence I am also a sucker for great hair but I am also a sucker for great smiles, cool shirts and muscles.... which.. TOGO HAS!!! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Heather, the other epi where he shot his gun in Season 5 would be "Throwing Heat", the one where Frank Tripp steps on the land mine on the beach right in the beginning.

katbug!!! Thankies so much for the pics! Totally gorgeous!

Now, I am not totally OCD, but I have been told from my doctor (I know, scary) that I do have a "mild" case of it, but I still make alot of mistakes, they just aren't as critical as Ryan's.

I too, like other OCD people, have to check and make sure my door is locked 15 times an hour and I also have to make sure every book, item, picture, and piece of clothing is lined up and nothing is tipped over or not straight.

The point is, "OCD people" all have something they are OCD about. It doesn't nccessairly have to be about their hair or their wallet.

So, really, Ryan isn't perfect (even though his looks say otherwise ;) ). Like AliGtr pointed out, OCD technically means "having an addiction to something" and that may be like Ryan and his gambling..

Then again, as katbug mentioned...He could be gambling because of a "personal problem"..? :confused:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do not ask what that was about it was random

My name is Hayley by the way and it's easier to refer to me than RyanAddict :D
I just realised that those people with Witness under there names means the could of witnessed Ryan getting underdressed ;) ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

When I have trouble at home, I take refuge at work, I'll stay longer and work harder. Anyway, as far as the scriptwriters are concerned, he doesn't have a home life - he turns up for work and when it's over might as well be abducted by aliens. Once or twice he's spoken about a 'friend' (is it the same one, I wonder?), but other than that, he seems to live in a 'bubble'
He studied science, was supposed to be studying for his doctorate in genetics. All branches of science require you to be methodical and precise, he's supposed to have spent years studying in this way, it would be second nature to him! I accept that we can change behaviour dramatically but for him to deviate from the norm would require more than one stressors.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

AliGtr said:
I seem to remember that having OCD can go hand in hand with having an addictive personality. Getting obsessed with doing something is rather like being addicted to it. It's probably a fine line. So maybe the gambling thing isn't so far out there after all?
i know what that's like!!! i happen to have OCD too. and when i find something i like i just get so obsessed with it. haha maybe that's why i'm so obsessed with CSI: miami :D oh and if any of you have questions about OCD, i'd be happy to answer them.....seeing as i unfortunatly have it and know what Ryan's going through......darn it, why do i have to have it!!!!!!! it actually sucks because i have to do all these little quirky things like make sure my socks are in order by color and size, make sure the door is locked like a bajillon times before i can leave the house, i'm constantly organizing all my stuff by color and size, just all these little habits that i have to do even if i don't want to do them, it's like if i don't then i'll go berserk.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

RyanAddict said:
Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do not ask what that was about it was random

My name is Hayley by the way and it's easier to refer to me than RyanAddict :D
I just realised that those people with Witness under there names means the could of witnessed Ryan getting underdressed ;) ;)
I am not going to comment on the Ryan undressed part. Will not say anything...would get in trouble with the mods..... :devil: Trying to be really good here..... :devil:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

HAHA that made my day too!!! and I can't wait till tomorrow and Sunday at 11:35pm(on the east coast)!!! because that's when they are showing eps with Ryan!!! It's been eps with Speed all week. not that, that is a bad thing or anything, don't get me wrong. I Love Speed. it's just nice to mix it up a bit and get an equal blend of Ryan and Speed :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I have all the seasons, so I can watch Ryan whenever I want (and trust me, that is exactly what I do), but for some reason, I enjoy watching them on TV! :D

I dunno why, but I do! :lol:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Did I show you guys this picture yet? I dont think I did... Anyways

His face is kind of scary but its actually pretty hot isnt it? I mean, he is always hot but the face :eek: Its kind of different :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ok guys ... im reallly sorry for saying this, and i know im not a mod ... but seriously we HAVE TO SLOW DOWN on the postings!! we're on our 3rd page since yesterday morning. this is INSANELY too fast!! im getting really annoyed and im not the only one. some people in here have posted enough to make an entire page on their own in a day.

my suggestion? pm each other and get aim, msn, yahoo, whatever you gotta get and chat that way.

i am THIS CLOSE to walking away from the forum because of this and im not the only one.

im really sorry for coming across as a bitch but i am here to talk about jonathan togo and his characters. im not here to read pages and pages of "OMG HES SO CUTE!" ... theres really only so much of that a person can read. we get it. you think hes cute, so do the rest of us, or we wouldnt be here.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i agree with hot4jt. i'm seriously having trouble following and however Hot and absolutly sexy Jon may be i also like to talk about his character's development, stuff like that. and i don't mean to sound like a mod either(no offense) :D thanks!!:D and yes he did look very buff in that pic.
i can't wait till the ep where we find out about how Ryan gets fired and about his past. because we don't know much about him and it would be nice to find out :D
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